Are you having difficulty studying or learning and would you like to improve your learning? This guide will help you take the path to success.

Step 1. Observe the environment around you
Studying at school is very different from studying alone and requires a different approach.
- The following steps are a general guide for studying and learning better, but they apply to self-learning done at home, or in quiet environments without distractions. If you find yourself in situations where some of the steps need to be changed, try to follow them anyway based on their original goal.
- Assess the situation yourself and try to faithfully follow the guidelines. If you do, success will be guaranteed!

Step 2. To begin, after evaluating the environment around you, decide which methods are most suitable for studying in that place
To do this, evaluate the environment and think about past experiences to guide you in the process.

Step 3. Then, prepare to learn early by eliminating minor disturbances
- Start by considering your body. Are you cold / hot? Are you tired, stressed, nervous, angry, bored? Grab a piece of paper and write down anything that bothers you or may disturb you just before you start studying. If you are preparing for a day at school, follow the step BEFORE you go to school.
- After writing the list, start solving major problems to minor ones. These include Whatever bothers you, because even the smallest will affect how your brain examines information. The disturbing elements must be completely resolved (for example, if you have to go to the bathroom, DO IT!).
If you are tired and have a chance to sleep, then SLEEP! If you have bad breath that bothers you, CLEAN YOUR TEETH! If your dog or cat bothers you, SOLVE! The more you can keep your brain focused, the better.
Meditate Deeply Step 10 Step 4. Now that the major, small and physical disturbances have been resolved, it's time to start the brain prep process, which is like a giant camera
Whatever you do, it will snapshots of the information for later use.
- Most of the time your brain processes EVERYTHING around it in the same way and, every second, it takes millions of snapshots (closing the so-called synapses) of everything constantly and at the same speed.
- Your goal is to get the brain to focus all (or most) of the snapshots on the subject of study! If done correctly, you will increase your learning potential by 60%!
Study a Week Before an Exam Step 1 Step 5. PREPARATORY PHASE:
Start by focusing on the snapshots by removing all disturbing elements from the study area. Find a quiet place without interference.
- If you leave your computer on for non-study purposes, turn it off and make the room as quiet as possible.
- Close the shutters and windows letting in as little light as possible, then turn on the lights at an intensity that allows you to study without straining your eyes, but with a softer light than usual.
- This step is essential to prevent the brain from focusing on the surrounding environment.
When choosing the room to study, choose a place where there is a comfortable chair / bed / sofa to lie down on.
A good place is your bedroom, provided there are no other people and it is completely quiet
Concentrate on Studies Step 15 Step 6. Eliminate worries from body and mind
A wise monk once said that this was his secret to the success of his studies.
- Do something relaxing and slightly active for exactly 10 minutes.
- Use a stopwatch to calculate the right time. The relaxing activity can be anything, such as, for example, taking a shower (without necessarily washing, just letting the water flow over your body to calm you down and refresh you), taking a relaxing walk in the room, or reading a children's book.
- Anything that is mildly stimulating (i.e. requiring little concentration) and relaxing at the same time. After choosing your business, you will see that if you continue to do it it will help you.
Study for a Geography Exam Step 15 Step 7. It's time to learn
After 10 minutes of activity, you will have to relax completely.
- To do this, you can lie down on the bed / sofa and focus on every tense point and muscle in the body letting go of all control of that area.
- Start from the head and go towards the feet. Relax your whole body and sink into bed, pretending to be dead if it helps. Don't move and don't use any muscles (except, of course, the ones you need to breathe and live!).
- Let your senses be alert, and listen to everything as you feel your muscles tingle as they relax completely for the first time.
- Do the exercise for five minutes, then stop, letting the muscles start working again. Now, drink some water slowly and calmly and you will be ready to study.
Concentrate on Studies Step 2 Step 8. STUDY PHASE:
Gather all the study materials in front of you and start reading / studying. Take deep and regular unconscious breaths and do not pay attention to anything around you, EXCEPT the object of study. Read EVERY line and important information; you will remember everything if you have followed the steps!
Read a Book If You Don't Enjoy Reading Step 10 Step 9. REPEAT PHASE:
Every 15 minutes, stop and repeat what you have learned (or, if you can't, re-read only the most important parts of the article / topic).
Walk Silently Step 4 Step 10. ASSIMILATION PHASE:
Now, get up and go for a jog, a quick walk, or anything that helps your mind remember the information.
Remember, it is a fact that your brain is more likely to remember something meaningful and important than something boring and monotonous.
For example, it's much easier to remember a tiger running away from the zoo and deciding to chase you than the cereal you ate for breakfast last week. The tiger attack will make your brain take snapshots twice as fast and instantly focus on a single event. This incident causes your brain to record all other information surrounding the attack, and the tiger's escaping. Without even wanting to, you will notice that you are able to remember EVERY detail of the attack
- The trick is to make your brain think that the insignificant and boring topic is as important as remembering how you escaped from the tiger! Don't worry, it's simpler than it looks!
- Think about important events, or listen to some music. Both will allow you to associate the topic when you hear or listen to other things.
- Another good method is to play a very adventurous video game for 5 minutes. Anything that puts you on the alert, or that helps the brain to pick up information quickly will make you remember better.
- Furthermore, the more you study, the simpler the approach will be. You will feel more like a machine than a person while you work.
Read a Book If You Don't Enjoy Reading Step 12 Step 11. REPEAT PHASE:
At the end of the assimilation phase, relax and repeat the process starting from the "LEARNING PHASE". Do this for about 1-2 hours per session, with a break every 15 minutes. At the end of the session, do not start the process again for at least 4 hours! The brain needs time to reorder, organize, process and assimilate all the new information!
Concentrate on Studies Step 18 Step 12. If you follow all the steps and your judgment correctly, you will be able to learn
You will immediately notice that this will become a routine and that your brain remembers much better than you thought. Now, have fun learning!
- If studying is the last thing you do before going to sleep, you will get better results. The brain will take a long time to process the new information.
- Remember, preparation is very important!
- The place and the person should be as quiet as possible, with minimal distractions, and as organized / open-minded and concerted as possible.
- Make sure you have a plan before learning / studying. Starting without a program will get you nowhere. A good program is a simple written diagram showing your study plan, otherwise, if you are learning a completely new subject, make sure the information is up-to-date and reliable.
- Try to study / learn for the first two hour session, at night, just before going to sleep; then, continue to study another hour the next morning to make sure you have permanently stored the information.
- For best results, ALL steps must be followed!
- Try to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep the night before the study day; Also, make sure you go to sleep early after studying, otherwise you will lose much of the information you have learned.
- Read more articles suggested in the "related wikiHow" section. They have been selected to help you improve and you will learn other tips that will help you study.
- If you don't get enough sleep before and after studying, you will waste all your efforts because the brain will have to work even harder to learn, and eventually it will give up.
- If the study location is not completely quiet, and if you are not relaxed / focused, you will not learn to your full potential.
- If the study material isn't very clear, you won't learn as well.
- If you try to follow these steps in other places than your home, you will have to adapt these guidelines too much, to the point that they will not work.
- Studying too much leads to information loss or confusion.