How to Dry Apples (with Pictures)

How to Dry Apples (with Pictures)
How to Dry Apples (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Maybe your tree was very generous or maybe you bought too many apples thinking you wanted to bake eight pies - whatever the reason, you now have a lot of apples left over. Why don't you let them dry? Dried apples are delicious and healthy snacks that will keep for months. Follow these simple steps to learn how.


  • Apples
  • Lemon juice
  • Waterfall
  • Cinnamon, nutmeg, or a mix of spices (optional)


Part 1 of 2: Part One: Wash the Apples and Remove the Core

Dry Apples Step 1
Dry Apples Step 1

Step 1. Wash the apples of your choice

You don't necessarily have to peel them. The peel adds flavor and contains a lot of fiber, which is unique to apples. Some people prefer to peel them because they don't like the texture of dried peel. It really is just a matter of personal taste.

Any apple variety will do, but you will get the best results with Gala, Fuji and Golden Delicious

Dry Apples Step 2
Dry Apples Step 2

Step 2. Core

You will also need to remove any broken parts. Household stores sell a dedicated tool to do this effectively. However, if you can't find it, you can also remove the core by hand.

If you use apples to decorate or if you still want them to look the best they can, skip this step. Apples cut complete with core are beautiful because they maintain a circular shape and a star design in the center thanks to the presence of the core

Dry Apples Step 3
Dry Apples Step 3

Step 3. Slice the apples thinly

You can cut them so that they keep the shape circular or sliced. Again it is a matter of preference. However, the thinner they are, the easier it will be to dry them.

Dry Apples Step 4
Dry Apples Step 4

Step 4. Soak them in a solution that prevents them from blackening

An excellent choice is lemon juice, pineapple and water mixed together. Pineapple juice isn't necessary, but it adds sweetness and counteracts the acidity of lemon juice. Treating apples in this way is also useful for preserving vitamin A and vitamin C, and for giving apples a better texture. Here are some methods you can use:

  • Dip the apple slices in the lemon juice. Mix 1 cup (240 ml) of lemon juice with 1 liter of water. Do not leave them to soak for more than 10 minutes. Drain the liquid.
  • Dip the apple slices in sodium bisulfite. Mix 2 teaspoons of sodium bisulfite with 1 liter of water. Do not leave them to soak for more than 10 minutes. Drain the liquid.
  • Dip the apple slices in ascorbic acid, six times more effective than lemon juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of ascorbic acid crystals in 1 liter of cold water. Leave the slices in the water for 3 minutes, then drain the liquid.
  • Eventually you can also add orange juice to lemon juice and water.
Dry Apples Step 5
Dry Apples Step 5

Step 5. Sprinkle some spices on the slices to flavor them (optional)

Some people like the taste of apple with spices like nutmeg, cinnamon or a sweet spice mix. This will add a burst of flavor; but know that even apples au naturel will remain delicious.

Part 2 of 2: Part Two: Drying the Apples

Method One: Using the Oven

Dry Apples Step 6
Dry Apples Step 6

Step 1. Heat the oven to 95 ° C

You can also use a lower temperature, for example 60 ° C, but many ovens cannot maintain these temperatures.

Dry Apples Step 7
Dry Apples Step 7

Step 2. Place the slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper

Make sure they don't overlap or melt as they dry.

Dry Apples Step 8
Dry Apples Step 8

Step 3. Place the pan in the oven

Cook the apples for about an hour. When the time runs out, flip the slices. If you like them softer, cook them for another hour. If you prefer more crunchy, you'll need two. Make sure they are cooked evenly on both sides.

You should check the apples from time to time. The ovens are all different and yours may take more or less time to dry the apples

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Step 4. Turn off the oven but leave the apples inside for a couple of hours

Open the door a little to facilitate cooling. You shouldn't remove the apples until they are completely cold (about a couple of hours).

There is another school of thought according to which the oven door must be kept open throughout the drying process, possibly using a ventilated oven which would help the air circulation. If you decide to keep the oven open, let the apples cook for 6-10 hours

Method Two: Dry the Apples in the Sun

Dry Apples Step 9
Dry Apples Step 9

Step 1. Arrange the slices on some baking sheets

Cover the bottom with parchment paper before making the apple layers. Slotted pans are better than cookie cutters because apples may produce some sticky liquid when they dry.

Dry Apples Step 10
Dry Apples Step 10

Step 2. Place the apples in the sun on a warm day

Cover them with cheesecloth to protect them from insects. In the evening, before the humidity drops, take the slices indoors to prevent them from becoming moldy. Place the baking sheets in a dry place in the house.

Dry Apples Step 11
Dry Apples Step 11

Step 3. Flip the slices

At least once a day, turn the slices so that both sides are exposed to the sun. So you will have a homogeneous drying. You will also have to turn them back when you bring them indoors for the night.

Dry Apples Step 12
Dry Apples Step 12

Step 4. Place the apples in the sun again

The next day, take the apples out and into the sun. They will likely get tough during the day. This method usually takes about two days.

Dry Apples Step 13
Dry Apples Step 13

Step 5. Hang the slices

When the apples are dry enough, i.e. when the outer pulp has no more moisture, place them in food paper bags and hang them in a dry and ventilated place or, alternatively, put them in airtight plastic containers to store them.

Method Three: Use a Food Dehydrator

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Step 1. Arrange the slices on the grate of a dryer

Try to arrange them so they don't touch. If this happens, they could be glued.

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Step 2. Turn on the dryer

If it has a thermostat, set it to 60ºC. With this method it will take about 12 to 24 hours, depending on the type of apple and the thickness of the slices.

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Step 3. Remove the apples once they are ready

You can tell when they are ready by touching them. The slices must be malleable or rough and must not crumble. Some like them when they have the texture of fresh raisins. Store them in airtight containers until it's time to enjoy them.


  • If it rains, the apples should only be dried using indoor methods and more care should be taken that they are not scorched while cooking. They will dry well on paper placed on the oven rack.
  • Dried apples are delicious even when stewed and can replace fresh fruit when needed.
