How to Teach Body Part Names to Preschool Children

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How to Teach Body Part Names to Preschool Children
How to Teach Body Part Names to Preschool Children

Babies can learn the names of body parts from an early age through songs, games and other activities. These basic anatomy lessons teach children to recognize body parts, such as eyes, nose, hands and feet, and to understand what they are for. The best children can continue and create a rich vocabulary, begin to understand biology and perhaps in the future specialize in medical sciences or art forms that involve the representation or use of the body, such as dance.


Method 1 of 2: Anatomy for Preschool Children

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 1
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 1

Step 1. Find out what children want to learn about body parts

In principle, preschoolers should know the name and function of the following parts of the human body:

  • Head (including hair, eyes, ears, nose, lips and teeth)
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Arms (including elbow and wrist)
  • Hands (including fingers and thumb)
  • Chest
  • Stomach (other names, such as belly or abdomen, also work)
  • Legs (including thighs)
  • Ankles
  • Feet (including big toes)

Method 2 of 2: Ways to Teach Body Parts to Preschoolers

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 2
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 2

Step 1. Show the children where each part of the body is by pointing it out and naming it

Have the children point to it and repeat the name.

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 3
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 3

Step 2. Name a body part and ask the children to move it

Movement creates a link between mind and body, because the name is processed by linking thought to action, which increases the chances of memorizing the name.

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 4
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 4

Step 3. Ask the children to match pictures of body parts to their names

This helps children learn how to spell the names of body parts.

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 5
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 5

Step 4. Play "Simon says to."

.. ". In this game, you ask the children to do some tasks that involve parts of the body. For example, you can ask them to touch their nose or lift a leg. Explain the game to the children and remember to say" Simon says to … "when you want them to perform an action, and to only say the action if you don't want them to perform it (this is the main rule of the game).

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 6
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 6

Step 5. Singing songs helps children learn

If you search the internet you can find many songs about body parts and you can sing them with the children. Otherwise, you might as well invent your own. If you want songs to teach the names of body parts in English, you can use "Dem Bones", "The Bone Dance" by Hannah Montana, "The Parts of You and Me" and more.

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 7
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 7

Step 6. Play some music that the children like and ask them to dance by moving specific parts of the body

Dancing is a fun way for kids to learn.

Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 8
Learn Body Parts for Preschool Step 8

Step 7. Tickle the babies on the head, shoulders, tummy, etc

Ask them if they are ticklish and then ask them to say the name of the body part you touched.
