How to Train for Snowboarding: 6 Steps

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How to Train for Snowboarding: 6 Steps
How to Train for Snowboarding: 6 Steps

Snowboarding is a physical sport that can carry a high risk of injury. It is essential to be fit before practicing this sport so as to avoid getting hurt. By doing snowboard specific exercises 3 to 5 times a week you can improve endurance, balance, muscle strength and coordination.


Work out for Snowboarding Step 1
Work out for Snowboarding Step 1

Step 1. Begin exercising 6 to 12 weeks before heading to the snow

This will allow your body to strengthen the muscles so that you will be in shape when the ski resorts open.

Work out for Snowboarding Step 2
Work out for Snowboarding Step 2

Step 2. Do a set of 10-15 triceps pushups per day to improve upper body balance and strength

Being fit for snowboarding can take time, so plan to practice 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.

  • The triceps are the arm muscles placed between the shoulders and elbows. You will use your triceps to stand up or to turn the board from heel to toe when sitting on the ground.

    Work out for Snowboarding Step 2Bullet1
    Work out for Snowboarding Step 2Bullet1
  • Sit on the ground. When doing the triceps exercises, place your feet flat on the ground and flex your knees.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 2Bullet2
  • Put your arms behind your back with your palms on the ground and your fingers pointing forward.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 2Bullet3
  • Lift your butt off the floor using your arms. When you get ready to snowboard, you may feel a little stiff and sore. It is better to feel pain now, so that in the snow you will feel strong and fit.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 2Bullet4
Work out for Snowboarding Step 3
Work out for Snowboarding Step 3

Step 3. Lift your toes 20-30 times by contracting your calves and repeat this several times throughout the day

The calves are the muscles between the ankle and the knee, they help you stop and turn with the snowboard.

  • During the setup, you may want to hold weights with your hands as you lift yourself up on your toes.

    Work out for Snowboarding Step 3Bullet1
    Work out for Snowboarding Step 3Bullet1
  • Rise straight up and up and lift your heels off the ground so that your weight is resting on your toes only. Count to 10 and then bring your heels back to the ground.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 3Bullet2
Work out for Snowboarding Step 4
Work out for Snowboarding Step 4

Step 4. Strengthen your abdominal muscles as you prepare for snowboarding

You will need well-trained abs to move from a floor to standing position.

  • Lie on the ground on your back.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 4Bullet1
  • Keep your arms and head on the ground, straighten your legs and lift them off the ground 12.7cm to 25.4cm. This exercise will strengthen your abs and slim your waistline.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 4Bullet2
  • Hold this position for 10-20 seconds.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 4Bullet3
  • Try doing 30 to 100 crunches a day to build muscle.
Work out for Snowboarding Step 5
Work out for Snowboarding Step 5

Step 5. Train your thigh and leg muscles while preparing to snowboard

When on the slope, you need to have strong legs to slow down on the descent.

  • Lean against a solid wall and pretend to sit in an invisible chair. Hold the pose for 1 to 5 minutes. To be fit on the slopes, you need to strengthen your thighs and back muscles.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 5Bullet1
  • Do 8-10 squats every day. Standing straight, with the soles of your feet on the ground, bend over to do a squat, hold the position for 5-10 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 5Bullet2

Step 6. Train your heart and lungs to prepare for the high altitudes you'll find on the slopes

  • Try jumping rope. This is a fantastic exercise to prepare for snowboarding, it can be done indoors or out, and allows you to improve coordination and cardiovascular endurance.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 6Bullet1
  • Bike, walk or run to get ready to snowboard.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 6Bullet2
  • To train your heart and lungs, you can do tons of fun activities, such as swimming, playing football, skating or hiking.

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    Work out for Snowboarding Step 6Bullet3


  • Eat 3 nutritious meals a day and drink plenty of water during the snowboard preparation period.
  • Remember to stretch every time you work out.
