Cleaning a silver necklace at home is really simple: a few common objects are enough, such as a microfiber cloth, dish soap or baking soda. However, even if some jewels can be easily cleaned at home, in the case of antique silver, a fragile necklace or in the presence of precious stones, it is good to consult a professional. If you have decided to clean silver at home, you can start by using baking soda or dish soap, depending on the level of oxidation, then moving on to toothpaste or a bath with salt, baking soda and aluminum if the necklace is not yet shiny. as you wanted.
Method 1 of 3: Use Soap and Water

Step 1. Use a non-scratch cloth
On sale there are cloths specially formulated to clean metals, but you can also use a common microfiber one. This way you won't run the risk of them scratching your necklace, as regular paper or fabric handkerchiefs might do. The best choice falls on a soft material that leaves no residue.
If you need to reach small, hidden areas, you can try using a cotton swab

Step 2. Start with a few drops of soap
If the silver necklace is medium oxidized, a little dish soap may be sufficient. Pour a few drops into a cup of hot water, then mix and soak the cloth to start cleaning the necklace.

Step 3. Rub the necklace along the grain of the metal
You may think that the best way to clean and polish silver is to make circular movements. Yet in that way you would risk scratching it. It is best to rub it back and forth, making sure you do it in the direction of the metal grain to reduce the chances of it being scratched.
- The shirts should be gently rubbed between two fingers using the cloth.
- Occasionally switch to a clean section of the cloth so as not to bring the oxide back to the metal.
- If there are areas with particular details, you can use a toothbrush with soft, clean bristles, being careful not to scrub too hard.

Step 4. Do not clean the details that the creator of the necklace has voluntarily allowed to oxidize
In some cases, letting certain details darken may have been a way to highlight them. If you have a necklace with these characteristics, you must avoid cleaning those details so as not to alter its beauty.
Method 2 of 3: Using Other Substances

Step 1. Try using a specific product or one of the following alternatives
If the necklace is highly oxidized, it may be best to purchase a cream or spray specially formulated to clean the silver. Alternatively, you can try making a paste with water and baking soda to gently rub on your jewelry to clean it.
- Another option could be to create a cleaning solution by mixing 120ml of lemon juice with a tablespoon of olive oil.
- You can also use toothpaste. Some toothpastes contain an ingredient called "hydrated silica", which is a silicon compound that acts as an abrasive agent on the surface of the teeth. The same action also occurs on silver. First of all, look for a toothpaste that contains this ingredient generally more common in those with anti-tartar action. However, what you normally use to brush your teeth should also be fine for cleaning silver; only gel toothpastes are not indicated.

Step 2. Apply the compound of your choice
Put a small amount on the necklace. If it is a piece of jewelry adorned with precious or semi-precious stones, this method is not the most suitable, but you can still use it to clean the parts without decorations. A pea-sized amount should suffice, you can always add more if needed.

Step 3. Rub the silver
For this initial part, you can only use your fingers if you prefer, but only if you are using ingredients that are harmless to the skin, such as baking soda, lemon juice or toothpaste; otherwise, it is essential to use a microfibre cloth. Rub the cleaning agent on the silver, including the chain links if they are also oxidized. The method is the same as described in the first part of the article in which dishwashing detergent was used, only the product used changes. Again, you can opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush (not the one you use to brush your teeth), but be careful not to scrub too hard or you risk scratching the metal.

Step 4. Rinse the necklace
When the oxide patina is almost completely gone, rinse the jewel with cold water. Carefully remove all residues of the substance used to clean. If the silver still isn't as shiny as you wanted, you can repeat the process.
Method 3 of 3: Use a Bath with Salt, Bicarbonate and Aluminum

Step 1. Prepare everything you need
You need an aluminum pan or a boule lined with aluminum foil. Pour in a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of baking soda.
- While some people are used to using this method to clean precious or semi-precious stone necklaces, the latter could be damaged, so it's best not to risk it if it is a valuable piece of jewelry. For the same reason it is better to use a different method since it is antique or delicate silver.
- This process will completely remove the oxide patina, even from areas that have been darkened for decorative purposes or to create a design.
- At this point you can also add 120 ml of white wine vinegar. In this case, remember that the latter reacts in contact with the bicarbonate generating carbon dioxide, so pay attention to the doses so as not to risk the liquid overflowing.

Step 2. Create the bathroom
Add hot water to the aluminum container, one glass (250ml) should suffice. The water should be close to boiling, but it does not need to reach boiling point. Stir for as long as it takes to completely dissolve the salt and baking soda.

Step 3. Soak the necklace
When everything is ready, dip the necklace into the solution that will remove the oxide film. It must be in contact with the bottom of the container, so that the oxide can pass from silver to aluminum. Leave the necklace to soak for a couple of minutes. You can wait a few moments longer if it is heavily oxidized.

Step 4. Remove the necklace from the water
Use a fork or kitchen tongs. Now scrub the spots that need extra cleaning. Proceed very gently, especially in the most fragile parts. When finished, dry the necklace and place it in the jewelry box.