Shy girls have the same desires as others: friends, success and love. But they don't tend to expose themselves to get them. This means that if you like a shy girl, you have to be the one to take the first step. Look for signs of whether she has a crush on you behind her wall of shyness.
Method 1 of 3: Identify Romantic Body Language

Step 1. Notice if she looks you in the eye
Eye contact is an important component of human interaction, and when a person has romantic feelings for someone or feels particularly comfortable, their natural reaction is to dilate their pupils. If she holds your gaze longer than normal or if you notice her staring at you often, she may be interested in you.
Each person is different, but a shy girl will tend to prefer indirect interactions, so you may never catch her looking at you. Even if he always avoids looking at you, it could be a sign of strong interest

Step 2. Watch out for displays of jealousy
Some shy girls may be jealous if they see you flirting with others. They might get annoyed with you when you talk to other girls or feel hurt if you weren't available for them more than a friend would.
Is it sad that you didn't show up for his big volleyball match? He might be hiding a crush on you

Step 3. Keep an eye on your wrists and hands
Women often expose their wrists when they are romantically or physically interested in a man. Even if he just touched your arm or held you arm in arm in the crowd, these light touches can indicate his desire to bond with you on a deeper level.
Shy girls can often hint at accidental physical contact and repeat it later to figure out if it's welcome or not

Step 4. Notice if she blushes
She will have a tendency to do this if she likes you. Keep an eye on the cheeks and face; if it turns red in your presence, it may be hiding deeper feelings.

Step 5. Pay attention to distance and body orientation
Some people argue that one of the main clues to interest in you is the distance someone is from you. The closer a person is to you, the more likely they are to be romantically interested in you. Plus, the direction your feet are pointing can also indicate whether she likes you or can't wait to leave.

Step 6. Notice her wardrobe and the gestures she makes to get in order
If she dresses in a special way when you see each other or if she adds some special touches, like a little makeup, she's probably doing it to make a good impression on you. If you notice her looking in the mirror and smoothing her hair, her attitudes to look more beautiful are strong indications of a crush on you.

Step 7. Notice if it leans or leans towards you
If you find that the girl often comes up to you when you talk and tilts her head, she is probably very interested and involved in what you are saying. The more often you experience this behavior, the more likely his romantic interest in you is.
Method 2 of 3: Identify the Verbal Signs

Step 1. See if he compliments you
Compliments on your new shoes may not seem important to you, but if she notices changes in your appearance and outfit, she may want to show you that she is interested enough in you to pay attention.

Step 2. Pay attention to the way he talks
Many shy girls are worried about saying wrong things and therefore often remain silent in the presence of a guy they appreciate; others, on the other hand, may be so nervous that they start talking more than usual. Either way, research has shown that if a girl responds to you smoothly and quickly, she's probably interested in some kind of relationship with you.

Step 3. Compliment the girl you like
Praise has a profound effect on people, which becomes more significant if it comes from potential romantic partners. Does her face light up when you give her a simple compliment? He might have a crush on you.

Step 4. Notice if he laughs
If the shy girl laughs at your jokes or funny comments during your conversation, she is probably interested in you. Note the frequency of laughter. If he laughs more often with you than with others, it could be a sign of love from his subconscious.

Step 5. Pay attention to the volume and pitch of your voice
Low tones are subconscious attempts to get noticed; therefore it would be a good sign if she had a dreamy or hoarse voice! He may speak loudly to others, but speak softly to you. These signs often indicate interest.

Step 6. Ask a mutual friend for information
Shy girls are often afraid of face-to-face confrontation, so asking her if she has feelings for you with a note that you will have a friend deliver to her can help clear up the situation. Remember, he will find out what you asked for, and some people may use this information to tease you. There is nothing wrong with asking a person if they like you.
Remember that some shy girls are very reserved and may keep their crush a secret from even their best friends. Evaluate the situation carefully to see if such a question is the right choice
Method 3 of 3: Being Direct

Step 1. Get her to talk to you
Since this is a shy girl, it is important not to force her to talk. It will take her time to get used to your presence and conversations, so starting to talk to her right away can be stressful. When trying to figure out if she likes you, start with light topics, such as the weather, teachers, classmates, or everyday life. Be patient and he will eventually feel more comfortable in your presence.
It may take some time for it to break out of its shell, so stick with it, even if you only notice small signs of openness

Step 2. Talk to her regularly
Studies have found that people, by nature, speak more in the presence of those they like and those they have a romantic interest in. If you talk often for a long time or if you notice that she is more talkative in your presence, she may be interested. Talking to her more should make her feel comfortable and it will be easier to ask her out. Here are some topics to start with:
- Projects for the future;
- Hobbies and sports;
- Family;
- Favorite subject;
- Dream job.

Step 3. Communicate sweetly when asking direct questions
After weeks of wondering if she likes you, you may be ready to ask her how she feels, but it may not be the best choice with a shy girl. Try to ask the question you have in mind so that you have a way out if the situation becomes too awkward.
- Whatever you say, don't comment on her shyness, as it could make her worry even more and push her not to talk.
- Instead of asking "Do you want to go to the movies with me?", You could say, "That movie looks really beautiful. I was hoping to see it next week, but I have no one to accompany me."

Step 4. Try asking her out
If you've noticed a lot of signs of romantic interest in you and think she likes you, trust your instincts. Remember that although rejections are always difficult to bear, without risking you will not be able to find your soul mate.
- Try not to draw much attention to a shy girl. They do not like!
- Acting honestly will always be appreciated.
- Always be yourself.
- Be sure of yourself.
- Some shy girls send mixed signals; in fact, they do not always know how to behave in certain situations or how to manage conversations, so they will take a step back.
- Asking her about a topic that interests her can be a good start to a conversation.
- Don't make fun of her or embarrass her - if you do, she'll feel even more awkward.
- Try to notice even the smallest details.
- If she doesn't want to talk about herself, don't force her.
- In some cases, a shy girl may appear to be rude or irritable. Behaviors of that type are almost always the result of nervousness.