Hogwarts students, like many other students, have a school uniform that they must wear at all times - except on their days off. If you want to look like one of them, this article is for you.

Step 1. Select a house
Choose one you like or take an online quiz. Each student has a house that belongs to the Hogwarts complex, so first make sure you pick one. Each house has its own colors, which reflect the colors of the uniforms. Gryffindor's colors are red and gold, Slytherin's are green and silver, and Hufflepuff's are black and yellow. Ravenclaw's colors differ between the book and the film: in the book they are blue and bronze, while in the film they are blue and silver. While it can be tempting, try not to choose a home based solely on the color scheme. Other Harry Potter fans may judge your choice of house based on the colors you want for the uniform. In the books the students do not have different uniforms: they all wear long black robes and it seems optional to use clothing underneath. If you follow this alternative, you will need to find a robe and a hat, but it will be more difficult to recognize yourself as a Hogwarts student.

Step 2. Get ordinary clothing
The Hogwarts uniform has a lot of separate elements, so all the little details are optional since it would be really hard to notice if they're missing. Therefore, attention to detail depends on how you want your appearance to be. If you are having trouble finding some of these items in stores, remember that Google can help you. Typically, in clothing stores you can find:
- A simple white button-up shirt
- A V-neck knitted dark gray sweater, cardigan, or sleeveless sweater (with optional house colors on the cuffs and waist)
- Dark gray trousers or a knee-length skirt
- Black tights or socks (with skirt)
- Black shoes
- Dark gray socks

Step 3. Get the robe
The easiest way to find a Hogwarts-style robe is to search the internet. If you want a rather heavy one, it might be expensive, but you can get a lower quality one for a few tens of euros. If you'd rather look more professional than a Halloween costume, but don't intend to spend a hundred bucks, perhaps it will be best to buy a black robe that has no Harry Potter connection and then modify it. You can also buy house patches to sew onto the robe. Also, consider making it from scratch if you are good at sewing and have patience.
You could just try to make it yourself if you know how to sew and have patience

Step 4. Get the accessories
Now that you have the main costume pieces, it's time to purchase the accessories. Again, it will be helpful to do an online search.
- The first thing you need is the house tie. You can buy it (in red and gold, green and silver, yellow and black or blue and bronze / silver stripes, depending on the house you have chosen) choosing from various prices from 10 to 100 €. Use common sense, see what others think about the product and try not to use all your money just to buy a tie. Remember that only the part near the neck will be visible, since the rest will go under the robe.
- The second necessary accessory is the black pointed hat. Fortunately, the hats do not have particular colors and it is very easy to find a black witch hat at a good price in stores that sell items for Halloween and Carnival, or online at other times of the year.
- The third thing is the wand. Of course, the wand will not have to do real magic, but it can give this impression! There are two ways to get yourself a wand. The first is to buy it, while the second is to make it with your own hands. The latter alternative is more tiring, but it is also the most fun (and least expensive).
- If any Muggle asks you to show them your magic, say, "I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts."
- If you have a wand, try to learn some spells that you could playfully "use" on other people.
- Unless you have to go to some cosplay contest or something like that, you don't need every single piece of clothing listed in this article. What has been described is just a complete list of all the things you may possibly need. The important thing is that you have fun.
- If you prefer, try speaking with a British accent for added effect.
- When building the wand, be careful if you are carving with a knife or working with a hot glue gun. Make sure you read the instructions and warnings on the article carefully.
- Don't hate other Harry Potter fans for their choice of house. Everyone has their own personality. Diversity is a wonderful thing! We are united by a passion for the imaginary universe. And this is really cool.
- When you point your wand around, make sure you keep it far enough away from other people not to accidentally hurt them. It's not magical, but it can still hurt.
- Be careful if you decide to sew or alter the robe (or other clothing items). I don't think it needs to be said, but the needles are sharp.