A cold in cats is a minor respiratory infection but still requires treatment. This article teaches you to recognize the symptoms of malaise and to take care of your cat.
Method 1 of 3: Home Treatments

Step 1. Identify the symptoms
A cold is caused by a bacterial infection; Look out for the main symptoms, which could include: sneezing, coughing, runny nose, runny nose, pus-like discharge around the eyes, difficulty breathing and lethargy - all indicators of a cold.

Step 2. Keep the environment moist
Increasing the humidity level in the air can help your cat breathe better while sick. Use a humidifier if you have one, or keep your cat in the steam bath a couple of times a day for about 10-15 minutes.
Some cats don't like to be confined to a room by themselves; many may start whining and / or scratching the door to get out; if yours also behaves this way for more than 3-5 minutes, do not force it, otherwise you could stress it, aggravating the malaise and prolonging the healing time

Step 3. Clean his face
When the cat is sick, you may notice that a discharge forms around the eyes, nose and ears. Take a damp towel and gently wash the entire muzzle a few times a day while whispering some sweet words to him; cats react to the tone of your voice and may help him calm down as you proceed with this task, even if it is unpleasant for him.
Use hot water; make sure it's not too hot or too cold, otherwise you could give him a shock

Step 4. Encourage him to eat
When he is ill, he is unlikely to enjoy food; however, it is vital that you get the nutrients you need to stay strong during your illness. When sick, cats often lose their appetite and stray from foods that they would have happily devoured the previous day. If your little friend isn't interested in the bowl, try heating his food in the microwave for a few minutes; this produces a more intense scent which may stimulate her appetite a little; you can also "tempt" him with some tasty and special morsels that he could eat more willingly.

Step 5. Separate him from other pets
If you have other animals in the house, you must keep them away from the sick animal; infections like this are contagious in the incubation period which can be between 2 and 10 days.
Your cat may also become lethargic and eat slower than usual. Keep other pets away during their meal to reduce the risk of them eating the contaminated food before the sick cat empties the bowl

Step 6. Provide plenty of water
Make sure it's fresh, clean and always available. A sick cat needs to keep hydrated; pay attention to the water bowl and fill and / or clean it as needed.
Method 2 of 3: Veterinary Care

Step 1. Evaluate whether it is appropriate to take him to the vet
Generally, infections can last 7-21 days and those of lesser severity should resolve spontaneously; in some cases, however, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- If the cold doesn't go away on its own within 5-7 days, take your cat to the vet.
- If your cat is not eating or has severe breathing difficulties, don't hesitate to go to the doctor's office.

Step 2. Test them to understand the underlying cause
Numerous diseases trigger flu-like symptoms in cats. Based on the ailments that the animal has and its risk factors, the doctor may perform tests for different diseases. Don't hesitate to talk to your vet about these tests to diagnose and treat your cat's ailment.
- A complete blood count is done to rule out blood diseases;
- Laboratory tests evaluate the function of organs such as the liver and kidneys;
- The results regarding electrolytes show problems of hydration and imbalance of mineral salts;
- Urinalysis allows you to identify urinary tract infections and kidney problems;
- If your vet suspects a more serious condition, they can test your cat for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV).

Step 3. Remember to give your cat all the medicine he needs
Depending on the cause of your symptoms, your vet may prescribe medications, and in this case you need to administer them exactly as directed. If you have any doubts about drug therapy, tell your doctor before you leave the office; ensure that the cat receives the full course of care even if the symptoms have disappeared.
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Relapses

Step 1. Give him vitamin C
Unlike humans, cats and dogs are able to meet their nutritional needs for vitamin C through the metabolism of glucose in their diet or produced by the liver. However, some research has found that supplements of this vitamin can offer benefits for certain ailments.
- Ask the vet if it is appropriate to give him supplements, as long as the cat has not had problems with calcium oxalate urinary stones (crystals) in the past; although they are generally excellent therapeutic food supplements, they are not good for all pets.
- Do not give your cat vitamin C without first discussing it with your vet, especially if your feline friend has any underlying medical condition or is already taking other medications.

Step 2. Get him vaccinated
Respect the recall calendar; these are injections that help prevent diseases and infections potentially responsible for colds and flu-like symptoms. Take your cat to the vet once a year to see if it needs vaccinations.

Step 3. Keep it indoors
These domestic cats typically catch colds from contact with other cats; the best way to prevent such ailment is therefore to minimize proximity to others of its kind. Leave it indoors and away from unknown and potentially unvaccinated specimens; however, if he needs to go out from time to time, check him out.