How To Remove AdChoiches (With Pictures)

Table of contents:

How To Remove AdChoiches (With Pictures)
How To Remove AdChoiches (With Pictures)

AdChoices is a browser hijacker that, when installed, makes a series of changes to your personal settings and causes advertisements to appear on your desktop. AdChoices is normally contained in other third party programs and infects Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox on Windows PCs. Removing AdChoices will help prevent your computer and personal information from being compromised by malicious third parties.


Part 1 of 4: Remove AdChoices (Windows)

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 1
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 1

Step 1. Download and install AdwCleaner

It is a free anti-adware program developed by the General Changelog Team. You can download it for free from

Many people manage to remove AdChoices using AdwCleaner alone, but if you want to be more than sure, download the following two programs as well

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 2
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 2

Step 2. Download and install Malwarebyte Antimalware

It is another free anti-malware program that can help you detect and remove AdChoices and other malicious programs. You can find it at

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 3
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 3

Step 3. Download and install Spybot Free Edition

It is another free aniti-adware program, developed by Safer Networking. You can get the free version at

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 4
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 4

Step 4. Restart your computer in Safe Mode

With these anti-adware programs, scanning is easier when the computer is started in Safe Mode.

  • Restart your computer.
  • Press F8 repeatedly before the Windows logo appears.
  • Select "Safe Mode with Networking" from the Advanced Boot menu.
  • Look for more detailed instructions on how to enter Safe Mode.
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 5
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 5

Step 5. Start AdwCleaner and click the "Search" button

Allow the program to scan your computer (this may take a few minutes).

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 6
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 6

Step 6. Make sure all results are selected

When AdwCleaner has finished scanning, a list of results will be returned. By default, they should already be selected.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 7
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 7

Step 7. Click the "Clean" button

AdwCleaner will delete all selected entries.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 8
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 8

Step 8. Launch Malwarebytes and Spybot

Both work in a similar way to AdwCleaner. Allow them to scan your computer and then clean or quarantine the scan results.

Run a single scan at a time

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 9
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 9

Step 9. Restart your computer

After running a scan with all three programs and removing all results, you can restart your computer to exit Safe Mode and proceed to the next section.

Part 2 of 4: Reset Browsers (Windows)

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 10
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 10

Step 1. Open Internet Explorer

Even if you don't use Internet Explorer, you should still follow these steps, as it is a method used in some system activities.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 11
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 11

Step 2. Click on the gear icon or on the Tools menu and select "Internet Options"

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 12
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 12

Step 3. Click the tab


Get Rid of Adchoices Step 13
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 13

Step 4. Click on the button

Reset… and check the "Delete personal settings" box.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 14
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 14

Step 5. Click

Reset to reset Internet Explorer to default configuration and remove AdChoices. You will be asked to restart your computer.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 15
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 15

Step 6. Open Firefox (if applicable)

AdChoices infects all your browsers, so if it is installed, open Firefox even if you don't use it. If you don't have it, move on to the next browser.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 16
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 16

Step 7. Click the Firefox Menu button (☰) and select "Help"

It is located at the bottom of the menu.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 17
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 17

Step 8. Click "Troubleshooting Information"

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 18
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 18

Step 9. Click on the button

Reset Firefox…. Click it again to confirm.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 19
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 19

Step 10. Open Chrome (if applicable)

AdChoices infects all your browsers, so open Chrome, if it's installed, even if you don't use it.

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 20
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 20

Step 11. Click the Chrome Menu button (☰) and select "Settings"

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 21
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 21

Step 12. Click on the "View Advanced Settings" link at the bottom of the page

Get Rid of Adchoices Step 22
Get Rid of Adchoices Step 22

Step 13. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click

Reset Settings. Click on the Reset button to confirm.

Part 3 of 4: Remove AdChoices (Mac OS X)

Step 1. Download AdwareMedic

It is a free anti-adware program that works with OS X 10.7 (Lion) or later. If you are using an older version of OS X, see the "Manual Removal" section below.

Step 2. Start the scan with AdwareMedic and select "Scan for Adware"

Checks with AdwareMedic are usually quite fast.

Step 3. Look at the results list

If AdwareMedic detects any adware-type file on your computer, it will list it along with the name of the program that created it. Any files that AdwareMedic deems dangerous will be automatically marked for deletion.

It is recommended that you check the items that are not selected. Usually these are the browser settings files that have been changed. Their removal will help ensure the elimination of the adware, but some of the browser settings may also be changed

Step 4. Click on the button

Remove Selected. All selected results will be removed and placed in a folder in your trash.

  • You will be prompted to log in as an administrator when you remove some adware.
  • You will also be prompted to restart your computer to complete the process.

Step 5. Reinstall Firefox (if required)

Sometimes, adware can make changes to the Firefox program you are using. It's not something that can be fixed with AdwareMedic, but it will warn you in case it happens. If this occurs, it is highly recommended that you delete Firefox and re-download it from Mozilla.

Part 4 of 4: Manual Removal (Mac OS X)

Step 1. Open Safari

This browser doesn't have an option that removes extensions for you, so you'll have to do everything manually.

Step 2. Click on "Safari" → "Preferences" and select the "General" tab

Step 3. Reset the homepage to the chosen page

Step 4. Check the "Security" and "General" tabs to set them to your default search engine

Their location varies according to the version of Safari you are using.

Set your preferred search engine as the default search engine

Step 5. Select the "Extensions" tab on the "Preferences" menu

Search for all unknown extensions and click Uninstall.

Step 6. Open the file locations listed below

These are common locations for many adware. Copy a line, open Finder, click "Go" → "Go to Folder" and then paste the copied line into the field. The location will open in the Finder and you can delete the files. Drag everything you find to the trash:

/ Library / Application Support / VSearch





/ Library / PrivilegedHelperTools / Jack





/ Library / Application Support / SIMBL / Plugins / CT2285220.bundle

~ / Library / Internet Plug-Ins / ConduitNPAPIPlugin.plugin

~ / Library / Internet Plug-Ins / TroviNPAPIPlugin.plugin

/ Library / InputManagers / CTLoader / All contents to Trash

/ Library / Application Support / Conduit / All contents to Trash

~ / Conduit / All contents to Trash

~ / Find / All contents to Trash

Step 7. Restart your Mac

Your browser should no longer be controlled by AdChoices.
