4 Ways to Create a Shamballa Bracelet

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4 Ways to Create a Shamballa Bracelet
4 Ways to Create a Shamballa Bracelet

Popular with celebrities and costume jewelry lovers, the Shamballa bracelet is a trendy trinket. If you like to create your own jewels, making your own Shamballa bracelet will allow you to customize it by choosing the colors and textures according to your tastes.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare the Wire

Step 1. Cut the waxed thread into three segments of equal length

Use quality scissors or jewelry clippers to make the cuts.

Step 2. Knot the three wire segments together at one top

Use a loose knot and place it about 10 '' from the end of the threads.

Step 3. Lay the knotted threads on your work surface

Secure them to the surface of the countertop with masking tape to prevent them from shifting.

Method 2 of 4: Tie the Bracelet

The bracelet is made using the square knot macrame technique.

Step 1. Separate each wire segment to create a sort of Indian tent outline

When working with the threads in this section, call the segments thread1 (leftmost one), thread2 (middle) and thread3 (right).

  • Take the thread 1.
  • Place thread1 over thread2 and thread3.

Step 2. Move thread3 over thread1

Step 3. Take the end of the thread 3

Bring it behind the intersection of thread1 and thread2, and pull it.

Step 4. Pull thread1 and thread3 to create a knot

Thread 2 should now be held tight by the knot. Tighten the knot. You just made a square knot!

Step 5. Finish the square knot

  • Take thread1 and bring it behind thread2 and thread3.
  • Bring thread3 behind thread1.
  • Bring the end of thread 3 over and pass the intersection of thread 1 and thread 2.

Step 6. Create many more nodes

The idea is to create a sequence of square knots until you want to insert the first bead. A good solution is to create 4-6 knots before inserting the first bead.

Step 7. Thread the bead into the middle thread (it should still be thread 2)

Push the bead against the last knot you made.

Step 8. Make the next square knot just below the bead

The aim is to secure the bead inside the knot.

Step 9. Continue making several knots until it's time to insert the next bead

You can decide to vary the number of knots between one bead and the other, but it is a good idea to leave at least 1 or 2 knots between one element and another (as in the best-selling bracelets). Keep the space and length between the beads the same for a better result.

  • Thread each bead as before, securing it in a square knot.
  • Add 5 or 6 beads, depending on the size of your wrist and the desired length of the bracelet (Note that the size of the beads you choose may also affect how many you insert - adjust accordingly).

Step 10. Finish the other end of the bracelet the same way you started it

Make exactly the same number of square knots you made in the first part.

Method 3 of 4: Close the Bracelet

Crochet a Bracelet With Your Fingers Step 5
Crochet a Bracelet With Your Fingers Step 5

Step 1. Close the bracelet

After finishing the last knot, turn the bracelet.

  • Tie the two outer threads firmly.
  • Add a drop of hot glue to strengthen the knot. Let it dry for at least an hour, or for the time indicated on the glue package.
  • Repeat on the other end.

Step 2. Cut the two outer threads at the base of the glued knot

Leave the middle strand long. The two middle wire segments that are at the two ends of the bracelet should now be the only wires left.

Method 4 of 4: Making the Closure and Bows for the Beads

Step 1. Make a slip knot closure

Cut a segment of thread about 50cm long.

Step 2. Place the center of this segment between the two remaining middle strands

The two middle strands now become the center strand and the strand segment becomes the left strand and the right strand.

Step 3. Make a new square knot

Make it quite loose as it will need to be moved when you change the width of the cuff.

Step 4. Make another 5 square knots

Tie the last knot, as explained in the "Closing the Bracelet" section above. However, do not glue the two intermediate beads, as they will form the sliding mechanism.

Trim the ends and leave a thread only for the last knot at each end

Step 5. To finish, add a final bead to the ends of the two free strands

  • Make a knot at the end of the first strand, leaving enough room for the bead and a final knot.
  • Slide the bead next to the first knot. Tie the thread.
  • Leave one last segment of loose thread under the bead. Only cut it in case it's a little too long.

Step 6. Put on your new Shamballa bracelet

Now that you have made your first bracelet, it will be easy to make many more, which could also be an idea for a gift or to sell.


  • If you have very large balls and the square knot seems to be too submerged, add more knots between each bead
  • Make sure you use thick thread. Because if you don't, you won't even be able to see the square knots and it will take years to make a bracelet that is long enough! Also try with different beads… you will be surprised!
  • Shamballa bracelet beads can also be made at home with a little inventiveness. Find some simple round beads of a suitable size. Glue artificial gems, sequins or other sparkling decorations at regular intervals around the bead. Let them dry properly before using them in the bracelet.
