How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (with Pictures)
How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (with Pictures)

Over the past 30 years, cases of type 2 diabetes have increased to such an extent that this disease is now considered an epidemic in the Western world. Initially it was quite mild and rare, mainly affecting the elderly, but today it has become a chronic disease that afflicts people of all ages, races, social classes and is one of the leading modern causes of premature death in many countries around the world. Every 10 seconds there is someone in the world who dies of type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, there is a great way to prevent this disorder: set up and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Part 1 of 3: Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 1
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 1

Step 1. Understand the correlation between diet and diabetes

Eating too many sweets and cholesterol-rich foods increases the risk of prediabetes and developing type 2 diabetes. You can reverse the tendency to hyperglycemia (considered prediabetes) and reduce the risk of developing this disease by eliminating unhealthy foods and following a balanced diet.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 2
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 2

Step 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

You should aim to eat 7 to 9 servings of these foods a day. Frozen and dehydrated fruits and vegetables offer some health benefits, but fresh and seasonal fruits retain and contain greater nutritional power. If you can, avoid or cut back on canned vegetables, as they are high in salt.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 3
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 3

Step 3. Choose fruits and vegetables of different and very intense colors

Brighter colors often indicate a higher intake of nutrients, so it's best to eat different types of foods that offer a wide range of vibrant colors. Some of the ones you should focus on the most are:

  • Dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts
  • Orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash
  • Red fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, raspberries, beets, and radishes
  • Yellow foods such as pumpkin, mango and pineapple.
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 4
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 4

Step 4. Eat complex carbohydrates

Forgo industrially processed sweets, pies, chips and other carbohydrates; instead choose carbohydrate-rich foods that are healthy, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fresh bread. Opt for those foods that are high in fiber; in fact, it has been found that fibers lower blood sugar by acting like a "sponge", slowing down the digestive process and the speed with which glucose enters the bloodstream.

  • Eat legumes like black beans, chickpeas, red beans, pinto beans, peas, lentils.
  • Choose whole grains, even for breakfast, that contain 100% unrefined wheat, as well as brown rice and pasta.
  • Choose whole-grain baked goods like bagels, pita bread, and tortillas.
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 5
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 5

Step 5. Cut back on sugary drinks

One of the main sources of unnecessary calories and excess sugar is beverages high in added sugar, such as sodas and "fruit drinks" which actually have very limited fruit content. You should almost always try to quench your thirst with plain water. If you are concerned about its quality, consider purchasing a filter. If you are used to drinking sugary drinks, the body now requires more and more sugar and at first you will have to go through a period of sugar "detoxification" until you are able to free yourself from this "addiction".

  • Carbonated, non-alcoholic and concentrated drinks, fruit juices, flavored water, fruit and energy drinks, are all sources of invisible sugar that your body does not need. Keep these drinks only as rewards for extraordinary events and opt for water and milk instead.
  • If you find it boring to drink only plain water, know that the carbonated and sparkling one is completely sugar-free and, if you wish, you can add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange juice to flavor it in a pleasant and healthy way.
  • You can also drink sugar-free coffee and tea, as long as in moderation.
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 6
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 6

Step 6. Stop eating sugary, refined carbohydrate snacks

Refined carbohydrates, such as products made with white flour, almost immediately turn into sugar when ingested. Sugar is present in a very evident way in many snacks such as cakes, pastries, candies and chocolate, while in fruit bars and sweetened yogurts it is less predominant. Sugar is an inexpensive product that satisfies cravings, quickly reactivates the body and mind in moments of postprandial sleepiness, and satisfies the perennial need for a quick boost of energy. Don't stock up on sugary treats and don't go get them when you feel the need to lift yourself up.

Be aware that sugar can "hide" where you would not expect it, for example in breakfast cereals. Go for grains with less sugar, 100% wholemeal. You can also replace the sugary ones with oatmeal, amaranth, or other grain-based foods. Try making muesli yourself. Get in the habit of reading and checking the list of ingredients on all the products you want to buy

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 7
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 7

Step 7. Stock up on healthy snacks

Replace sugary, unhealthy ones with fruits, chopped vegetables, nuts, and other healthy nutrients. Fresh seasonal fruit is able to satisfy the desire for "something sweet". Eventually salted peanuts can be a good substitute for snacks such as potato chips, as they provide a greater supply of nutrients such as fiber, healthy fats and proteins.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 8
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 8

Step 8. Eat healthy fats

There is a popular misconception that all fats are harmful. Certainly fried fast food foods are an unhealthy source of fat. However, salmon and walnuts are high in health-promoting fats. Avocado is also another food that is high in healthy fats. It is much more important to try to avoid hydrogenated ones, partially saturated ones and vegetable oils rather than completely eliminating fats in general from your diet.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 9
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 9

Step 9. Reserve treats and treats for special occasions

It may seem like a punishment to give up sugar completely and forever. However, you can still enjoy and enjoy the foods you love from time to time without completely disrupting your eating habits. You may also find that storing your favorite treats for special occasions, rather than eating them freely every day, will make the moment you enjoy them even sweeter and more enjoyable.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 10
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 10

Step 10. Don't think of your eating habits as a constricting and limiting "diet"

"Diets" tend to fail because they are short-term and have an "end". Think of your new way of eating as a change in your eating habits, rather than a temporary "diet", so you will be able to stick to it with less difficulty. You will find that you are losing weight with less effort or stress.

Keep in mind that the goal of staying healthy must last a lifetime, and remember that even severely overweight people have reduced their risk of diabetes by 70% simply by losing 5% of their overall body weight

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 11
Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 11

Step 11. Avoid eating at night

If you are in a prediabetic phase, you may need to avoid eating anything other than a light protein snack in the evening. You should also limit the consumption of sugary drinks, also cutting out alcoholic or caffeinated ones, and opt for water only.

  • If you're still hungry after dinner, try eating some low-calorie, low-carb foods that have a lower impact on your blood sugar. Here are some suggestions:

    • Celery stalks
    • Baby carrots;
    • Slices of green peppers;
    • A handful of cranberries;
    • Four almonds (or similar nuts);
    • A cup of popcorn popped with hot air only.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 12
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 12

    Step 12. Avoid eating to satisfy an emotional need

    Try to distinguish and recognize what is binge eating as an emotional reaction from the physical need for "fuel" for the body. Remember that physical hunger can be satisfied by almost any food, while emotional hunger often manifests itself as a strong desire for a specific product.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 13
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 13

    Step 13. Eat slowly to avoid ingesting too much food

    It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to send the satiety signal to the brain. During this time you may be eating too much, much more than necessary.

    Consider seeing a therapist or dietician if you find that you are unable to control your emotional need for food on your own

    Prevent Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Step 16
    Prevent Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Step 16

    Step 14. Consider speaking to a certified dietician

    If you would like to make changes to your diet to reduce your risk of developing diabetes, you may want to speak to a dietician or nutritionist who specializes in diabetes. This expert will be able to indicate the most appropriate diet for you.

    Part 2 of 3: Changing the Lifestyle

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 14
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 14

    Step 1. Make exercise a priority to lose weight

    Research has shown that people who lost 5-7% of their body weight and exercised for half an hour a day, 5 days a week, reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 58%. Whatever your weight, exercise is a key part of keeping you healthy. Excess body fat prevents proper glucose metabolization, which is essential for energy. Just 30 minutes a day of exercise that speeds up your heart rate can help prevent the development of diabetes and keep your weight within normal range.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 15
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 15

    Step 2. Take a walk during your lunch break

    If you feel like you don't have time to exercise, try to walk for at least half an hour during your lunch break 5 days a week. This can be a way to "incorporate" some exercise into your daily routine.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 16
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 16

    Step 3. Train after work

    You can find a useful way to avoid rush hour traffic by going to the gym, taking a brisk walk, or jogging outside for 45 minutes or an hour after work is done. You will arrive home a little later, but you will feel more relaxed because exercise will have reduced your stress thanks to the fact that you have spared the queue in the car at rush hour.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 17
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 17

    Step 4. Take the dog with you when you go for a walk

    Dogs make exercise easier and are a commitment that forces you to leave the house. If you don't have a dog (or don't want to get one), offer to take a neighbor's dog for a walk.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 18
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 18

    Step 5. Walk to the shops near your home, instead of taking the car

    Unless you have to carry heavy packages, it is a sensible choice to walk to run errands in your area. Ask a friend or family member to join you for company; chatting while walking makes the walk seem shorter, as well as being more enjoyable.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 19
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 19

    Step 6. Listen to music while exercising

    Transfer your favorite and cheerful music to iPod or MP3 player. Find a great excuse to walk or run while listening to your music selection. You can create a playlist suitable for the type of workout you have chosen, with a slow song for the initial "warm-up", 30 minutes of "energizing" music when you walk / run and then 3-4 minutes of songs for the " final cool-down ". Setting up a timed playlist can help you stick to the correct length of your training session.

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 20
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 20

    Step 7. Reduce your stress levels

    Stress is related to high blood glucose levels which can lead to diabetes. This happens because, when the body realizes it is stressed, it triggers an "fight or flight" reaction that alters hormone levels. The hormonal shift can also increase the chances of gaining weight. To reduce stress:

    • Identify the cause of the stress. If you understand why you are stressed, you can address and reduce the factors responsible for the state of anxiety and consequently decrease the levels of tension themselves.
    • Learn to say no. Making more commitments than you can handle can cause high levels of stress. Recognize your limitations and learn to say no to certain requests or ask other people for help if you need it.
    • Express your emotions. Sometimes talking to someone about your anxiety can help you relax a bit. Your interlocutor also evaluates the situation from an external point of view and can help you find a solution.
    • Manage your time well. Learn to prioritize the important things and know when you can put aside and put aside other minor things. Being able to understand the time required to perform a certain task can help you plan your day accordingly in an efficient and rational way.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 21
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 21

    Step 8. Get adequate and enough sleep

    Adults need at least 6 hours of sleep, but 7 or more hours every night would be recommended to be able to rest the body, the nervous system and restore its functionality. Getting enough sleep is essential to maintain normal blood glucose levels and blood pressure, both of which are related to diabetes.

    • If you can't sleep at night, try reducing "time in front of monitors" before going to bed, sleep in a dark room with a tool that emits white noise and limits your caffeine consumption during the day.
    • Ask your doctor about any medications or herbal products that may help you sleep if you still can't get a good night's rest.

    Part 3 of 3: Learning about Diabetes

    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 22
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 22

    Step 1. Learn to recognize the different types of diabetes

    It is a disease that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is an essential energy source that enters the bloodstream as soon as food is digested. Insulin, which is normally produced by the pancreas, helps glucose out of the blood and diffuse into the liver, muscle and fat cells, where it is transformed into usable energy for the body. The forms of diabetes are identified as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

    • Type 1 diabetes: this disease causes the destruction of over 90% of the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin; consequently the production of this hormone is interrupted or drastically reduced. Type 1 diabetes usually develops before age 30 and can be caused by environmental factors and genetic predisposition.
    • Type 2 diabetes: even if in this case the pancreas continues to produce insulin, sometimes even at even higher levels, the body develops a resistance to this hormone, consequently using it in less quantities than the body needs; moreover, the glycemic levels remain constantly too high. Although this type of diabetes can also develop in children and adolescents, it is usually found in adults over the age of 30 and becomes more common as various population samples are analyzed later in life.
    • Gestational diabetesThis type of diabetes occurs in some women during pregnancy. If it is neglected and left untreated, serious side effects can occur that can harm the mother and fetus. Having gestational diabetes that resolves at the end of your pregnancy increases your chances of developing type 2 diabetes at some stage in your future life.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 23
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 23

    Step 2. Learn about the dangers of type 2 diabetes

    If you understand how this disease can negatively affect your life, you are able to find valid reasons to make dietary and lifestyle changes, both of which are necessary to prevent the disorder. Some of the complications from type 2 diabetes can also be very serious. Among these we remember:

    • Reduced blood supply to the skin and nerves;
    • Blockage of blood vessels caused by fatty substances and blood clots (called atherosclerosis)
    • Heart failure or stroke;
    • Irreversible loss of vision;
    • Kidney failure;
    • Nerve damage (with numbness, pain and loss of nerve function)
    • Inflammations, infections and skin lesions;
    • Angina (heart pain).
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 24
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 24

    Step 3. Recognize Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors You Can Manage

    Some of the factors that increase your chances of developing diabetes are perfectly in your control because they depend on your choices and behaviors. Here are some of these things you can manage with your diet and lifestyle changes:

    • Obesity: if you calculate the body mass index and find a BMI greater than 29, know that the chances of developing diabetes increase by 25%. If you lose weight, you can drastically reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
    • A diagnosis of heart disease or high cholesterol: cardiovascular risks include hypertension, low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and high LDL (bad) cholesterol. A study also found that one in four Europeans with these risk factors is also in a prediabetic state. In this case, an adequate diet and exercise can help reduce both the risk of heart disease and hypercholesterolemia.
    • A diet high in sugar, cholesterol and processed food products: diet is closely related to diabetes; focus and commit to eating healthier foods.
    • Irregular exercise or complete lack of physical activityIf you exercise less than 3 times a week you increase the risk of developing diabetes. Make sure that there is room, in your daily life, for physical activity and respect this routine.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 25
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 25

    Step 4. Recognize the risk factors you cannot manage

    There are some risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes that are not under your control. However, knowing them can help you gauge your overall propensity for developing the disease. Among these the main ones are:

    • Be over 45 years old: Keep in mind that pre-menopausal women are helped by estrogen levels, which help eliminate fatty acids that cause insulin resistance and help insulin absorb glucose more quickly.
    • Having a parent, sibling, or other family member who has or has had type 2 diabetes: in this case there may be familiarity and greater genetic predisposition to diabetes.
    • Be of Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian, or Pacific Island descentThese ethnic groups are almost twice as likely to develop the disease as western white populations.
    • Developing gestational diabetes during pregnancy: Up to 40% of women who have had gestational diabetes are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
    • Being born underweightHaving a low weight at birth increases the chances of developing diabetes in 23% of 2.5 kg babies and 76% of babies weighing less than 2.2 kg.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 26
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 26

    Step 5. Act promptly

    Hyperglycemia can be corrected before lasting damage can occur. If you have any risk factors associated with diabetes, it is important to have regular blood or urine screening tests and to adjust your lifestyle to keep your risk factors under control. If tests show that you have prediabetes (metabolic syndrome), know that you are more likely to develop full-blown type 2 diabetes in the future. While such a prospect may frighten you quite a bit, it is nevertheless the occasion and pretext to start managing your health, to slow down, avoid type 2 diabetes and reverse this trend towards the disease thanks to lifestyle changes.

    • Prediabetes develops when the blood glucose level is above normal. It is an indisputable indicator that a metabolic change is taking place in your body and it means that there is a progressive tendency to develop type 2 diabetes.
    • Know that prediabetes is reversible, but remember that if it is neglected, the chances of developing type 2 diabetes within a decade are nearly 100%.
    • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends anyone over the age of 45 to get tested for diabetes if they are overweight.
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 27
    Avoid Type 2 Diabetes Step 27

    Step 6. Undergo periodic examinations

    After 6 or 12 months during which you are committed to improving your lifestyle, nutrition and exercise, do other tests to see if your blood sugar levels have changed.

    • Go to your doctor promptly for routine checkups and follow his instructions.
    • If you need help, consider seeing a dietician who can help you set up a meal plan.


    • Schedule regular appointments with your doctor to monitor your blood and urine regularly if you are at risk of developing this disease. Set up automatic reminders on your phone or on an online calendar to make sure you keep your appointments.
    • A study conducted in the Netherlands showed that men who eat a diet rich in potatoes, fish, vegetables and legumes appear to have a reduced risk for diabetes.
    • It has been found that breastfed babies are less likely to develop type 1 diabetes than formula-fed babies.


    • If not treated properly, diabetes can lead to heart disease, which in turn can lead to death. If you have all your diabetes risk factors or tests show that you are prediabetic, then you need to make the right lifestyle changes to reverse this condition and avoid a full-blown diabetes diagnosis.
    • Always consult your doctor before making any major and significant changes in your diet and lifestyle to make sure you are acting safely.