Generally, people do not tolerate bad smells from dogs and, for this reason, many think twice before adopting a puppy and sharing their spaces with him, especially the domestic ones. Unpleasant smells can have several origins: bad breath, flatulence, neglected hair, etc. Sometimes dogs even step on their feces and roll around in it. In short, no matter how good and faithful your four-legged friend is, it is difficult to be with him if he smells bad, so it is important to ensure that he always smells good.
Method 1 of 5: Bathing the Dog

Step 1. Buy dog shampoo
If your dog has rolled in something that smells bad, hasn't been bathed in long, and looks dirty, start by giving him a good bath. Purchase a shampoo formulated to eliminate bad odors, rather than trying to mask the stench with perfume.
- The use of conditioner is optional and depends on the type of coat of the dog.
- If your dog has skin problems (such as severe candidiasis, for example), ask your vet which shampoo to use.
Step 2. Wet the dog completely
Start at the head and work your way up to the tail. Use hot (but not hot) water.
The dog's skin should be totally wet before applying the shampoo
Step 3. Shampoo the dog
Pour some shampoo on your hands. Begin to lather the dog starting from the top of the neck and then moving towards the tail.
- Lather the outside of the ears, legs, chest, belly, fringes and the rest of the body.
- Avoid getting shampoo in his eyes and ears.
Step 4. Rinse
Use warm water to wash off the shampoo. Avoid getting water in your dog's eyes and ears.

Step 5. Repeat the same process with the conditioner (if you have decided to use it)
Step 6. Let the dog shake off the water
Step away and let the dog give himself a good shake.
Step 7. Dry the dog as soon as possible
Using a towel, pat the dog's coat well. Some dogs tolerate the use of a hairdryer (as long as it is set to a low temperature).
- The typical wet dog smell, which many detest, is mainly due to bacteria that proliferate in the animal's skin sebum. Like many other types of bacteria, these microorganisms love warm, humid environments.
- The best way to get rid of this odor is to wash your dog regularly and do what you can to keep it dry between baths.
- Don't wash your dog too often. Bathing it removes some of the sebum to protect the skin and, in the long run, this can cause health problems. Talk to your veterinarian, he will be able to give you advice based on the climate, the length of the coat and other factors.
- It prevents the dog from rolling on the ground before being dry, the wet coat easily absorbs odors.
Method 2 of 5: Grooming the Dog
Step 1. Clean his ears
Dirty ears often generate bad smells. When your dog's ears look dirty on the inside, clean them. Don't do this too often, as it may cause irritation.
- Go to a pet store and purchase some wipes, mineral oil, or a specific ear cleaning product.
- Clean where you notice earwax (which is usually dark brown in color) and in the folds of the ear. If the stench coming from your ear is very strong, it could be due to an infection and not just dirt. In these cases, contact your veterinarian.
- Ear infections are quite common among dogs and are often accompanied by other skin disorders. If your dog's ears show signs of infection (bad odor, redness, swelling, or pus discharge), examine the pet's body for any skin disorders.
- Ear and skin infections are often due to allergic reactions (to foods or substances in the surrounding environment, such as pollen, for example).
- Gently apply the solution to the inside of the ear and rub in a twisting motion. Better yet, gently grasp the external ear canal (located just below the ear opening) using your thumb and index finger, then open and close your fingers to loosen the dirt with the help of the cleaning solution.
- Dogs are happy to be massaged in this way and often express their appreciation by making noises of pleasure.
- Finally, use a cotton ball to dry the ear canal where it is wet.
- During the process, do not stick anything into the duct (fingers or whatever). Do not use cotton buds.
Step 2. Brush or comb your dog's coat daily
This will remove some of the dirt that contributes to the bad smell of the animal.
Step 3. Clean the dog's teeth
If the animal has a dirty mouth, it probably also has bad breath. To remove the bad smell (and for hygiene reasons) brush your dog's teeth regularly (preferably every day).
- Get a toothbrush that is large enough for the dog's mouth. You can buy one online, at a pet store, or at the vet. Get a dog-specific toothpaste (never use one for humans). Dog toothpastes are often flavored with chicken or beef.
- Pour some dog toothpaste onto the toothbrush (as a guide, the toothpaste ball should be about the size of a pea).
- Gently lift the dog's lip to see his teeth.
- Brush all of your teeth for about a minute. Take care of both sides of each tooth.
- Some dogs can't stand their teeth being brushed. They don't stand still and get agitated right away. These animals need to get used to the process little by little. Start cleaning your dog's teeth by putting some toothpaste on your finger, then use a piece of gauze. When your dog seems comfortable, switch to the toothbrush. This way the dog will gradually get used to it.
- Reward your dog for being patient.

Step 4. Don't perfume the dog
Avoid spraying perfumes or deodorants on him.
Perfume might mask the smell, but it won't eliminate the cause of the stench. Also, if the product you use is not suitable for dogs, it could be harmful to the animal's health
Method 3 of 5: Reduce Flatulence

Step 1. Consider its nutrition
If your dog is not on a healthy, natural diet, the bad smells may be due to what he eats. Consider what you feed him. If you give him dog food, read on the package what the ingredients are.
- Most dog foods on the market contain unhealthy additives, which can cause digestive problems.
- Dogs that eat a healthy diet can also have digestive problems. Dogs sometimes suffer from food allergies which can cause flatulence. Dog treats can also cause digestive problems.

Step 2. Change your dog's diet
If your dog eats low-quality, cheap and low-nutrient foods, start buying branded products and give him better quality food. Many poor products contain indigestible additives that can ruin the dog's coat, cause flatulence and bad breath.
- Branded foods can be found in top pet stores or can be purchased online. You can also switch to a home diet. Ask your vet what foods are best for your dog.
- Gradually change your dog's diet. Start by adding a small amount of new food to what you usually give him. Gradually increase the amount of new food, until it completely replaces the old one.
- If the flatulence gets worse, it means that the diet was changed too quickly. The transition period from one diet to another is very important and must be managed in the best possible way. It should be gradual so that the intestinal bacteria get used to the new food, and it should last a few days (three to seven days).
- Most dogs are lactose intolerant. If you give your dog food that contains lactose, he may start to have problems with flatulence. Eliminate this type of food from your dog's diet and the problem should be resolved, at least in part. On the other hand, the bacteria contained in certain types of low-fat yogurt could be beneficial for your dog. Consult with your veterinarian on this.
- Help your dog's digestive system function properly by feeding him whole grains, such as cooked brown rice. Proper digestion helps resolve flatulence or bad breath problems.
- Don't give him leftover food. The variety of food on our tables is not ideal for a dog's diet. Eating what we eat can cause him problems with flatulence and bad breath, as well as subject him to an unbalanced diet.

Step 3. Do not allow the dog to eat the garbage
Take the necessary steps to prevent your dog from ingesting leftover foods that are not part of his diet or that have even gone bad. In addition, the dog may become dirty and become covered with unpleasant odors while rummaging in the garbage.
Step 4. Exercise your dog
Walk, run and play with him. This will promote the dog's bowel movement and reduce flatulence problems.
Method 4 of 5: Deal with the Anal Glands

Step 1. Have it examined
If you think the odor is coming from the anal glands, take your dog to the vet, who will be able to tell you if the animal has blocked or infected glands.

Step 2. Learn to empty the glands
If your vet tells you that your anal glands have a problem, ask them to show you how to empty them properly and safely. Even a groomer can show you how it's done.
To find out more, read this article

Step 3. Assess if the problem is caused by psychological factors
If the secretions occur when the dog is anxious, excited or afraid, deal with the psychological causes behind the phenomenon.
Such a problem is almost certainly due to behavioral factors. Talk to your vet or dog behaviorist for advice. You may be able to solve the problem by helping the dog to feel comfortable in everyday life
Method 5 of 5: Clean the Kennel

Step 1. Wash the bedding in the washing machine
To make your dog smell good, keep the kennel clean by removing fleas and dirt. Put the blankets and bed linings in the washing machine and wash them according to what is written on the various labels. For resistant items (like rags), wash them at the highest possible temperatures.
If possible, do not use scented detergents or use detergents at all. A dog's nose is much more sensitive than ours, so what a good scent for us may not be the same for him.
- Washing clothes with hot water and baking soda will eliminate almost all odors.
- Vinegar and hot water are just as good.
- If you really need to wash clothes with detergent, you can find many unscented ones.
- Avoid using fabric softener, it may irritate the dog's skin and is usually too fragrant.

Step 2. Dry blankets and so on
Put the clothes in the dryer (set on a low temperature) or let them dry in the sun.

Step 3. Clean the parts of the bed that are not machine washable
What cannot be put in the washing machine (such as the frame of the kennel or the cot) must be washed with the water hose. If the kennel is very dirty, use a toothbrush or sponge to remove the dirt and use a mild and biodegradable dish soap.

Step 4. Repeat the process
Wash the bed once or twice a week, depending on how it smells.
- If your dog has skin problems, see a veterinarian with expertise in dermatology. It could be useful if the bad smell is due to problems related to the skin or coat of the dog.
- Keep your dog's brushes clean. Wash them in hot water and let them dry before using them again.
- If the bed has removable covers, try tucking lavender buds between the cover and the bed to keep the bed fragrant. Lavender may also have a relaxing effect on the dog.
- There are medicines that can reduce flatulence. If changing your diet does not solve the problem, consult your veterinarian.
- Certain scents can mix with the dog's natural odor, causing the pet to stink. If you smell your dog's coat and your dog still stinks, make sure the products you use aren't causing the problem. Scented shampoos, for example, can do more harm than good.
- There are snacks for dogs designed for cleaning the teeth on the market. Dogs love to chew them! Give your dog one of these snacks to prevent bad breath problems and maintain his dental hygiene. The curious thing is that, for once, you will give the dog a treat that is not only greedy, but also healthy.
- Spray your dog with dry shampoo and brush the coat as soon as the shampoo comes into contact with it. This way you will not remove the bad smell, but you will clean the skin and coat. In 1-3 weeks, your dog will smell great and be spotless!
- Get expert help when cleaning your dog's anal glands for the first time. One mistake can cause very serious infections.
- Some dogs smell stronger than others. You may just have to get used to this, especially if the dog is older, has long hair, or is large in size.
- Human toothpaste contains fluoride which, if swallowed, can be toxic to the dog. Never use ordinary toothpaste to clean your dog's teeth.
- Do not feed the dog: chocolate, onion, grapes, raisins, tomatoes, avocados, macadamia nuts and foods that contain caffeine or xylitol; they are all harmful foods for the health of the animal.
- Bad odor, if frequent, can be due to more serious health problems. If none of these tips prove helpful, see a veterinarian, especially if you have frequent flatulence, persistent urine odor, pungent odors accompanied by yellowing eyes and gums, swollen abdomen, vomiting, or tooth and gum disease.