You've probably tried to remove a wart on your foot or someone else's. If you've used over-the-counter medications, fine, keep using them, but in a different way. Try one of these remedies to speed up your recovery.
Method 1 of 2: English salt

Step 1. Soak your foot in water with some English salt (magnesium sulfate)
You can buy it in all pharmacies.

Step 2. Remove all dead skin from the wart area

Step 3. Apply the patch and cover it with a bandage

Step 4. Repeat the steps every day
Method 2 of 2: Narcissus

Step 1. Find a bouquet of daffodils

Step 2. Scratch the wart to open it

Step 3. Apply white resin to the wart and rub the plant all over its surface

Step 4. Don't wash the wart for a while
Reapply the white resin if you wash it off.

Step 5. Repeat this every day for a week or two

Step 6. Repeat with the other warts
In a month or two you should get rid of all your warts.
- When applying the patch and bandage, wash your foot and use a towel to remove any dirt that could cause the patch to come off.
- After treating the wart, forget you have it. Don't touch it.
- If you don't have a patch, you can use duct tape.
- When you take off your shoes or socks, make sure you don't remove parts of the patch.
- Whenever you see daffodils, use them on your wart. Do this every day or once every two days.
- Do not remove the patch; keep it for about a week, to heal the wart in a short time.
- After applying the patch and bandage, try to press it as much as possible against your foot to make them take the shape of the foot.
- The wart will heal like an ulcer, from the inside out, so don't use ointments, harsh cleansers, or medications on the wound, or you will damage the exposed tissue. Just wash your feet with very mild soap and water, dry them, and wear clean socks. After surgery, the wart area should not ache or become infected: in this case, consult a doctor!
- A plantar wart, which grows deep into the sole of the foot, can be surgically removed by a doctor.
- If your wart continues to grow and causes pain, consult your doctor or dermatologist for more effective methods.