Looking to level up your character in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)? Contrary to previous games in the series, the level is not determined by the progress of your skills, but by the overall experience gained. Getting experience points may seem challenging, but there are tons of ways to do it. Read the article to find useful information on how to make your character more powerful!
Method 1 of 5: Choose the Right Skills

Step 1. Choose which skills you will use
The secret to leveling up fast is to focus only on the skills you will use most often in battle, in order to gain more experience. If you constantly change skills or weapons because they look better to you, don't be surprised if you find yourself leveling up slower.

Step 2. Choose a race that fits your play style
Some races have experience point bonuses earned with specific skills. Examples include Altmers with staffs of destruction, Bosmers with bows, Bretons with light armor, and Khajit with medium armor. Decide what abilities you want to specialize with and consider creating a character with racial bonuses that enhance them.

Step 3. Before you finally choose your style of play, experiment
It takes time to figure out the right combination of skills to level up your character faster, as well as to choose the skills you prefer. Experiment and be patient.
Method 2 of 5: Complete Missions

Step 1. Complete the generic missions
These assignments, which you can receive from Tamriel's NPCs, can earn you a lot of experience points. In addition, you will also level up by eliminating the enemies that get in your way! The more challenging missions allow you to receive more money, so don't just accept the quick and easy ones.

Step 2. Complete the guild missions
Guilds are also returning in this chapter of the Elder Scrolls series, so take advantage of them and accept their assignments. The various missions available help you earn experience points to level up faster, thanks to the paths you can follow.

Step 3. Fight in the factional war
Since combat is the best way to earn experience points, what's better than participating in a real war? Once you reach level 10, you will have the opportunity to take the field, fighting for your alliance (later, if you wish, you can even switch sides). This way you will get a lot of experience points, based on the size of the battle and the frequency with which you participate.
Method 3 of 5: Level Up Quickly

Step 1. Explore the world
For MMO veterans, repeating the same actions over and over is still the best way to gain experience points. If, on the other hand, you are a beginner, you will probably find this style of play unbearable. Start by looking around. In particular, go to areas far from civilization. The more dangerous an environment, the better.

Step 2. Kill the monsters
Nothing simpler. Use whichever method you prefer and try to take out the enemies yourself, so you can get more experience points. Have fun if you can!

Step 3. Repeat indefinitely
Keep taking out enemies and gaining experience points. It will probably be quite boring, but you will eventually reach the desired level.
Method 4 of 5: Collect the Skyshards

Step 1. Look for the Skyshards
These items make their first appearance in the Elder Scrolls universe. Once collected, they give you a bonus skill point to spend. Start looking for them in the world around you. Listen well as well as sharpen the visit. In fact, they produce a distinctive sound and strong light, so they are easy to spot even from a distance.

Step 2. Activate the Skyshards
Once you find one of these crystals, activate it by clicking on it, in order to capture its power. Don't worry if you see another player near you; you can get the bonus both.

Step 3. Distribute skill points
Once you get to 3 crystals, you will get a point to spend. You can check the points at your disposal from the Skills and Abilities menu.
Method 5 of 5: Other Considerations

Step 1. Try crafting items
By building weapons, armor or other equipment you will level up and become more proficient in that ability. You will gain experience and learn how to make higher quality items (which you can sell!). There are many different activities to try, including weapon making, armor making, and alchemy.

Step 2. Fight more powerful enemies
The harder the monsters are, the more experience you will gain by killing them. Consequently, if you are already at a high enough level and you find that the orcs you have been fighting for a few minutes no longer allow you to improve your skills, it is time to move on to larger prey. To adventure!

Step 3. Fight with other players
Some less balanced MMOs allow other users to "steal" your kills, but this doesn't happen in ESO. Since you don't have to worry about this, don't be afraid to help other players in battle. If you make a sufficient contribution, you will receive experience points. If you work together as equals, you can divide them equally!

Step 4. Receive Upgrades
There are a few different ways to do this. The easiest one is to find a Mundus Stone (similar to Skyrim's Guardian Stones or Oblivion's Birthmarks) that can boost the stat you want to level up. These stones are scattered all over Tamriel, so you will need to look for them.