How to Share App on Android via Bluetooth

Table of contents:

How to Share App on Android via Bluetooth
How to Share App on Android via Bluetooth

Using an Android device you can share not only files such as images, sounds and videos - you can also share applications installed on your phone or tablet. An easy way to send your applications to another Android device without having to root it is to use a third party application available on Google Play.


Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Download APK Extractor

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 1
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 1

Step 1. Go to Google Play

Tap the Google Play icon on your phone or tablet's app screen.

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 2
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 2

Step 2. Look for the app called “APK Extractor

It is a small free application. Tap the app when you find it.

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 3
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 3

Step 3. Install the app

Tap "Install" to download and install APK Extractor on your phone or tablet.

Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Share your Apps

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 4
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 4

Step 1. Launch APK Extractor

After installation, launch the program by tapping the icon on the apps screen. Once opened, you will see all installed and active apps on your device.

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 5
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 5

Step 2. Choose the app to share

Touch and hold the application icon and wait for a menu to appear.

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 6
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 6

Step 3. Choose “Send APK” from the list of options

APK Extractor, as its name suggests, converts, extracts and compresses the program into an installable APK file to send

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 7
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 7

Step 4. Choose “Bluetooth” from the list of sharing options

Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 8
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 8

Step 5. Turn on Bluetooth

If your device's bluetooth is off, it will require activation. Tap "Turn on" to turn on Bluetooth.

  • Do the same on the receiving device.
  • The sending Android device will scan for all visible Bluetooth devices. Wait until you see the name of the receiving device in the list.
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 9
Share Apps on Android Bluetooth Step 9

Step 6. Wait for the receiving device to accept the Bluetooth transfer

Once the transfer is complete, open the sent APK file to install the application.


  • Paid apps may not work with this method; in any case it is recommended not to share paid apps.
  • Only active apps can be shared. If the app is disabled or stopped, it will not be detected by APK Extractor.
  • The transfer time depends on the size of the extracted APK file and the specifications of your device's Bluetooth module.
