3 ways to be a bad girl

Table of contents:

3 ways to be a bad girl
3 ways to be a bad girl

Boys love them and girls, after all, would like to be like them. We are talking about the bad girls, the exciting, elusive and funny creatures that you can see whizzing on their motorcycles or holding court at parties. If you want to be a bad girl too, you need to have the right look and attitude. You'll need to have fun, lead an interesting life, and be confident enough to attract the guys and friends you want. Marilyn Monroe once said, "I never said I was a good girl" and became an icon. Being a bad girl is an art.


Method 1 of 3: Have the Right Look

Be a Bad Girl Step 1
Be a Bad Girl Step 1

Step 1. Choose the right shoes

Bad girls pay attention to their look and don't neglect shoes, which they use to assert their personality.

  • Stiletto heels are mandatory, at least in the evening.
  • You can wear sneakers.
  • Avoid clogs and slippers. Bad girls don't dress casually. And they are never sloppy.
  • Bad girls mostly wear sexy shoes.
Be a Bad Girl Step 2
Be a Bad Girl Step 2

Step 2. Put on makeup to impress

Bad girls never leave the house without mascara. In particular, they wear very showy make-up in the evening. They love to experiment and do it strategically, to express their creativity.

  • It especially takes care of the shape of the eyebrows. Make sure they are expressive and stand out.
  • Bad girls use eyeliner to show their strength and resolve. French actress Brigitte Bardot used eyeliner in her films to assert her personality. Choose the darkest colors possible for a feline look.
  • Lipstick will also make it clear what type you are. As well as a smoky look around the eyes. Watch out for glitter, because childish looks aren't for you.
Be a Bad Girl Step 3
Be a Bad Girl Step 3

Step 3. Put on some sunglasses

Dark glasses create an aura of mystery, which makes you more desirable.

Do not wear sunglasses indoors or at night. There is a fine line between having style and being presumptuous

Be a Bad Girl Step 4
Be a Bad Girl Step 4

Step 4. Don't spend too much time looking after your appearance

Bad girls don't need five hours to get ready. They are too self-confident to be obsessed with their appearance, even if they don't neglect it.

A bad girl doesn't always have to be dressed up, but she never has to look scruffy. One thing you absolutely must avoid: never wear tracksuits outside the house

Be a Bad Girl Step 5
Be a Bad Girl Step 5

Step 5. Wear leather clothes and black clothes, but don't always do this

Black goes with everything and has an unmistakable style. But bad girls also know how to wear colors.

  • Bad girls don't wear pastel colors. So put away the pink and lilac. They are girlish colors.
  • Bad girls don't wear bows and ruffled skirts.
  • Try a solid color look. When Beyoncé's sister, Solange Knowles, wore red dresses from head to toe, it caused a sensation.
Be a Bad Girl Step 6
Be a Bad Girl Step 6

Step 6. Get a tattoo

Pick one that is small and with meaning. Don't do it in a spot you can't cover when you're working in the office. When Selena Gomez tried to change her good-girl image, she had a small Roman numeral tattooed on the back of her neck. A perfect idea.

  • Your tattoo should have a story. You should also understand its meaning.
  • Avoid "tramp stamps", which are tattoos on the lower back.
Be a Bad Girl Step 7
Be a Bad Girl Step 7

Step 7. Don't follow fashion

Create it. Madonna is an example of a bad girl who did things her way. It has always been unconventional, whether it was her conical bra or her challenges to the rules of society. Find your own unique style. Bad girls choose a look and respect it - always.

Be a Bad Girl Step 8
Be a Bad Girl Step 8

Step 8. Feel comfortable with your sensuality

Bad girls know the power they have over others. When they enter a room, everyone turns to look at them. Cleopatra is one of the most famous bad girls in history, because she wasn't afraid to use her beauty to seduce.

Method 2 of 3: Assuming the Bad Girl Attitudes

Be a Bad Girl Step 9
Be a Bad Girl Step 9

Step 1. Be confident in your means

Insecure girls are exploited. It is impossible to be a bad girl if you are passive. People are drawn to security and bad girls aren't afraid to say what they want and go get it.

Bad girls never ask for compliments. They expect them

Be a Bad Girl Step 10
Be a Bad Girl Step 10

Step 2. Avoid looking desperate

Don't beg and never call too many times. This doesn't mean you should be rude. Use good manners and, if someone writes to you, reply. However, you shouldn't always be the one to write first.

  • Wait a day before calling back at the start of a relationship.
  • Respect people who need space.
Be a Bad Girl Step 11
Be a Bad Girl Step 11

Step 3. Create an aura of mystery

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis didn't talk about her secrets and neither should you. Never give the impression that you are in trouble. Quoting the Duchess of Windsor: "Never complain and never give explanations". Screen goddess Sophia Loren used to say, "Sex appeal is fifty percent what you have and fifty percent what others think you have."

Be a Bad Girl Step 12
Be a Bad Girl Step 12

Step 4. Be independent

You should have a company of trusted friends, but don't always have them with you. You won't even need a mate to be happy. You have to feel comfortable even alone, and know who you are.

  • Don't be afraid of doing activities on your own, whether it's traveling or working out at the gym.
  • Earn enough money to support yourself.
  • Develop personal interests. Don't follow those around you.
Be a Bad Girl Step 13
Be a Bad Girl Step 13

Step 5. Be fun

At parties, don't act as wallpaper. You should be the person everyone gathers around, because you are funny. Laugh, but most importantly, make others laugh. Learn to converse and don't be afraid to talk to strangers.

Be a Bad Girl Step 14
Be a Bad Girl Step 14

Step 6. Don't let anyone treat you badly

Bad girls don't tolerate abuse, and they don't allow anyone to insult them. When they are not treated as they deserve, they turn their backs. Bad girls are strong and never doormat.

Be a Bad Girl Step 15
Be a Bad Girl Step 15

Step 7. Don't apologize

Bad girls aren't sorry. At least not for the decisions they make following their style.

  • Passive people often say they are sorry, usually just for being themselves.
  • Apologize only for the most serious mistakes.
  • Be sure of what you do.
Be a Bad Girl Step 16
Be a Bad Girl Step 16

Step 8. Find your passion

What are you good at? What do you like? Bad girls have passions, be it art, music, writing, sports, or whatever.

  • Tracey Emin was known as the "bad art girl" in the UK because she was very confident about her job.
  • Angelina Jolie's passion - charitable works - didn't tarnish her image as a bad girl. On the contrary, it gave more depth to his character.
Be a Bad Girl Step 17
Be a Bad Girl Step 17

Step 9. Make yourself desired

You should never fool people in a cruel way, but flirting and being coy are good ideas. Quoting pop star Katy Perry: "I'm a good girl and I'm not. I'm good because I really believe in love, integrity and respect. I'm a bad girl because I love teasing men."

Mae West perfected the art of provocation, especially using sexual double meanings

Be a Bad Girl Step 18
Be a Bad Girl Step 18

Step 10. Commit to your career

Bad girls are financially independent. They are successful and earn honestly.

  • Studies have found that men are attracted to women with interesting jobs. Bad girls often have exciting careers that allow them to deal with people.
  • They may hold non-traditional positions, such as police officer, pilot or firefighter. They generally prefer independent professions. The girl from Men Who Hate Women had a gift. It wasn't traditional, but she wasn't afraid to use it.
Be a Bad Girl Step 19
Be a Bad Girl Step 19

Step 11. Accept your personal story

Some bad girls were abused as a child, which made them strong and empathetic. They survived: they faced many obstacles, but you would never know. But this made them stronger and more interesting.

Quoting model Binx Walton: "The models who grew up were insecure and teased are the ones with the most personality, because they know how to handle the pressure."

Be a Bad Girl Step 20
Be a Bad Girl Step 20

Step 12. Take command

Bad girls don't wait for other people to make decisions for them. They know what they want and are followed. In some cases they break the rules, but never in a way that is harmful to others.

  • Ask someone to dance. Or hit the dance floor first.
  • Propose ideas: you choose where to go for dinner, or how to tackle a project at work. Don't stay on the sidelines.

Method 3 of 3: Be Adventurous

Be a Bad Girl Step 21
Be a Bad Girl Step 21

Step 1. Choose the right means of transport

Bad girls often drive motorcycles or sports cars. You'll never see them behind the wheel of a minivan. Never.

Be a Bad Girl Step 22
Be a Bad Girl Step 22

Step 2. Travel

When traveling, do not participate in organized trips and do not follow the most popular tourist routes. You should be willing to visit exotic places. Rent a car and go to small unknown villages. Follow a path like Reese Witherspoon's in Wild.

Be a Bad Girl Step 23
Be a Bad Girl Step 23

Step 3. Try activities that show your courage

Become a girl ready for anything - within reason. When others take a step back and are shy, you will take action.

  • Skydiving isn't for everyone, but if you tried to do it, people would be impressed with you.
  • Rock climbing is not for the faint of heart.
  • Paragliding allows you to express your love of freedom - the best trait of a bad girl.
  • Try white water rafting to show your love of adventure.
  • Dance to show confidence and a love of freedom.
Be a Bad Girl Step 24
Be a Bad Girl Step 24

Step 4. Enjoy sports

Do it sincerely. Learn the rules of the game and mention some statistics to make it clear that you are not speaking out of clichés.

Singer Taylor Swift said she showed her bad girl side by drinking a beer on the sidelines of an NBA game

Be a Bad Girl Step 25
Be a Bad Girl Step 25

Step 5. Drink with class

Bad girls don't get drunk. You might see them with a martini in their hand or having a beer with friends. They drink, but they do it right.

You won't see them lose control or dance on the bar counter

Be a Bad Girl Step 26
Be a Bad Girl Step 26

Step 6. Don't be a princess

Angelina Jolie as Maleficent is a bad girl. Sleeping Beauty is not. Princesses are fragile. Bad girls don't need to be saved. They are strong and they know it.

Be a Bad Girl Step 27
Be a Bad Girl Step 27

Step 7. Eat with taste

Nobody finds funny women who just pick a salad or watch other people eat. Bad girls eat with gusto - even if they don't do it every day. They go for steaks and aren't afraid to experiment with new foods.

Be a Bad Girl Step 28
Be a Bad Girl Step 28

Step 8. Listen to rock music

Rocker Joan Jett is for many the personification of the bad girl. He even wrote a song about it: "Cause I was born to be bad / I'm not sad / But I'm glad I did it / Born to be bad / I'm not sad / Why don't you all get with it "(" I was born to be bad, I'm not sad, in fact I'm happy to be. I was born to be bad, I'm not sad, because you can't accept it ").


Don't wear clothes that are too provocative if you want to avoid getting a bad reputation. Too much of your beauty is in bad taste

  • Don't flirt too much, don't sleep with everyone, don't fight, don't exploit people, and don't seduce every man you see. These are ways not to be a bad and sexy girl, but to just be a bad girl.
  • Don't smoke and don't drink too much. Nobody likes someone who can't hold back and bad girls never lose control. If you want to smoke, choose a cigar from time to time.
  • Speaking badly of other people is not fair. Bad girls are not evil.
  • Don't take too many selfies. You don't have to prove to people that you are worth.
  • Take care of the children, if you have them. Stay by their side and participate in all their activities. Bad girls are responsible.
