How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a New Mobile Phone

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How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a New Mobile Phone
How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a New Mobile Phone

Mobile phones are constantly improving and probably the model you recently purchased is no longer as cutting-edge as the day it was released. If you need a new phone, you may have a hard time convincing your parents that it's worth buying. However, even if you have the strictest parents in the world, you can increase the likelihood of getting the new phone you deserve by using some proven techniques.


Part 1 of 2: Talk to Your Parents

Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 1
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 1

Step 1. Talk about buying a new phone

In some cases, starting the conversation can lead to a solution. Tell your parents politely that you are interested in changing cell phones and listen carefully to what they have to say. If you can convincingly answer their motivations and justifications for not buying you the model you want, they are more likely to change their minds. You can ask:

  • "What can I do to earn a new phone?"
  • "Can I help with some housework to convince you I'm ready for a new phone?"
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 2
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 2

Step 2. Find solutions

Keep calm when talking to your parents about the phone and don't fret if you get a negative response. You have the opportunity to show maturity and earn their respect. Instead of getting angry or leaving room for frustration, ask:

  • "What can I do to get you to change your mind?"
  • "What can I do to prove that I need a new phone?"
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 3

Step 3. Offer to pay for the phone with your own money

This solution can be complex, especially if you are too young to work. If you've saved the money your grandparents gave you for your birthday, you can spend it on your new cell phone, or you can offer to do some housework in exchange for pocket money.

  • Offer your babysitting services to friends and family with children younger than you who need supervision.
  • You could make some money by doing some seasonal chores in the neighborhood, such as mowing grass in the summer or shoveling snow in the winter.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 4
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 4

Step 4. Try not to be too pushy

When you want something with all your might, you can't think of anything else. However, constantly asking for a new phone can irritate your parents, making them even more opposed to the idea. Instead of asking the same question over and over, find an indirect way to highlight your efforts. For example, you might say:

  • "Does the kitchen seem clean to you? I tried to help out by washing the dishes. I thought that if I helped you more around the house, we could reopen the new mobile phone"
  • "I know you've been busy with work lately, so I've been vacuuming. Can I help in some other way? I thought by contributing more, maybe I'll be able to deserve the new phone."
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 5
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 5

Step 5. Find compelling arguments

Your parents will be more willing to buy you a new cell phone if they agree with your motives. Of course the reasons for buying the phone are influenced by your personal situation, so you have to decide which approach is best. Here are some things you can consider:

  • Security features, such as improved GPS tracking;
  • Reception problems due to the poor quality of the model you own;
  • Earning money and buying a phone yourself will teach you to be more responsible;
  • Your current mobile is unreliable, for example, it turns off without warning and messages arrive after hours.

Part 2 of 2: Negotiating for Your New Phone

Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 6
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 6

Step 1. Choose the right time

You will likely get a "no" if you ask for a new phone when your parents are busy, upset or angry. Try to put them in a good mood before you start talking by being more polite than usual and doing any jobs they ask you to do. To improve your chances of receiving an affirmative answer, you can also:

  • Play your parents' favorite music;
  • Talk about experiences you have enjoyed;
  • Engaging in activities that your parents find enjoyable.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 7
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 7

Step 2. Talk after meals and when the weather is nice

In general, people are more accommodating after eating and this can make your parents more supportive of buying you a new phone. The weather can also affect their mood. On sunny days with clear skies, the chances of receiving an affirmative answer are higher.

Keep in mind, however, that it doesn't always work. It could be a bad day for your parents even if the weather is clear and you have just had lunch

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Step 3. Start the conversation with a small request

Your parents will be more willing to buy you a new cell phone if you first convince them to give you something that is about the same subject but is less demanding.

For example, if they justify that a phone costs too much, ask if you can make money by doing housework. Then suggest that you can use that money to pay for the mobile

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Step 4. Make a deal with your parents

If they are willing to allow you to earn the phone by doing more housework or other activities, take care of all your responsibilities without being asked to do so. This will show them that you take your agreement seriously and convince them to take your request seriously as well.

  • Don't expect to receive the phone only after a week of housework; it may take a lot longer.
  • Don't worry if you make a mistake. If you show that you are doing your best, your parents will be understanding.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 10
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 10

Step 5. Wait for the birthday or holidays to arrive

Normally your parents may not be willing to afford a new phone, but a special day, like Christmas, might be the perfect opportunity to spend more on a gift. On these occasions, make your wishes clear. Explain that you prefer a phone over toys or other gifts that you will not use.

  • Don't make up a holiday or use one you don't celebrate as an excuse to get the phone. For example, if your family doesn't celebrate Hanukkah, don't ask for a gift for this holiday.
  • Give your parents enough time to buy you the gift. Don't ask for the phone the day before the birthday! Do this at least a month in advance.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 11
Convince Your Parents to Get You a New Phone Step 11

Step 6. Summarize what your parents said

Listen carefully to their speech and when it's your turn to speak, repeat what you understand in your own words. By showing that you have listened and respected their opinion, the chances of getting a new phone will be higher. For example, you might say:
