What is the right way to distribute the dishes? How to clear the table? Serving guests well at a special dinner isn't exactly an easy task. Here are some guidelines that can help you better manage the next dinner you are organizing.

Step 1. Place some dishes on the table
Choose generic dishes that your guests can easily take on their own. Steamed or grilled vegetables, rice, salads, potatoes and various condiments are among the dishes that you can leave in the center of the table. If you don't want to complicate things, leave only the salt and pepper.

Step 2. Arrange the most particular, artistic and sophisticated foods on the plates, with care and directly in the kitchen
Or dedicated to "serving". Do not let the guests serve themselves in the case of food consisting of several elements or very elaborate. In order for everyone to notice your creativity you will have to patiently take care of the presentation of the dishes and be careful not to drop drops of sauce, crumbs or any disturbing elements.

Step 3. Establish the order of service
As usual, women are usually served first (from the oldest to the youngest) and then the men (in the same order). If you want to stick to tradition and give a formal imprint, you can follow this rule. Or, choose one side of the table and start distributing the dishes clockwise, regardless of gender and age.

Step 4. Distribute the plates from the left
Both the host and the diners should pass the plates to the left. The rationale is that in most cases the right hand is the dominant hand, so doing so will make it more comfortable to hold the pot and pass it to the other guests. Today it is no longer necessary to have to continue to pass the food, if you are left handed do not worry, just take your plate without waiting.

Step 5. Continue serving the dishes
It is not a good idea to make guests wait too long between courses. They may become restless, impatient, or criticize your organization.

Step 6. Surprise guests with your knowledge
Do not hesitate to share some details about your consolidated recipes or the quality of the wines chosen in combination. However, try not to go into specifics when telling how the cooked animal was hunted or killed. It would not be in good taste and some guests might be disgusted by it. Leave this topic for a conversation by the fireplace after dinner with friends who share your point of view.

Step 7. Take away only two plates at a time, starting from the right
The host or waiter will have to remove no more than two plates at a time to avoid disturbing guests who are still eating. There is nothing more irritating than having an elbow in front of you while you are about to bring the fork to your mouth.

Step 8. Isolate dirty dishes and don't leave them in sight
The place to remove leftovers from dishes is the kitchen, not the table. It would be better if the guests did not notice this process but it would be impossible in many homes, but try to be as discreet as possible, avoid dropping the dishes or banging them together.

Step 9. Remove the courses from the table before serving the dessert
You will need to take away all dishes, placemats, and condiments. If you haven't placed the dessert spoons on the table, then it's time to distribute them.

Step 10. Serve the creams, dessert toppings, and sugar from the left
Chocolates generally move quickly around the table, it is suspected that they have legs …

Step 11. Being the cook, or host, served last
Not only is it a gesture of respect towards the guests but it is also logical, after all you will be quite busy between the service and the kitchen.

Step 12. Don't be afraid to ask for help
With the exception of more formal dinners, it is not strange to ask a friend to help you with the service. Do not take too much advantage of the situation because that person has also come to you to have fun, but do not hesitate to ask for help with simple tasks that do not put their clothes at "risk of stains".
- Place the meat, or the main course, in front of the guests aligned vertically (or "six o’clock" position). It is the optimal position to present your dish in the best possible way and ensure that there are no smudges, moreover, it will be well exposed and visible to all guests.
- Coffee can be served with dessert (American style) or after dessert (European style). In the second case you can also add an assortment of small pastries, chocolates and wafers to sweeten the palate after coffee. However, it is possible that at that point your guests are already completely full!
- In case you have doubts about the order of service, let the diners pass the dishes, but check that it happens sideways, from person to person. A plate or a pitcher must never pass across the table but go around it. The person waiting on the opposite side will have to wait a little longer.
- Always keep extra dishes on hand. For several reasons they may not be enough (if they break, if they have been used for another purpose or if guests have soiled two plates for the same dish, etc). Keep this in mind before purchasing your dinner service.
- If you don't feel like serving wine in addition to the dishes, ask for the help of a guest and give him the task. Wine lovers will not decline your request.
- Watch out for hot drinks, tea bags, and very hot sauces.
- Don't assume that all guests enjoy wine and alcoholic beverages. Prepare alternatives and never allow yourself any comment, not even joking, about their choices. There could be religious, ethical and social reasons, any comment can be offensive.
- Do not hand over very hot dishes to guests if possible. If you really have to do so, notify them before handing it over. Guests may move suddenly, bump the plate that's too hot, or push it against the person serving it.