It is always difficult to deal with a teenager - especially a boy - but thanks to this article, you will get the help you need!

Step 1. Talk to us
Guys have a tendency to ignore people because they think they already know enough. Instead of paying him back with the same card, show him that you care and that you are interested in what he does. Speak, but also remember to listen.

Step 2. Give it space
Teens always want to feel cool and hang out with friends. Let them do it. As long as they don't do anything dangerous and irreversible, they deserve some freedom.

Step 3. Offer your advice
Guys think they already know everything, but the truth is that they always have problems. If they give you their secrets, remember to give them as much help as possible.

Step 4. Keep everything under control
This does not mean keeping your child locked in the room, but not allowing them to use abusive language or choose a curfew time. Gently rubbing his arm as you explain something to him is a hypnotic way to keep his behavior at bay. (Note: Physical contact doesn't work with all guys. Some may react violently or withdraw from your contact. With guys who tend to keep their distance, physical contact like this can have the opposite effect.)

Step 5. Encourage him
If he's interested in something, get him to pursue his passion, and show him your support. It will give him self-esteem and, above all, it will make him happy.

Step 6. Spend time with him
It may be more difficult for mothers at first, but ask them if everything is okay or if they want to talk about something. As stress builds up, the risk of having nervous breakdowns increases. Take the time to talk and find out about his life without poking his nose too much.
- Find him a role model to follow. Guys tend to follow an example, so find them one. It could be the father, an uncle … anyone!
- Don't lose your cool. As long as you remain calm and do not raise your voice with him, he will show himself available to you.
- Support them in their passion, as long as it is something constructive and not negative or self-destructive. Some parents don't see their children as individuals, and they insist too much on wanting them to behave in a certain way. Each guy has his own personality, and as long as he receives love and support, his self-confidence will increase and lead him to shine.
- Take him to a youth club. It will help him find new friends and maybe even a girlfriend.
- Don't freak him out. Talk to him and spend time with him, but don't overdo it. He may find you strange and therefore avoid you.
- Don't make him do what he doesn't want to do. Youth clubs and other venues are great for socializing, but if they don't feel like going, forget it.