How to make a thick consistency slime

How to make a thick consistency slime
How to make a thick consistency slime

Table of contents:


Making slime is a simple and fun project that anyone can make with just a few common products. However, many of the recipes that are around lead to an excessively soft slime, which does not keep its shape and whose consistency is not particularly pleasant when playing. By starting with the right type of glue and using a sufficient dose of the selected activator (such as borax or liquid starch), you will achieve a thick, chewy texture that will allow you to play with it for hours.


Borax Slime

  • 1 tablespoon of powdered borax
  • 240 ml of water
  • 120-240 ml of white or clear vinyl glue
  • 120-240 ml of water
  • Food coloring and / or other additives (glitter, polystyrene beads, etc.)

Starch Slime

  • 120 ml of white vinyl glue
  • 60 ml of water
  • 60 ml of liquid starch
  • Food coloring and / or other additives (glitter, polystyrene beads, etc.)
  • Corn starch (optional)
  • Baby oil (optional)


Method 1 of 2: Using Borax to Thicken Simple Slime

Make Thick Slime Step 1
Make Thick Slime Step 1

Step 1. Mix 1 tablespoon of borax with 240ml of water

Run the water into a measuring jug until you have exactly 240 ml. Add the powdered borax to the water, then stir until it dissolves completely. Set the borax solution aside.

  • The borax has the function of activating the slime, as it causes the consistency of the glue (naturally sticky and liquid) to transform. The glue will in fact become a compound with a viscous, spongy and semi-solid consistency that will keep its shape intact when the slime is squeezed, crushed and stretched.
  • If you don't want to use borax, you can replace it with an equal dose of contact lens solution containing boric acid, which will create a similar chemical reaction when mixed with glue.
  • There is no need to add water to the contact lens solution, as it is already liquid. However, adding 1-2 tablespoons of water can make the slime a little more elastic.

Step 2. Pour 120-240ml of vinyl glue into a large bowl

Make sure you keep it temporarily separated from the borax solution. The glue allows you to create the base of the slime, so use as much as you like. If you only want to get one ball of slime, about 120ml should be enough. If you want to make enough slime to keep both hands busy, start with 180-240ml of vinyl glue.

  • Instead of buying lots of vials of glue, buy a large one and use as much as you deem necessary.
  • Use only plain white or clear vinyl glue, the same kind that is used for school crafts. It is the only type of glue that allows the slime to thicken well.

Step 3. Add an equal dose of water to the glue

Measure the water and pour it directly onto the glue inside the bowl. You need to calculate a ratio of water to glue of 1: 1 to make sure the slime acquires the right consistency at the end of the procedure.

  • If you've used a full bottle of glue, there's a very easy way to make sure you're using the right amount of water. Just fill the empty bottle completely with tap water. Shake it and then add the water to the glue.
  • Make sure you add the right amount of water. If you use too little, the slime may become dry and dusty at the end of the procedure, while if you use too much it may become more liquid than you hoped for.

Step 4. Pour some food coloring into the mixture if you want to change its color

Use about 4-6 drops of product for every 120ml of glue. Just use a small amount to get a good result, so be careful not to overdo it. Green, blue, purple, pink and yellow are all suitable colors for making a slime with a viscous and rubbery consistency.

  • Also take advantage of this step to incorporate glitter, plastic stars, mini styrofoam balls, hand lotion or any other additive you wish to use. Use only about 75-150g of each product to avoid altering the consistency of the slime.
  • If you decide not to add food coloring, the slime will turn white at the end of the process (or colorless if you opted for clear glue).

Step 5. Mix the ingredients well

Mix glue, water and food coloring by mixing from the bottom of the bowl, until a uniform color is obtained. You can mix with one hand, or use a spatula or large spoon if you don't want to get dirty.

Make Thick Slime Step 6
Make Thick Slime Step 6

Step 6. Add a small amount of activator to the ingredients

Pour a small amount of borax or contact lens solution over the mixture. Then, take the spoon or spatula and mix the ingredients. You should notice that the slime will begin to thicken right away.

Try not to add more than 60-90ml of activator at a time. If the slime becomes excessively moist, it will be difficult to knead and may take longer to thicken

Step 7. Knead the slime until it reaches the desired consistency

Now comes the fun part! Remove the slime from the bowl to squeeze, squeeze, pull, and fold it with both hands until it begins to acquire a uniform consistency. In this way, you will be able to complete the solidification process of the compound. Then, add more borax or contact lens solution and keep kneading. By the end of the process, you should have used all the solution.

  • Kneading the slime well is the key to getting a thick consistency. By working it longer it will become more and more solid.
  • When you stop playing with it, store it in an airtight plastic bag or similar container. It should keep its consistency for weeks or months, provided it is stored properly.


wash your hands with soap and water before starting to knead to avoid contaminating the slime with dust, dirt and other residues.

Method 2 of 2: Make a Thick Slime with Liquid Starch

Step 1. Pour about 120ml of glue into a large bowl

For best results, use plain white vinyl glue. It may seem small at first, but keep in mind that it will expand slightly once you add the other ingredients.

  • You can always add a little more glue later if you decide you want to make larger quantities of slime.
  • This recipe will only work with glues that contain polyvinyl acetate.

Step 2. Add 60ml of water to the glue

Run the water into a measuring jug before pouring it into the bowl. This way you can make sure you use the right amount. Mix the ingredients until you get a dilute, milky solution.

It is important to make sure you add the right amount of water. Using too much will make the slime watery and mushy, while using too little can make it dry and crumbly

Make Thick Slime Step 10
Make Thick Slime Step 10

Step 3. Add any additives you wish to add to the slime

After combining equal parts of glue and water, you can add 4-6 drops of food coloring to obtain a lively color; if you want, you could add a pinch of glitter, mini styrofoam balls or other cute elements. Next, give the mixture another stir to make sure the additives are evenly distributed.

Adding a small amount of hand lotion (to get the right amount, press the bottle dispenser 2 or 3 times) can make thick slimes more elastic, making them less likely to break when stretched


Adding 8-12 drops of baby oil produces a shiny slime. This can be a useful way to remedy the dull, chalk-like finish that slimes made with starch tend to have.

Step 4. Gradually add 60ml of liquid starch as you mix the slime

The secret to obtaining a smooth and thick consistency is to pour in a little starch at a time, continuing to mix the ingredients in the bowl. Start with 15-30ml, then stop adding it and pause long enough for you to mix everything well. Do this until you run out of starch.

  • If you don't have liquid starch, you can also make a paste by combining 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with about 60ml of water. As you add more of this blend, the slime will get thicker and thicker.
  • Keep stirring until the added liquid is completely absorbed.

Step 5. Finish kneading the slime by hand

Once the slime has thickened to the point that it no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl, remove it and start manipulating, squeezing and stretching it with both hands. As you knead it, it will thicken more and more. Once you get a satisfactory consistency, you can start using it to play.

  • Take your time to knead the slime. Kneading it is a fundamental step during the thickening process, as it helps to strengthen the bonds between the molecules that make up the slime.
  • When you stop playing, store the slime in an airtight plastic bag or container with a lid. It should keep its consistency for at least 3-4 weeks. Once it starts drying, hardening, or flaking, throw it away and make another one.
