How to Moisturize the Skin of the Face Naturally

How to Moisturize the Skin of the Face Naturally
How to Moisturize the Skin of the Face Naturally

Table of contents:


The skin is affected by hormones, stress and even weather conditions. Whenever you feel dehydrated, it's important to apply a moisturizer. Moisturizing it also helps prevent it from becoming irritated and causing an annoying itch. If you want to be sure that you are using a product that contains only natural substances and no chemicals, there is no better solution than using some of the healthiest and most nutritious ingredients in your pantry.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare and Apply a Moisturizer with Natural Ingredients

Step 1. Choose an oil

It must be natural: in this way dry skin will be able to absorb it easily. If possible, choose one that comes from organic farming to make sure it does not contain residues of chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides. Pour 6 tablespoons into a bowl. Recommended oils include:

  • Coconut oil: has a light texture and antibacterial properties;
  • Jojoba oil: this is also a light oil, which the skin absorbs quickly;
  • Shea butter: has a rich and pasty consistency, which makes it suitable for very dehydrated skin;
  • Argan oil: is a light oil that fights inflammation.

Step 2. Add aloe vera gel

Measure out a spoonful, then add it to the oil in the bowl. If you want to extract the gel directly from an aloe vera plant leaf, cut it off using a knife, then cut off the two serrated sides to reach the gel inside. Now you can squeeze it or scrape off the gel with a spoon. Alternatively, you can buy aloe vera gel at a herbalist's shop; in this case, be sure to choose an additive-free product.

The results of some studies show that aloe vera can be effective in treating dry skin

Moisturize Your Face Naturally Step 3
Moisturize Your Face Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Add an essential oil

If you want your moisturizer to have a pleasant scent, pour 4-5 drops of an essential oil of your choice directly into the bottle. You don't need to moisturize your skin - essential oils generally have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, so they can help relieve irritation. Among those that benefit the skin are:

  • The essential oil of lavender;
  • The essential oil of geranium;
  • The essential oil of lemongrass;
  • The essential oil of tea tree;
  • Chamomile essential oil.

Step 4. Blend the ingredients of the cream

After you've poured the carrier oil, aloe vera gel, and essential oil into the boule, it's time to mix them. You need to get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.

If you want to be sure to mix them perfectly you can use an electric whisk

Step 5. Keep the cream for the following days

Pour it into a sterilized glass jar with an airtight seal. Screw the lid on and put it in the refrigerator. Since it does not contain any preservatives, you will need to use it within a few days.

If you find that you can't finish it in time, next time you cut the recipe in half to avoid having to throw away the leftover part

Step 6. Apply it to your face

Pick up a small amount with your fingertips, about the size of a pea. First pat it on different points of the face, then massage it gently to spread it evenly.

The ideal is to apply the cream immediately after washing your face, so that the skin retains as much moisture as possible

Part 2 of 3: Prepare and Apply a Mask with Natural Ingredients

Make a Green Tea Face Mask Step 14
Make a Green Tea Face Mask Step 14

Step 1. Make a face mask with fennel and oats

Grind a few tablespoons of oats in the blender to turn it into flour. Infuse 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds in 120 ml of boiling water (for 10 minutes). Filter the herbal tea through a colander, then mix one tablespoon with a tablespoon of oatmeal and one of honey in a bowl.

Fennel is very useful for preventing wrinkles and moisturizing normal skin, which does not present any particular problems. Oats act as a natural exfoliant by eliminating dead skin cells

Make All Natural Face Masks Step 6
Make All Natural Face Masks Step 6

Step 2. Make a nourishing mask with avocado

Mash half of the ripe fruit in a bowl, until you get a smooth and uniform cream. Add a tablespoon of plain yogurt and one tablespoon of raw honey. Stir to completely blend the ingredients. The mask should have a pasty consistency.

Natural avocado oils can nourish those of the skin and moisturize the face

Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 8
Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 8

Step 3. Apply the mask to your clean face

Once ready, it's time to apply a generous amount to the skin. Spread it evenly; you can use your fingers or a make-up brush, for example the one you use to apply foundation.

Avoid the area around the eyes and lips

Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 12
Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 12

Step 4. Let it act

Based on the natural ingredients you used, it will stay moist or gradually dry on the skin. If you followed the recipe for the oatmeal and fennel mask, leave it on for 20 minutes. The avocado mask will act faster: 10-15 minutes will be enough.

In general, beauty masks formulated to moisturize the skin do not dry out as much as those that aim to make it less oily. If your face starts to get red or irritated, remove the mask immediately

Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 17
Make Home Made Face Masks Using Natural Ingredients Step 17

Step 5. Wash off the mask with water

It will need to be lukewarm to gently rinse the skin. Use your fingers or a very soft cloth soaked in warm water to remove the mask faster. After washing it off almost completely, rinse your face one last time with cold water to help close the pores of the skin.

You can repeat the treatment 2-3 times a week to keep the skin hydrated

Part 3 of 3: Safeguarding Moist Skin

Stop Coughing at Night Step 4
Stop Coughing at Night Step 4

Step 1. Use a humidifier while you sleep

If you tend to wake up with dehydrated skin, the air in your room is likely too dry, perhaps due to the climate, air conditioning or heating. Either way, you can solve the problem by humidifying the air. A humidifier is an electrical appliance that generates water vapor to maintain the correct level of humidity in the air.

While steam can moisturize your skin, you should avoid hot showers. The reason is that hot water removes its natural oils from the skin, making it even drier

Get Rid of Dry Skin Step 3
Get Rid of Dry Skin Step 3

Step 2. Change moisturizer

It is easy to check the type of oil used if you are the creator of the recipe, so you can vary the ingredients of the cream according to the season. If you notice that the one you're using isn't nutritious enough for the cold winter months, when the air tends to be drier, try using a richer base ingredient (like cocoa or shea butter).

Remember to switch back to a lighter oil when the season changes again and temperatures rise

Get Rid of Pimples Naturally (Sea Salt Method) Step 15
Get Rid of Pimples Naturally (Sea Salt Method) Step 15

Step 3. Make a moisturizing spray made from natural ingredients

You can always keep it at hand to refresh your face whenever you feel the skin "tighten" because it is drying out. Again, the recipe is very simple: add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to distilled water inside a spray bottle. Screw the measuring cap onto the bottle, then shake it to mix the ingredients.

Try using rose, sandalwood, or bergamot essential oils, which help keep your skin hydrated

Drop Water Weight Step 1
Drop Water Weight Step 1

Step 4. Drink lots of water

To keep the skin hydrated, it is a must to drink at least 6-8 glasses a day. The benefits brought by water to the body are innumerable, for example the skin on your face will look more beautiful and toned. Remember that fresh fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of water.
