How to Get a Stripper's Body

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How to Get a Stripper's Body
How to Get a Stripper's Body

Do you want the body of a stripper? It's more than six packs and a dazzling smile. Here are some tips to make sure that the ladies can't do without you!


Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 1
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 1

Step 1. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

This means pasta, potatoes, bread, sugar and white rice. If your diet is high in carbohydrates, you will never be able to attack fat stores. Eat clean carbohydrates like fresh fruit and brown or wild rice.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 2
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 2

Step 2. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram, which is a very high percentage. Limit yourself to drinking water at least until you can see your abs.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 3
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 3

Step 3. Cut down on saturated fats, found in animal fats and dairy products

Get the required amount of fat from foods such as fresh fish and almonds. Remove the fat from your steak and the skin from the chicken.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 4
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 4

Step 4. Eat good quality protein

Eat lots of fresh fish, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products, and lean cuts of meat.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 5
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 5

Step 5. Don't forget the fibers

Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach and beets, as well as two to three servings of broccoli and cauliflower per week.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 6
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 6

Step 6. Drink water

It is the most important nutrient for the body, if you don't drink enough you will not only not lose weight, but you will not be healthy and therefore more vulnerable to infections.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 7
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 7

Step 7. Do some cardiovascular workouts

If you want a defined waistline, you have to work hard, 30 minutes three times a week is not enough. If you want a stripper body then you need to increase your heart rate for at least 45 minutes 6 times a week. Unless you're a freak of nature with naturally sculpted abs and maybe pencil-dry legs. To get an idea of what your heart rate should be, use this simple formula: 220 - your age + resting heart rate x 70%. Things get complicated with interval training and cross training methods.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 8
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 8

Step 8. Build Muscle Mass

Go to the gym and put on some mass, but not too much, because it won't be attractive. Train 4-5 times a week while also calculating an adequate recovery time. Girls will laugh at you if you have muscular chest and arms but chicken legs!

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 9
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 9

Step 9. Take care of your skin

If you look like a gorilla, no one will care about your sculpted abs. Girls won't put money in your thong even if you're pale as a ghost. Go for waxes and lamps. Laser treatments are expensive but are the most effective remedy for getting rid of hair once and for all. Try to get as natural a tan as possible, not tending to orange.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 10
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 10

Step 10. Try to smell good

If you stink, everything we've already talked about doesn't count, there's nothing worse than a bad smell for girls. Find a good cologne, possibly antiperspirant. Bad breath is even worse: if you look like Brad Pitt but have bad breath, you go from hero to nothing.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 11
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 11

Step 11. Comb

If you are losing your hair, shave it off. Keep them clean and scented.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 12
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 12

Step 12. Remember the little things

Girls notice and value small details. Keep fingernails and toenails short and clean, and hairless ears and nostrils.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 13
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 13

Step 13. Smile

If you have missing or stained teeth, fix them.

Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 14
Get a Male Stripper's Body Step 14

Step 14. Show security

Strippers have a confidence that almost all women love (even if they won't admit it). There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance though. Go through it and you are back at the starting point.


  • Go to a professional for your nutrition and training program. This article contains only guidelines, we are all different and the best results are achieved when you have in your hands a program tailored to your needs.
  • Learn to dance and perform for the ladies. You have to involve them in the show.


  • The nutrition recommendations in this article are based on Western eating habits, usually high in carbohydrates and saturated fat. If you're already used to consuming low amounts of these foods, don't cut them down any further.
  • Get your doctor's approval before starting any training program.
