There are several types of bullies. This article tells you how to deal with a "bulla", like the ones seen in the movie Mean Girls. If you've seen it, you probably know what we're talking about. These girls are superb, stupid and / or beautiful. Some are insecure and look for the weakest (those who cannot limit themselves or do not know how to defend themselves and so on).

Step 1. Do whatever it takes to ignore it
Bullies want attention, and their female version is no different. If it bothers you, he expects a reaction, so if you decide not to react he will probably get tired of you soon.

Step 2. Talk to an adult you trust
Make sure he doesn't mention your name or you'll be labeled a spy. This way you will not only get rid of the problem, but you will also take a weight off your chest by talking to someone who cares about you.

Step 3. Make eye contact
Show confidence, and that you don't care what he does. If she senses your 'weakness' or fear, she will stick to that. When you look for eye contact and you get it, you shake your hair, smile and walk away.

Step 4. Use your words, not your hands
However, if you are physically threatened (with guns, knives, etc.) do what you can. DO NOT get involved in a fight, you will only create more tension and an audience, and this could end up in the principal's or boss's office.

Step 5. Find her weak spot before she finds yours
This is the key to stopping it. Make her feel guilty about her attitude and try to silence her so that she stops bothering you. In other words, tell her something she can't answer. However, make sure it's something that can't turn against you.

Step 6. Being assertive can help in some cases; you don't have to face it, because you already have

Step 7. Remember, it is only a phase and it can appear as the worst thing in the world; but you won't spend your whole life with her

Step 8. Feels the need to speak in the plural but you know it is only her who is bullying you
This shows that she is a coward, and she is just trying to intimidate you.

Step 9. Is he only bullying you?
Maybe he has other victims. Talk to them about it; try to see if it does the same thing to other people as well.

Step 10. Heavy jokes, teasing aimed only at you, mockery and aggressive criticism without a reason cannot be ignored, and if they go on for months they are something serious to consider
If your friend is doing this, they are trying to subdue you and it is indirect aggression.

Step 11. The moment of confrontation must be direct and short
She definitely has a weakness, but avoid provoking her (your talents are already provoking her).

Step 12. If you gossip about others behind them, don't imitate
It would be nothing more than an invitation to be more evil. Avoid saying negative things.
- There is one thing that usually works. The first time he misbehaves with you, be nice. If he tells you you're a nerd just say, Thank you, I love it when people recognize my intelligence. She will be completely blown away, and will try to throw more poisonous digs at you, but if you continue to be nice sooner or later she will leave you alone.
- Remember: bullies want to provoke you to make you react, so don't play their game.
- Don't use movie lines, like, Wow, did lightning strike you in the head? Or do you do that hairstyle on purpose? It will make you look desperate and rude. You want to make things better, not make them worse.
- Bullies may look innocent to others, but don't be fooled. If four or five people tell you that a girl is bad and they have good reasons for saying it … they are probably right. Stay away from that person and don't be enchanted by their fake charm, they will just exploit you.
- NEVER resort to violence unless it is to defend yourself from a physical attack.
- Bullies are also usually gossipers, and tend to spread false rumors and lies about their victims. Just ignore it! Remember, it's just a desperate pursuit of attention.
- NEVER do anything you might regret.
- Bullies usually target the weakest (i.e. those who don't attract too much attention) and love to steal other people's best friends to have a larger entourage while trying to ruin others' lives.
- Don't suffer in silence; do not pretend nothing has happened. You deserve respect so fight for it!
- If he's innocent in front of the teachers or the boss, DON'T FALL! She's just using them, her only priority is herself so don't fool yourself that she stays the same once the teacher leaves; it will be the usual bulla ever. Talk to your boss / teacher about it and you will see that he will believe you and probably won't even be surprised as it is quite a common attitude.
- Bullies are cruel and it is best to ignore them.