Respecting the environment is a way to show that you care about the future of our planet. If we want a future with clean air, fresh water and lush nature, it is more important than ever for all of us to do our part to safeguard the health of our planet. Look for everyday ways to be greener by taking care of the air, water and nature in your community. When you see your surroundings being abused, make your voice heard for the benefit of greener actions aimed at improving the conditions of every living being.
Part 1 of 4: Clean the air

Step 1. Save electricity
Storing electricity at home is an easy way to start being greener right away. Electric lights, household appliances and more require energy generated by power plants that pollute the air. Most power plants use fossil fuels or coal and release emissions that make the air less clean. Here are some ways you can help, already today:
- Turn off the lights when you are not using them;
- Turn off and unplug household appliances and electronic devices when you are not using them;
- Use energy-saving light bulbs and appliances.
- Turn down the thermostat in the winter and use less air conditioning in the summer. Insulating your home also helps heat and cool it more effectively.

Step 2. Find alternatives to the car
Cars play a big role in air pollution. The processes of building cars, refueling and building the roads on which to use them pollute the air in different ways. The best way to help is by relying less on cars as the primary means of transportation. Here's what you can do:
- Use public transportation. Take the bus, metro or train rather than driving;
- Try cycling. Many countries are building cycle paths to make two-wheeled transportation easier and safer.
- Try walking. It takes longer, but it is the greenest option available. Any place that can be reached by bike in 5-10 minutes should also be within walking distance.
- Share your car to go to school or work (carpooling).

Step 3. Consume food at km0
Food often has to travel long distances to reach supermarket shelves. It may have been on ships, planes and trucks, not to mention your car, before reaching your plate. By purchasing locally produced food, you will reduce the amount of energy and emissions needed to feed yourself and your family.
- Explore your area in search of artisan markets, to evaluate the greener options. Many farmers can tell you exactly how far food travels to get to you.
- Why not grow your own food? Check the presence of community gardens and evaluate the cultivation of your own garden.

Step 4. Understand the manufacturing processes of the products you purchase
Every element that enters your home has a story. Take your new pair of jeans, for example. Do you know which materials contributed to their production? Do you know how far they traveled before reaching the store near you? If you bought them online, how do you think they got to your home? Often the steps required to make an object available require means that pollute the air. By thinking more deeply about what lies behind each object, you can make greener choices.
- Check the labels to see how far an object has traveled. If an object comes from another continent, a lot of gasoline has been used up to get to you. Rather, look for a local alternative.
- Buy second hand. Whenever you manage to do without a new item, it's best to find a used one. That way no energy is needed to produce something from scratch.

Step 5. Join a group of air pollution activists
Many environmental groups devote their time to stopping air pollution by encouraging individuals, businesses and governments to make greener choices. Your personal actions are important, but if you really want to make a difference, join a group and make your voice heard.
- Look for local pollution-fighting groups in your community.
- Or join a national group intent on reducing carbon emissions and stopping global warming.
Part 2 of 4: Conserve Water

Step 1. Store water in the house
Water is a primary resource that we often take for granted. The water that comes out of the taps needs to be pumped from a spring to a water plant, filtered and treated with chemicals, then brought to your neighborhood. This process takes a lot of energy. When you save water, you do your part to put less pressure on your local water resources. It is especially important in areas more prone to drought.
- Do not let the water run when you wash the dishes. Use a water-saving method.
- Take quick showers rather than baths, which require a lot more water.
- Fix leaky pipes so you don't waste water.
- Do not water the garden with fresh water. Let the rain take care of it, or save waste water (such as bathroom water) for reuse.

Step 2. Do not use toxic substances
Chemical detergents are often composed of toxic ingredients that end up contaminating water resources. This harms humans, flora and fauna. Use environmentally friendly substances at home. You can also try making them yourself.
- Instead of using a commercial all-in-one detergent, try a solution of white vinegar and water. It works the same way and is non-toxic.
- Baking soda works wonders on stains of all kinds;
- Use natural versions of shampoo, conditioner, and other body products.
- Use natural methods to get rid of insects and rodents in your home instead of poison.

Step 3. Never pour harmful waste down the drain
Even worse is pouring them into the garden, where they will eventually contaminate the aquifers. Paints, motor oils, bleach, ammonia, and other strong solutions should be disposed of properly, according to your area's health department guidelines. Many communities have dedicated sites for toxic waste.

Step 4. Find ways to combat water pollution
Every community depends on a natural water source to survive. Whether it's a river, lake, aquifer, or other source, it's essential to protect the water that literally brings your community to life. Find local water protection groups and join them to help. Here are some ideas:
- Take part in waterway cleaning expeditions to eliminate the trash that pollutes the area's streams, rivers and beaches.
- Speak out against water polluters. Regulatory gaps can cause industrial pollution of many water sources. Look for local groups dedicated to turning things around and keeping the water clean in your area.
Part 3 of 4: Protecting Flora and Fauna

Step 1. Produce less waste
Excess waste leads to landfill collapse. They pollute the land, water and air, worsening the living conditions of the entire neighboring area. When it comes to waste, there are tons of ways to make your habits greener. Here are some ideas:
- Buy plain packaged products. For example, buy family packs, rather than single-serving individual packs.
- Recycle and reuse as much as you can. You will quickly see how many wrappers enter your home when you force yourself to recycle and reuse them all.
- Composed of food waste. Leftovers are biodegradable, so there's no reason to send them to landfills.

Step 2. Make your garden suitable for plants and animals
It's a simple but incredibly useful way to be green. Many wild places have been destroyed by humans, so many plant and animal species need as much help as possible to survive. Make your garden a happy island for any wild creature looking for a home. You will find that in no time your garden will be full of life.
- Don't treat your garden with pesticides or herbicides;
- Do not cut the grass in any part of the garden. Let the weeds and nature take their course. This way you encourage wildlife to relocate.
- Plant butterfly shrubs and other plants that attract butterflies and bees.
- Get a birdhouse and bird bath. You can also find a squirrel feeder and a bat house.
- Dig a pond to provide animals with a water resource.
- Don't kill, catch, or chase away snakes, frogs, lizards, moles, raccoons, possums, or other creatures that want to live in your garden.

Step 3. Plant some trees
In most environments, the soil is healthier when it has many trees. Trees prevent the soil from corroding, clean the air and provide shelter for wildlife. Trees also help fight global warming by providing shade to the ground and keeping temperatures low. Planting trees is one of the best ways to literally get greener.
- Learn about the native trees in your area. Plant them in areas where there are too few of them.
- Join a local logging group in your area to improve the situation.

Step 4. Defend the animals
More and more species are becoming extinct every day, and it is up to each of us to safeguard the survivors. One way to do this is to start thinking of animals as precious creatures, with the right to live and thrive on Earth, just like us. Whether you consider yourself an animal lover or not, take these steps to be greener:
- Take care of wild places, such as beaches and forests, which serve as habitats for animals.
- Make sustainable food choices when it comes to how you eat meat and fish.
- Defend the animals. For example, if a local builder wants to build a telephone antenna right in the flight zone of an endangered species of bird, he finds ways to oppose the project.

Step 5. Join a local environmental group to protect your land
Depending on where you live, your community may face threats such as mountain excavation, "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing), deforestation, open pit mining, and more. Learn about the environmental threats in your area so you can find out how to make yourself useful. Remember that the best way to be greener is to go beyond personal actions and make your voice heard.
Part 4 of 4: Making Personal Changes

Step 1. Consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan
Since industrial meat production harms the environment, becoming a vegetarian or vegan is an eco-friendly choice. Industrial meat production does not respect animals and pollutes both the water and the air. Furthermore, in intensive farming, animals are often treated with large doses of hormones, which are harmful to both animals and humans.
- A vegetarian diet excludes meat and fish, while the more rigid vegan diet has no animal-derived products. Choose the lifestyle that suits you best.
- Ethically produced meat is a good alternative to industrial meat if you don't want to give it up completely. Try to eat only meat from farms you know.

Step 2. Try growing your own food
Growing vegetables, fruits and herbs can be a fulfilling experience. Completely eliminating the process of bringing industrial products home is the greenest choice. If you've never gardened, take baby steps. You don't need a lot of space to grow enough vegetables and herbs for the summer. Try these simple plants to get started:
- Tomatoes
- Pumpkins
- Lettuce
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Garlic
- Strawberries
- Basil
- Dill

Step 3. Make homemade detergents and other products
Most detergents can be made at home, and often work just as well as commercial detergents. In addition to making your own cleansers, you can also try your hand at body products. You won't have to throw away plastic bottles or wonder what chemicals you are pouring on your body. Try these recipes:
- Natural disinfectant
- Laundry detergent
- Dish soap
- Shampoo
- Shower gel
- Toothpaste

Step 4. Donate or resell products instead of throwing them away
If you have a lot of stuff in your house, don't throw it out without thinking. Get used to donating or reselling items that someone else might need. You could also trade items you no longer need in exchange for something you want.
- Consider swapping clothes with your friends. You can find authentic new treasures without spending a dime.
- Or, donate items to trading communities like Freecycle. Make sure that no useful items end up in a landfill.
- Is there a light that everyone forgets to turn off, for example in the bathroom? Print a sticker or sign that says "Turn me off - please!" and stick it next to the switch.
- Use clean energy. Buy energy from renewable sources and produced without the emission of CO2 being careful not to be fooled or produce it yourself by installing photovoltaic panels.
- Ditch the heating and gas stoves. Replace your gas systems with electrical systems, such as heat pump heating and electric stoves.
- Use environmentally friendly banking and insurance services. It uses banking and insurance services that do not finance fossil multinationals and companies that destroy the environment.