How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Smartphone

How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Smartphone
How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Smartphone

Table of contents:


Convincing your parents to buy you a smartphone can be tricky. You will have to avoid approaching them in the wrong way or at the wrong time, or you risk receiving a "no" without the possibility of an appeal. On the other hand, if you prepare the conversation in advance and if you help your parents understand the many ways that owning a smartphone can make life easier for them too, you will have a much better chance of convincing them. The following will help you achieve the much desired "yes".


Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Field for Demand

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 1
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 1

Step 1. Start saving money

Of course, you obviously hope that your parents will pay for your cell phone, but:

  • If you offer to pay for it at least in part, you will show your parents that you are taking the situation seriously, which will make them more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • If your parents tell you not to, however, you can keep saving money and then try asking them again later, offering to cover even more of the expense so you can show them when you care.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 2
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 2

Step 2. Prove that you are responsible

In addition to providing good arguments for having a smartphone, you should show your parents that you are also responsible enough to deserve it.

  • Take care of your things. Make sure that your belongings, understood as your laptop, your tablet or your old mobile phone, are always in excellent condition. Protect them, don't drop them, don't lose them, and let your parents know how well you are taking care of them.
  • Behave responsibly by doing all the chores you have been asked to do or, if you are not assigned anything specific, pay attention to what should be done and do it without being asked. Take out the trash, do the separate collection on the specific day, change and wash the bed linen, remove dog droppings from the garden, wash the dishes that are in the sink, clean up the living room etc.
  • The more responsible you are, the more likely your parents are to think you are old enough to have a smartphone.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 3

Step 3. Get good grades in school

Show your parents that you are focused enough on your studies and that you do well enough in school to be able to handle a smartphone without impacting your academic performance.

  • If you give them the impression already now that you are someone who reaches enough for the broken headphone, they will very hardly want to give you something that could distract you even more from the study.
  • In the weeks preceding the moment of the fateful question, do your utmost by doing all the tasks that have been assigned to you, trying to get the highest marks in every verification or questioning, etc.

Part 2 of 3: The Question Time

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 4
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 4

Step 1. Choose the right time

Carefully choose the right time to approach your parents to address the topic.

  • Pick a time when they are calm and not stressed or distracted by anything else.
  • Avoid attacking them as soon as they come home after being somewhere, especially if they are back from work.
  • Don't try to bring it up when other people are around. You will need to avoid having jealous brothers or sisters in the room, as well as avoid approaching your parents when their friends or relatives are around (because in such circumstances they are likely to be stressed or at least distracted).
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 5
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 5

Step 2. Start the conversation quietly and show gratitude

Before anything else, you need to have the right attitude when approaching your parents.

  • Open the conversation quietly and maturely with something like, "Do you have a couple of minutes? There's something important I'd like to talk to you about."
  • Continue the conversation by showing them that you appreciate all the things they have given you, as well as the time and energy they put into helping you every day. You might say something like, "I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into helping me with homework and making dinner [or whatever, depending on your situation]. And I am very grateful for the bike you have for me. given at Christmas, because it really helps me a lot to go wherever I want [again, adapt the sentence appropriately to your situation] ".
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 6
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 6

Step 3. Release the pressure

Before proceeding with the actual question, introduce it with something like, "You don't have to tell me yes or no right away," to let them know that you are willing to give them time to think about it.

Releasing the pressure that they would have to give you an immediate response will make your parents listen to what you have to say without responding in the moment; when parents find themselves having to give an immediate answer to something, that answer is usually "no"

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 7
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 7

Step 4. Ask the question kindly and sincerely

When you're ready for the actual question, do it kindly but sincerely. That's all. You don't have to appear too obsequious or too cheesy; it would only make your parents suspicious of what your real reasons are for wanting a smartphone.

Ask the question in a way that opens a dialogue, rather than imposing your own vision. For example, you could say something like: "I'd like to talk to you about the possibility of me getting a smartphone."

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 8
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 8

Step 5. Offer to contribute to the expense

Show your parents that you care up to that point, and that you are responsible enough to save money to be able to afford a smartphone; it might convince them that you are really ready to have one.

  • Explain to your parents that you have decided to set aside the money in order to cover part of the cost of buying a smartphone.
  • Also explain that since you have also spent some money to buy it, you will be even more likely to look after it and not lose it.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 9
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 9

Step 6. Say it will help you organize yourself

What are smartphones for if not to be more organized? Well, a lot of other things, but avoid saying that too.

  • A smartphone will allow you to save everything you need to do in one calendar and, more importantly, it will be a calendar that you can share with them so that they always know what you do.
  • A smartphone calendar will help you plan long-term school projects, thereby helping you manage your time better and do better at school.
  • Since you can synchronize your calendar with that of your parents, they can create events and notifications in your calendar for important things you need to remember, such as appointments at the dentist or doctor.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 10
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 10

Step 7. Tell them they will help you stay safe

With a smartphone you will always have a map of the whole world with you, as well as a list of emergency numbers and GPS.

  • If you have to drive to go somewhere, your phone can act as a navigator and allow you to avoid danger.
  • If you are on foot, your phone can prevent you from getting lost in places unknown to you.
  • Remember how a smartphone will help you to be in contact with them 24 hours a day because, in addition to allowing you to call them or send them a message whenever you want, thanks to GPS they will be able to know where you are at any time.
  • There are a variety of applications that allow you and your family to know where you are from each other, and these applications can be particularly suitable for parents who tend to worry about where their children might be.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 11
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 11

Step 8. Explain that a smartphone will help you study

Smartphones are perfect for being productive anytime, anywhere.

  • More and more often to study you will need to do research on the internet, and with a smartphone, you can do what you need to while waiting for the bus, during breaks between one hour and another, etc.
  • You will be able to download a huge range of study and productivity help applications, which will help you with everything from taking notes, to brainstorming, to managing all your commitments.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 12
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 12

Step 9. Remind them of how well you are doing in school

If in preparation for application day you managed to get good grades as recommended above, now is the time to take advantage of it.

  • Avoid promising or telling your parents that you will do well in school with a smartphone. Rather, it shows tangible proof that you are already good: the report card, the grades of some tests where you did great, the you of some school projects, etc.
  • Explain to them that a smartphone will not help you improve your academic performance from then on, rather it will allow you to to continue to excel.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 13
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 13

Step 10. Remind them that a smartphone packs the functions of multiple other devices

A smartphone will eliminate the need to own and carry different devices for email, movies, music, and books.

Instead of having to have separate devices for all your business and leisure needs, you can limit yourself to carrying a single device with you, your smartphone. This way your parents will only have to buy you one device, and you will have fewer things that can break or be lost

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 14
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 14

Step 11. Remind them that there is an option to set up a parental control

It is not uncommon for parents to worry about what their children may find on the internet, especially when they have the entire network available in the palm of their hand. Try to make these worries quickly become a thing of the past.

  • If they have any reservations about what you might be seeing with your smartphone or if they are worried that you may end up spending too much time on the phone, say not to worry. Remind them that they can always install a parental control on your phone, so they can rest easy.
  • Your parents will also be able to control your smartphone through your telephone operator, limiting the number of messages you can send or calls you can make, as well as imposing a spending limit on your sim card or your monthly data traffic.
  • Your parents will also be able to control your smartphone via its operating system, for example by activating the safe search function on your phone's browser and on YouTube.
  • Finally, there are several applications that can act as additional parental controls.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 15
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 15

Step 12. Prove that you are responsible

Many parents worry that their children don't know what's right or wrong to do with a smartphone, so try to reassure them.

  • Remind them of how it would help you learn how to manage money. Not only will you prove financially responsible by offering to cover part of the expense, but you can continue to improve your ability to manage money thanks to the countless dedicated applications available for smartphones.
  • Some applications will allow you to set a budget and help you to stick to it, while others will allow your parents to create a list of chores for you to do by associating them with the corresponding cash reward you will receive after completing them.
  • Show that you know what it means to use your phone responsibly: explain that you know that you shouldn't send inappropriate messages or photos, and therefore you won't, that you understand how certain applications may not be suitable for children your age, and state that you will quit. that they always have the final say on what you can and cannot have on your phone.
  • If you want, show how serious your intentions are by saying that you can come up with a signed agreement containing a list of all the things you can and cannot do with your phone.

Part 3 of 3: Accepting the Answer

Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 16
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 16

Step 1. React calmly, regardless of what the response was

It is essential: do not throw away your chances, present or future, of having a smartphone by overreacting in the event of a negative (or even positive) response.

  • If they say no, accept the answer calmly and patiently. Don't complain, don't scream, don't get angry and don't beg them. If you keep a calm and moderate attitude, you will have other cartridges that you can fire to achieve your aim (see below). Ask them why the decision is made (and work on the points that are highlighted, if it is about things that are up to you such as doing better in school, not fighting with your siblings, etc.).
  • If they say yes, thank them (quietly) for listening to you and trusting you to be responsible. Don't throw yourself into a victory dance and don't start jumping on the couch for joy - they could change their minds very quickly.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 17
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 17

Step 2. Point out that sooner or later it will be inevitable that you have a smartphone

Most phones produced nowadays fall into the smartphone category, and soon smartphones will dominate the market to the point that non-smartphone phones will become increasingly obsolete.

  • Remind them that they are just putting off the inevitable. They will have something to think about.
  • Avoid telling him as if it were to complain or to play the victim. You will need to be mature and well thought out in your statements if you want them to work.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 18
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 18

Step 3. Let the things calm down

Avoid asking constantly if they say no.

  • Pestering your parents by asking them all the time would end up annoying them (affecting your goal in a negative way) and showing them that maybe you are not mature enough to have a smartphone (and that will really weigh a lot).
  • Letting things subside will also give your parents more time to think and evaluate your reflections. Over time, they may begin to agree with some of the points you have made.
  • You can bring the matter back to him after a few weeks or months. Wait until you have something concrete to add to support your arguments, such as a full 10's report, a month where you did all the housework you were asked to do, etc.
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 19
Convince Your Parents to Get You a Smartphone Step 19

Step 4. Use your new phone intelligently

If and when they buy you a smartphone, use it responsibly.

  • Do not exceed the limits of data traffic, SMS, or minutes of calls.
  • Don't spend time glued to your phone. Pay attention and be there when you are with friends or family.
  • Don't take out your phone at the dinner table or during family gatherings.
  • Don't use silly ringtones or sound effects. You don't want your phone taken off, right?


  • Make sure you want a smartphone for the right reasons. Ask for one because it will come in handy, and not because all your friends have it or because you want to use it to play video games while you wait for the bus.
  • Be patient. Getting your parents to buy you a smartphone may take some time. So keep in mind that even if they initially said no, you could still make your arguments more solid over time.
