Amoebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica, a parasite that causes both intestinal and extra intestinal disease. The former is manifested by fever, chills, bloody or mucus diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, or alternating phases of diarrhea and constipation. Amoebiasis is present everywhere and is usually spread by putting some object in the mouth or touching something with the mouth that has been contaminated with infected feces. However, with appropriate preventive measures it is possible to avoid contagion; you can read this article to know more. However, if you have contracted the infection, read on to learn how to treat it.
Part 1 of 4: Recognizing the Symptoms

Step 1. See your doctor if you have traveled to an area where the infection is endemic and are concerned that you have contracted it
Amoebiasis is a very common problem in Africa, Mexico, India and some parts of South America. Up to 90% of cases do not manifest active symptoms; this means that you may not even know you are infected. For this reason, it is always best to seek professional advice when in doubt.
If you suspect that you have contracted amoebiasis, your doctor will order a blood or stool test to determine the presence of the infection

Step 2. Know the symptoms, when they are present
These include:
- Fever and / or chills
- Diarrhea with blood or mucus
- Abdominal discomfort;
- Alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation.

Step 3. If you have been diagnosed with amoebiasis, you need to undergo appropriate treatment
This disease often resolves on its own; however, adequate treatment can accelerate healing and avoid possible complications.
- Among these could be a serious and debilitating intestinal problem, as well as extra intestinal diseases; this means that the parasite has passed the lining of the colon and infected other areas of the body.
- The liver is the extra intestinal site where the amoeba settles more frequently; in this case, it is always necessary to get medical attention and sometimes even undergo surgery.
- If you are concerned that you have amoebiasis or have been diagnosed, the best thing to do is to follow your doctor's professional advice to find the best way to proceed.
Part 2 of 4: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Ask your doctor about medications
Even if you do not have active symptoms of the infection, it is important to seek treatment to prevent possible complications and also for public health reasons. Of course, those with symptoms must also be treated.
- Among the drugs useful for eradicating the infection are paromomycin, iodoquinol, diloxanide furoate and others. Ask your doctor which one is best suited to your specific case.
- If the infection spreads to other parts of the body (for example the liver) stronger medications are needed. When amoebiasis affects the liver, metronidazole is usually given; it is an antibiotic, but it is also very effective in case of parasitic infections.

Step 2. Monitor for diarrhea and fluid loss
If you also have frequent episodes of diarrhea among the various symptoms, you will most likely be losing a lot of fluids.
In cases like these, you should always go to your doctor. When fluid loss due to diarrhea is very severe, hospitalization may be required to initiate intravenous rehydration therapy

Step 3. Keep in mind that sometimes medical care is insufficient
In some circumstances (such as with severe intestinal symptoms or when the disease is extra intestinal) surgery is required.
If your symptoms do not improve after trying certain drug therapies, you should contact your doctor to find other solutions and / or consider whether you will need to undergo surgery
Part 3 of 4: Surgical Treatments

Step 1. Follow your doctor's advice if they recommend surgery
In the cases described below, surgery is shown to be necessary to solve the problem:
- Uncontrollable and debilitating abdominal symptoms, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and / or constipation
- Excessive bleeding from the digestive tract;
- Spread of infection to other areas of the body.

Step 2. Get liver treatment (with medication or needle drainage) if needed
Since this is the organ that is most often affected in case of extra intestinal disease, it sometimes requires specific treatments.
- When the liver infection is mild it can still be treated with medication alone.
- However, in severe cases, doctors typically use a needle (guided by an ultrasound machine) to clear the infection from the liver.

Step 3. Get a colon evaluation
Sometimes, severe bowel symptoms (inflammation and / or severe diarrhea or constipation) cannot be treated with medication alone. In severe cases, it is necessary to surgically remove a part of the damaged colon.
- Even when the colon is torn (the medical term is "perforation") surgery is needed to repair the lesion.
- Follow your doctor's advice to know when surgery is needed.

Step 4. Look out for "bacterial superinfection"
When the immune system is heavily engaged in fighting the parasite responsible for amoebiasis, other opportunistic bacteria could affect the body.
In such circumstances, your doctor must prescribe much more potent antibiotics to eradicate further infections that have developed at the same time
Part 4 of 4: Preventive Measures

Step 1. Listen to your doctor's advice regarding prevention
This is a key aspect of treatment for several reasons.
- First of all, you need to avoid spreading the infection to other family members or friends. It is also a matter of public health to make sure that every precaution has been taken not to spread it.
- Also, remember that you don't become immune to amoebiasis; it is therefore important to protect yourself and avoid contracting the parasitosis again.

Step 2. Use precautionary measures when traveling to endemic regions (where the disease is widespread)
Among these consider:
- Practice safe sex: Avoid sexual intercourse with people who may be infected, otherwise you increase the chances of getting sick as well.
- Purify water appropriately: always use bottled water or filter or boil it before drinking to avoid contamination.
- Eat safe foods: give up raw fruits and vegetables, try to always eat cooked foods or peeled fruit, so as not to risk getting sick; you should also avoid unpasteurized milk, cheese and other dairy products.
- If you opt for raw vegetables, soak them in vinegar for 10-15 minutes before eating them.
- Also, do not take foods that are sold on the street, which is quite common in developing countries and where hygiene is not very accurate.
- It is also important to wash your hands correctly, both abroad and at home.

Step 3. Get medical check-ups after treatment
At the end of the treatment it is important to have other medical examinations and repeat stool tests to make sure that the amoebiasis has been eradicated.
These accurate checkups allow you to verify that you are perfectly healthy again and that you have not passed on the disease to other people
- If you are concerned that you have amoebiasis, go to the doctor. Many cases are asymptomatic, so it is always helpful to listen to professional opinion when in doubt.
- Once your treatment is complete, always go back to the doctor for a check-up and a stool exam to make sure the infection is gone.