Doesn't it bother you to be so shy in front of the guy you like? Would you like to move and talk, but all you do is stare? You feel even more frustrated because you keep thinking about it and don't know what to do. It makes you want to scream!

Step 1. Try to understand how you appear in the presence of the guy you like and ask your friends for an opinion
When you get close to him, do you turn red? Do you start to tremble? Is your heart beating fast? Do you feel faint, or do you feel hot or cold? You could ask your friends to point out your behavior in her presence.

Step 2. Remember that if the guy you like sees you like this, he may understand your feelings
You should avoid this if you are not ready to make your move yet. And if you are reading this article you are not ready, because you do not know what to do when you are with him.

Step 3. When you approach the guy you like, at school, in a shop or anywhere else, keep calm and focus your attention on something else
You should try to look at something that distracts your attention. For example, let's say you have homework. Think about how you did them and check them out. On the other hand, if you are in a shop, look at the items on display for something to buy. If you are with friends, don't look in her direction; try to stay calm - talk and pay close attention to what your friends say. Try to act as if he isn't there. Slowly you will learn to overcome your shyness.

Step 4. If you often think about the guy you like, perhaps daydreaming, try to think less and less, so that when you see him, it won't be so important
Do it slowly, because you won't be able to stop thinking it in a day. Keep trying for 3 days or more, or maybe a week. But this advice can help you A LOT!

Step 5. When you have overcome your shyness and feel more comfortable around the guy you like, think POSITIVE
Look after your appearance, be yourself and don't change. You will feel better. The guy may notice you if you are positive, confident, intelligent and outgoing in his presence!

Step 6. Get help from your friends (especially those you trust)
When you are with them, for example, ask, "Am I pretty?", And of course you will receive a "Yes!" honest as an answer.

Step 7. Find something you have in common with him and, if it's an activity, ask him how it goes
If it's about music, tell him about concerts or CDs!

Step 8. Pretend this is a normal guy
Try to behave as you do around friends or family.
- Take care of your hygiene. No guy wants a girl who stinks or never washes!
- Try to talk to him from time to time. But he might get annoyed if you do it every day.
- Be confident and smile. No guy wants to date a girl who is always sad.
- Never let a guy ruin your friendships.