How to Recognize and Treat Ectopic Pregnancy

Table of contents:

How to Recognize and Treat Ectopic Pregnancy
How to Recognize and Treat Ectopic Pregnancy

Early in a normal pregnancy, the inseminated egg travels through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus where it implants. In an ectopic pregnancy, however, the egg implants itself elsewhere, usually a tube. These types of pregnancies are real medical emergencies that pose a threat, especially in the case of abortion, so it is important to recognize the symptoms.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 1
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 1

Step 1. First symptoms

Some women who experience an ectopic pregnancy do not understand it until they arrive at the doctor or the emergency room at the end of their life. Knowing the symptoms is therefore vital:

  • lack of menstruation
  • breast sensitivity
  • nausea and vomiting ("morning sickness")
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 2
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 2

Step 2. Take abdominal or pelvic pain seriously

If you have pain in that area or cramps on one side of the pelvis, you may have an ectopic pregnancy. If the pain persists, gets worse, or is accompanied by other symptoms, see the doctor right away.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 3
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 3

Step 3. Back pain

They can be of various kinds but if you perceive one, especially in the lower back, accompanied by other symptoms, go to the doctor.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 4
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 4

Step 4. Notice any vaginal discharge

Abnormal bleeding is a common symptom in ectopic pregnancy but unfortunately it is also one of the most confusing: if you were not aware of your pregnancy, you might think it is your period and if you know you are, you can think of an abortion..

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 5
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 5

Step 5. Look for signs of a miscarriage

When this happens, the symptoms are heavier. At this point your condition has become potentially fatal so keep in mind if:

  • you feel faint or confused
  • pain or pressure in the rectum
  • you have low blood pressure
  • you have pain in the shoulder area
  • you have sudden abdominal or pelvic pain.

Part 2 of 3: Risk Factors to Consider

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 6
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 6

Step 1. Factors related to previous pregnancies

Some women will never know what caused ectopic pregnancy, but there are factors that appear to increase the risk. The first is a history of ectopic pregnancies: if you have already had one, you are at risk of having more.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 7
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 7

Step 2. Consider the health of your reproductive system

Sexually transmitted infections, pelvic infectious diseases, endometriosis, and congenital problems with the fallopian tubes increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Any operation on the reproductive organs including tubal ligament, ligament reversion or other pelvic surgery increases the risk

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 8
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 8

Step 3. Fertility treatments are just as risky

If you have taken fertility drugs or in vitro conception you are at high risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 9
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 9

Step 4. Intrauterine contraceptives

Women who use this type of protection are at risk if the method does not work and they become pregnant.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 10
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 10

Step 5. Age

Over the age of 35, the risk increases.

Part 3 of 3: Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 11
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 11

Step 1. Go to the doctor right away

If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, whether the test is positive or not, go to the doctor or the emergency room as soon as you can.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 12
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 12

Step 2. Have your pregnancy confirmed

If you haven't taken a test yet, your doctor will take care of it. A pregnancy test will give a positive result if the egg is implanted in the uterus or in another area of the body.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 13
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 13

Step 3. Do a pelvic exam

If you are pregnant, your doctor will likely give you a standard pelvic exam. It will check for painful or sensitive areas and look for palpable masses. At the same time, it will check for any visible causes of your symptoms.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 14
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 14

Step 4. Ask for an ultrasound

If your doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, you should do an internal ultrasound right away. Your doctor will insert a small probe into your vagina to transmit the images and look for evidence of your ectopic pregnancy.

Sometimes it is too early for pregnancy, even if ectopic, to show on the ultrasound. In this case, if your symptoms are mild or uneventful, your doctor may choose to monitor you and repeat the ultrasound sometime later. However, one month after conception, a pregnancy - normal or ectopic - is clearly visible

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 15
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 15

Step 5. If you have an ectopic termination of pregnancy, you need to receive prompt treatment

If you have massive bleeding or are showing signs of miscarriage, your doctor will skip the preliminary test phase and have you undergo surgery.

Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 16
Recognize and Treat an Ectopic Pregnancy Step 16

Step 6. Know that pregnancy is never possible

The only way to manage an ectopic pregnancy is to remove the embryonic cells. And it is done surgically.

In some cases, they may also remove your fallopian tubes. If this happens, know that it is still possible to get pregnant, provided that at least one tuba remains intact


  • Despite the ectopic pregnancy, you will still be able to have babies. The success rate for future pregnancies depends on many factors, including your overall health and the causes of this ectopic pregnancy. Talk to your doctor.
  • Consult your doctor before trying to get pregnant again. Depending on your specific circumstances, your gynecologist may ask you to wait three to six months before conceiving.
  • While most ectopic pregnancies cannot be prevented, you can somewhat reduce the risks by avoiding anything that can affect your fallopian tubes. This means having safe sex, treating sexually transmitted infections and other diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Don't feel guilty. Most of these pregnancies cannot be prevented. You probably haven't done anything wrong. Ectopic pregnancies are not your fault.
  • If you are feeling very emotional after an ectopic pregnancy, know that this is normal. Seek moral and psychological support or join an abortion help group.