How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Mobile Phone

How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Mobile Phone
How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Mobile Phone

Table of contents:


You may be afraid to ask your parents for a cell phone, especially if you think they can tell you no. To convince them, you have to show them that you need a mobile, that you are responsible and that you can share at the expense. By thinking about what to say in advance, talking to them and accepting their response, you will be able to get closer to your goal.


Part 1 of 3: Deciding What To Say

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 1
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 1

Step 1. Consider the reasons your parents might say no to you

To convince them, you have to foresee their reasoning. Think about what they might respond to, so you can plan your replication.

  • If your parents' primary concern is money, they'll probably say they can't afford a new phone.
  • If you play video games all the time, your parents may be worried that you will download too many apps.
  • If your older sibling has been caught talking to a disreputable person, your parents may be concerned that you will do the same.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 2
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 2

Step 2. Plan your response

You have to counter the reasons why your parents don't want to get you a phone, so come up with an argument for all the reasons you just thought about.

  • Prove that the phone won't cost much, or explain what you're going to do to help with the expense.
  • Ask your friends if they know of any free apps to play with, or promise your parents you won't download any games. If they are worried that you will waste too much time, promise that you will play less video games if you get the phone.
  • Promise your parents that they will be able to periodically check who you message with.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 3

Step 3. Think about why you need a phone

It will be easier to convince your parents with a solid argument, so prove that the cell phone is a necessity for you by finding all the reasons you need it.

  • A cell phone allows you to contact your parents if you are in trouble or call emergency services if you are in danger.
  • Remember that kids your age often experience peer pressure, so having the ability to contact your parents with ease allows you to get out of those situations.
  • If you skip school, you can ask your classmates for class notes and homework.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 4
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 4

Step 4. Show your parents that you are responsible

They need to know that you are capable of looking after the phone, so think about occasions when you have shown responsibility in the past.

  • Remember to do your homework every day.
  • Do any housework that competes with you without your parents asking.
  • Take care of your clothes, backpack and video games.
  • Spend your lunch money sparingly and save the money you get given away.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 5
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 5

Step 5. Suggest requirements for holding the phone

Offer the mobile as a continuous reward that you will have to earn every day. For example, your parents may ask you to get good grades, do more housework, or help pay for your rate plan.

Part 2 of 3: Talk to Your Parents

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 6
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 6

Step 1. Choose the right time

Talk to your parents when they are relaxed and in a good mood. If they're busy, in a hurry, or having a bad day, just wait. Don't interrupt them if they're talking to someone, whether it's on the phone or in person.

  • If your parents are busy with an activity, you can tell them you want to talk to them when they are free. You can say, "Hey Mom, I see you're making dinner, but if you have a minute tonight, I'd like to talk to you about something."
  • Consider writing a letter asking for the phone.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 7
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 7

Step 2. Behave in a mature way

Be polite and reasonable throughout the discussion. If you complain, fight, or walk away slamming the door, your parents will understand that you are not mature enough to have a cell phone.

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 8
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 8

Step 3. Harness their emotions

You can appeal to your parents' feelings in many different ways, such as by appealing to your safety concerns, your need for independence, and the need to be accepted by friends.

  • If you have to go out of town for sporting commitments or for an activity, explain to your parents that with a mobile phone you could keep in touch with them even when you are away.
  • It tells the story of a child in distress who had to ask for help. For example, you can say, "Do you remember last month when a stranger stopped a girl two blocks from here? She used her cell phone to call emergency services and get help."
  • Explain that not having a phone negatively affects your social life.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 9
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 9

Step 4. Use logic

Show your parents that getting a cell phone makes the most sense for the whole family. Use the answers you've prepared for their reasons against buying.

  • For example, if your parents have to pick you up after football practice, explain that you could call them on a cell phone when you're done.
  • Use the answers you have prepared. You can say, "I know you are worried that I will always play with the phone when we are at the table, but I promise I will always leave it in the room while we have dinner."
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 10
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 10

Step 5. Bring evidence

Print out some newspaper articles supporting the idea that kids your age should have cell phones. Look for reliable sources that your parents will believe.

  • Try a parenting advice blog that explains how kids your age or younger should have cell phones.
  • Avoid publications written by other kids.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 11
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 11

Step 6. Offer to take more responsibility

Explain to your parents that you will do more housework in exchange for your cell phone and that you will use it to improve your grades in school.

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 12
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 12

Step 7. Give your parents the ability to impose restrictions

They are more likely to comply with your request if you accept their phone usage rules and allow them to control your use of the device.

  • Suggest ways they can control your phone so they can be sure you've followed the rules. You might even suggest installing a tracking app so they always know where you are.
  • If your parents don't want you to text your friends, don't get mad. Over time, they will give you more freedom if you are mature and responsible.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 13
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 13

Step 8. Let your parents choose the phone and rate plan

Don't worry about the model and its features. As a first device, you can settle for a prepaid card and a cheap mobile phone.

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 14
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 14

Step 9. Offer your contribution to the payment

If you have saved some of the pocket money or money that was given to you, propose to use it to buy the phone. You could also say that you forgo pocket money to pay for your rate plan or use the money you earn from a chore, such as babysitting or mowing the lawn.

Part 3 of 3: Accepting Your Parents' Response

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 15
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 15

Step 1. Accept their response

If they say no, don't protest and don't beg them. Show your maturity by listening to what they have to say without reacting.

  • Keep calm and take a deep breath before responding.
  • Avoid arguments. Arguing with your parents won't change their mind; on the contrary, they could oppose even more.
  • Understand their answer. If you get a no, remember that they probably have a good reason. They have your best interests at heart or just can't afford the expense of the phone at the moment.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 16
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 16

Step 2. Ask for explanations

Whether you get a yes or a no, you need to ask your parents some follow-up questions so they know what to do.

  • If they say yes, ask what rules and expectations you need to abide by. You can say, "I am so excited to have a new phone! How can I show you that you have made the right choice?".
  • If they say no, ask what you can do to show that you are ready for a cell phone. You can say, "What can I do to prove I'm responsible enough to have a phone?"
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 17
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Cell Phone Step 17

Step 3. Plan your next move

If they said yes, talk to your parents about when you can go and buy a cell phone. If you received a no, do what you can to show that you are responsible and that you really need a phone.

  • If you have received a no, remember that you can ask for it again in the future, so don't be angry. Instead, think about what you can do to have a better chance next time.
  • Remember, when you ask your parents for a cell phone, don't be too pushy. Such an attitude would annoy them.


  • Ask your parents to help you find a job. Try babysitting and when they see how responsible you are, they may decide to give you what you want.
  • Promise not to exceed the limits of your rate plan and keep your word. If you happen to overshoot, insist on paying the extra bills yourself.
  • Ask for the phone as a Christmas present and explain that you want nothing more.
  • Don't complain if you don't get the model you wanted. It is still a phone, and if you get angry because you want another, your parents will take it.
  • If you receive pocket money, participate in the purchase of the phone.
  • You can try asking your parents to use their phone to annoy them and let them know how much you need them.
  • Let them think about it. Don't be in a hurry to get a phone and don't push too hard!


  • Don't argue with your parents.
  • Do not complain and don't beg in a plaintive voice if they say no.
  • Never repeatedly ask for a cellphone.