If you want a guy to kiss you, you have to make him understand! Maybe wait for me to show your interest or give him the green light. To let him know you like him, use body language, such as making eye contact and making physical contact. Don't be too aggressive and don't make desperate gestures, otherwise you risk dulling her enthusiasm. Just be yourself and let the situation evolve naturally when the time is right.
Part 1 of 3: Being Direct

Step 1. Come closer
You have to be close to kiss each other, so the shorter the distance he has to cover, the easier it will be for him to give it a try. Therefore, come closer. When the time seems right, put your face close to his and look at him with trepidation. If you are brave, try moving as if you are going to kiss him.
For instance:
give him a long, intimate hug. Then, before moving your arms and body away, tilt your head back. From this position he will have the opportunity to approach and kiss you.

Step 2. Talk about it
If it doesn't get your input, bring it up as you speak. If you are watching a movie and you see a scene where two actors kiss, emphasize how romantic it is. Alternatively, tell him about your first kiss or tell a funny anecdote about a bad kiss. Then mention how much you have improved over time. These are speeches that could spur him to take this step.

Step 3. Ask him to kiss you
Guys like it when their partner is confident and knows what she wants. If you are afraid of taking the initiative, be direct. Try asking him: "Do you want to kiss me?". You can also ask him if he wants a kiss: "Can I kiss you?" or "I'd like to kiss you. Would you like to?".
If he says no, don't fret. Keep calm, tell him everything is fine and change the subject. Rejection can happen to anyone in life, so don't take it badly

Step 4. Kiss him
If you really want to kiss him and you know he likes you, go ahead without hesitation! You both have the right to make the first move. Don't feel embarrassed and don't worry about the situation. Just kiss him and enjoy the moment.
If you're not sure if he's interested or ready to kiss you, you probably want to wait until you're sure
Part 2 of 3: Using Subtle Signals

Step 1. Make eye contact
If you always have your eyes down, they may think you don't care. Make eye contact, especially when chatting. Don't hesitate to smile and laugh at his jokes to let him know that you appreciate his company.

Step 2. Be engaging
Guys often fear rejection or don't know if they are facing a person who wants to be kissed. So, try to dispel any kind of embarrassment. Flirt with him and pay him some compliments. If you put him at ease and let him know you're interested, he'll find the courage to kiss you.
- For example, you could say, "I was at the last concert you had with your band. You are a fantastic drummer! When did you start playing?".
- Alternatively, try "Would you like to see Stephen King's new movie? I hear it's terrifying. Will you hold my hand during the scariest scenes?"

Step 3. Make physical contact
If you haven't approached it yet, don't wait any longer. Take the initiative! Touch it lightly on your arm or shoulders while you are talking. Touch it innocently, without causing too much trouble. Holding hands is also a great way to overcome this stumbling block. Simply touching can strengthen intimacy.

Step 4. Look at his lips
When you are alone with a guy and want to be kissed, make eye contact with him and then briefly move your gaze to his lips. Then raise it to meet his eyes again and smile shyly. You don't have to do this in an obvious way - a fleeting glance at the lips is better than staring at them for a few seconds.
do this once or twice as you speak. You have to be winking, not creepy!

Step 5. Delay when you greet him
If he gives you a break at home after a date, hold back for a moment. If you are in a car, don't get out right away. Rather, sit next to him and wait a few seconds. Unfasten your seat belt and watch him expectantly. If he walks you to the door, you waste time with the keys. You will let him know that you want a kiss. Look at him once or twice to give him a chance to get close.

Step 6. Pretend to feel cold
Shiver and rub your hands on your arms or make a comment about low temperatures. He will likely take the opportunity to get closer to you. If he hugs you or lends you his jacket, stay close. Look him in the eye and thank him. Smile at him and he might kiss you.

Step 7. Draw attention to the lips
Gently run your fingers over your mouth. You can also bite your lower lip or lightly moisten your lips with your tongue.
If thrown in moderation, these cues will tell him that you want a kiss. However, if you overdo it, you will feel unnatural and risk ruining the atmosphere
try to attract him with attitudes rather than lip gloss or lipstick.
Part 3 of 3: Prepare for the Kiss

Step 1. Keep your breath fresh
Brush your teeth or use mouthwash to freshen your breath. If you're out and about, put a peppermint gum in your mouth or use a gum spray. The last thing you need to worry about is bad breath!

Step 2. Make sure your lips are soft
Apply lip balm before dating the guy you like. Avoid using brightly colored lipstick or sticky or glittery lip gloss. She definitely doesn't want to have any traces of your makeup on her mouth, so it could be counterproductive.

Step 3. Wait until you are alone
Even if you're dying to be kissed while watching her favorite team's game, it's probably not the most appropriate time. Ask them to see you in a more intimate setting, such as going for a walk or watching a movie together. If you are alone, she is more likely to want to kiss you.