Whether it's a friend who has moved to another city, a broken relationship or the death of a loved one, it's hard to stay away from someone who holds a special place in our life, regardless of the circumstances. While the feeling of emptiness never completely goes away, you can take steps to relieve the pain. Start by addressing what you are feeling and indulge your emotional needs. So, distract yourself by doing something constructive. If possible, shorten the distance by finding a way to stay in touch with the person you miss.
Part 1 of 3: Coping With What You Feel

Step 1. Give yourself the chance to suffer
The first thing to do is to accept what you are feeling and to acknowledge your pain. Repressing emotions isn't right for you or the other person, so express them. The mourning phase is different for each of us, so externalize your sorrow as you think.
- Give yourself a certain amount of time (for example, a few days) to carefully read letters or see photos, listen to sad songs or cry out loud while hugging a stuffed animal.
- Once the hardest time has passed, try to resume your normal daily life.

Step 2. Confide in someone
Expressing your feelings can be a great way to unleash what's going on in your soul and get the support you need. Get in touch with friends and family and explain what's happening to you.
- You might say, "I feel so sad now that Marco has moved. I need to talk to someone."
- If you know this person can lift your mood, ask them. For example, you might say, "Are we going to see a silly romantic comedy in honor of Jessica tomorrow night?"

Step 3. Write how you feel
Unleash your emotions by putting them in black and white. If you have a journal, write down what happened to you and how you feel. If you're not used to writing, just grab a sheet of notebook or use the "Notes" function on your mobile.
You could also write down what you are feeling by addressing the person you miss. Send it to him if you can, or keep it to reread when sadness takes over

Step 4. Remember the best moments
When you miss someone, you might think about the circumstances that characterized their estrangement, such as the day they left or disappeared. Instead of focusing on the saddest aspects, focus on the happier ones.
- Reflect on the best moments you have experienced with this person.
- You could write these memories in your journal or comment on them with someone close to you.

Step 5. Consult a psychologist if you need professional support
Longing for someone can fuel various disheartening feelings, such as sadness and regret. If you are having a hard time accepting the absence of a person or are no longer able to live your life, consider seeing a counselor.
- Everyone handles emotions differently, so it could take weeks or years to process your pain. However, if it affects your daily life, you need to seek professional help.
- A therapist will listen to you as you talk about your feelings. Additionally, it may offer you useful coping strategies, such as performing a ritual that exorcizes a person's disappearance.
Part 2 of 3: Getting distracted
Step 1. Tune up your everyday life
While you may be tempted to lock yourself in or ignore your responsibilities, having habits can help you overcome severe emotional distress. A structure to your life will offer you tasks to complete, regardless of how you feel. It will allow you to stay active and busy, as well as make your days more "normal".

Step 2. Socialize
You can't replace anyone, but others can help you recover and move on. Strive to build new friendships and deepen existing ones. Try to build relationships with positive and encouraging people.
- Join an association or hang out with a group in your community to meet new people.
- Build deeper bonds with old friends by inviting them out more often or by proposing a new habit, such as having lunch together on Sunday or going to the movies on Friday nights.

Step 3. Study or learn something new
Occupy your time by enriching your cultural background. If you go to university, throw yourself into the study of a new discipline. If not, try to choose a topic that has always intrigued you and read books or watch videos to learn more. You could also take a course to learn a new skill.
If you go to school, try to improve your understanding of math or English. Alternatively, you could start learning another foreign language, learn French cuisine, or take guitar lessons

Step 4. Find a hobby
Is there something that you are passionate about, that always cheers you up? In this case, take out more time to devote to this interest. Hobbies are a great way to broaden your skills and use your free time constructively. Also, you may feel better while engaged in this activity (at least for a while).
Plan a trip to the countryside if you enjoy the outdoors. You could also try photography, knitting, painting, collecting, cooking, gardening, or playing your favorite games

Step 5. Stay physically active
Gymnastics is a great source of distraction. Furthermore, it allows you to produce endorphins, the substances that promote psycho-physical well-being. So, by working out you can also improve your mood.
- Go for a jog, a bike ride or a swim. Alternatively, try a Zumba or Pilates class with a friend.
- Try to move at least 30 minutes a day.

Step 6. Stay away from negative distractions
The use of alcohol or drugs can take your mind off the loss of a loved one, but it is destructive and dangerous. Therefore, avoid consuming it as a form of distraction.
Rather, seek the support of other people or find a constructive project to dedicate yourself to
Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Contact

Step 1. Contact the person you miss regularly
If you can get in touch with her, try using technology. You can text her, call her or make a video call.
Agree on the time to connect, for example every Thursday at 6pm. Use this moment to find out what are the developments in your respective lives

Step 2. Follow her on social networks
Follow or ask her friendship on the social networks she frequents to feel closer to her. Even if you are far away, you can read her status, see the photos she posts and send her messages via chat.
Virtual circuits also allow people to stay connected despite the distance. If she updates her status frequently and is quite active, you will feel her present in your life

Step 3. Do something together from a distance
Whatever your relationship with this person (be it a friend, relative or your boyfriend), you can always have a carefree time in their company. Try playing online, completing a manual project on Pinterest, or watching the same movie or TV show.
- All you need is an Internet connection and you can do simultaneous activities during a video call via Skype or Hangouts.
- Regardless of how far away she is, you may also "meet" her in a virtual room. For example, certain Playstation 4 games allow you to virtually see someone and organize something together.

Step 4. Schedule a visit
Nothing compares to the physical presence of a friend or partner. If you have the chance, plan to visit him. You will be able to hug him and see up close how much he has changed since you last saw each other.

Step 5. Prepare something in her honor
If the person in question has gone missing, you can maintain a connection with them by organizing a charity event or scholarship in their name. For example, you could plan a half marathon for the purpose of raising funds and dedicating your participation to his memory.