Female sideburns are not things to be ashamed of; indeed, after having made their appearance on the New York Fashion Week catwalk, they are considered by some to be the latest in haute couture. If they're not exactly your thing, that's okay. There are many ways to get rid of hair growing on the sides of your face, so you can rest easy.
Method 1 of 4: Using an Electric Epilator

Step 1. Buy an electric epilator
It is a device with many small mechanical arms that pull out a large number of hairs at the same time. It can be painful, but it is very effective. Choose a specific one for the face. Face-specific epilators are a bit smaller than those used to shave other parts of the body, but their small size increases their accuracy, so they offer greater control.
- It is the ideal choice if you are able to take some discomfort and want a quick and long-lasting result.
- Some of these appliances can also be used in the shower: with humidity, the hairs soften and this can reduce pain.
- If you are afraid of pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever before hair removal.

Step 2. Cleanse your face
Use a mild cleansing milk to remove all traces of dirt, grease and makeup from your face. It is also wise to gather your hair in a ponytail and use an elastic or cloth headband to clear your face of thinner hair. The band is mainly used to isolate the sideburns

Step 3. Trim extra long sideburn hair
A good facial epilator can remove fluff and even stubborn hair that grows near the temples, but if it's short it's easier to manage. With a pair of scissors, cut the sideburn hair to a length of about half an inch.

Step 4. Hover the appliance over the first base, from bottom to top
Turn on the epilator and wipe it on the sideburn, in the opposite direction of hair growth. Try not to get too close to the hairline, as you risk pulling some of it inadvertently. Keep in mind that if the line between the face and the hairline is too sharp, the effect may be unnatural.
- Do not press the appliance on the skin and do not make sudden or too fast movements. Instead, go all over the area in gentle upward strokes until you've removed most of the hair.
- The skin may be red and a little swollen, even the next day; for this reason, it is best not to shave sideburns the day before an important event.

Step 5. Remove the remaining hair with tweezers
The epilator may not be able to pull out all hair, especially those near the hairline. Use clean tweezers to make a final fine job. But you can also decide to leave some, to keep a look as natural as possible. The effect of this type of hair removal lasts a few weeks, at most a month.
Do not forget to clean the appliance after use. Remove the brush head and brush the hair off with a small brush. It would also be advisable to clean the "blades" with alcohol
Method 2 of 4: Using Wax

Step 1. Buy a specific home waxing kit for your face
Facial skin is more delicate than body skin, so make sure the package says the kit is suitable for facial hair removal. If you are afraid that the wax will get too dirty, try the roll-on version or the ready-made strips.
Often these are products that can be heated in the microwave, so you can do all the work in the comfort of your own kitchen

Step 2. Collect your hair
The last thing you want is to find yourself with pieces of wax in your hair, so pick them up. Make a ponytail and use an elastic or cloth headband to hold back any hair that grows on the sides of your face. Also remember to pull the bangs back. Only the sideburns are left out.
If you don't have a headband, you can use bobby pins to secure them

Step 3. Cleanse your face
Eliminate all traces of make-up, dirt or grease from the face. Waxing can make the skin more vulnerable to bacteria: it is important that the skin near the sideburns is perfectly cleansed.
- If you have sensitive or oily skin, put a layer of talcum powder on the area.
- Do not wax if you have had a retinoid treatment in the last 10 days or if you have used a retinol ointment: waxing could damage your skin.
- Similarly, do not wax if your skin is sunburned, flaky, or has skin lesions.

Step 4. Trim the longer sideburn hair
With waxing, the best results are obtained if the hairs are of the right length. Ideally, they should be 1/2 to 1 centimeter long at the most. With a pair of scissors cut the sideburns until they reach the right length. Keep in mind that waxing is rarely able to pull out hair shorter than half an inch.

Step 5. Heat the wax
Follow the instructions on the package carefully. In particular, it is important not to overheat it, as you could burn yourself. You can test the inside of the wrist to determine the correct temperature. The skin here is very thin and can effectively serve as an indicator of excessive temperature.

Step 6. Apply the wax to the sideburns
Many waxing kits come with an applicator that you can use to safely and precisely depilate the area near the hairline. Apply wax in the growth direction. Try to completely cover the hair, including the root, to make sure you pull it out completely. Remember not to shave the same area twice, so as not to seriously irritate the skin.
While applying the wax, to facilitate the grip on the single hair, place your free hand on the cheekbone and stretch the skin, pulling it towards the temples

Step 7. Apply the cloth strip to the spot where you waxed
Make sure it is still hot and wait about 10 seconds. Press with your fingers along the strip to make it adhere well.

Step 8. Tear off the strip
The best way to proceed is to stretch the skin with one hand and tear off the strip with the other by pulling it upwards in the opposite direction to the direction of hair growth. If you don't keep your skin taut, you can get bruised. Pulling the strip against the grain prevents the hair from breaking.

Step 9. Get a calming post-depilatory treatment
After hair removal, your skin will likely be red and swollen: it can help to hold a paper towel dipped in a mixture of skim milk and cold water in equal parts for 10 minutes. The lactic acid contained in milk helps to soothe the skin. You can repeat the application of the compress every 2-3 hours.
- Instead of water and milk, you can opt for a moisturizing conditioner, an over-the-counter medicine such as a hydrocortisone-based ointment, or an aloe vera-based gel.
- For at least a day it is recommended not to use aggressive products, such as alpha-hydroxy acids (also called fruit acids), retinol or benzoyl peroxide, to give the skin time to recover.
- Remember to apply a layer of sunscreen to the sideburn area, as waxed skin is more sensitive to the sun's rays.

Step 10. Remove any remaining hair with tweezers
Since you can't wax the same spot twice, gently remove the remaining hair with tweezers. If there are traces of wax on the skin, you can remove them with a moisturizing product such as baby massage oil. Avoid re-waxing there for a period of 2-6 weeks.
Method 3 of 4: Using the Hair Removal Cream

Step 1. Choose a good hair removal cream
It is a chemical product that destroys the keratin structure of the hair, causing a weakening up to the fall of the shaft and the hair bulb. Keratin is the main protein molecule in hair. The most important thing to take into account when choosing the cream is the sensitivity level of your skin. Opt for a specific formula for the face, which has vitamin E or aloe among the ingredients.
- Depilatory products are available in cream, gel, roll-on or spray. The roll-on and spray versions allow you to get less dirty, but with the cream you can spread a nice abundant layer of product.
- If you have sensitive skin, ask your dermatologist for advice on which product is best for you.

Step 2. Do a test on the inside of the wrist first
To avoid the risk of an allergic reaction, apply a small amount of cream to the skin and leave it on for the time indicated on the package. To be sure not to develop an adverse reaction to the product, wait at least 24 hours before proceeding with the actual application: it is a fairly aggressive chemical compound, because the keratin bonds it weakens are present not only in the hair, but also in the epidermis.
The wrist is the ideal place to test the cream, because the skin is as thin and delicate as that of the face

Step 3. Collect your hair
A sturdy cloth band acts as a barrier and avoids the risk of accidentally plucking other hair. Make sure you do not tie the sideburns with the band, which must be free to cover them with cream.
- Make sure there are no open wounds, abrasions or burns on the area to be depilated. Also check that there are no spots where the skin tends to flake. Hair removal cream can create irritation and chemical burns on already damaged skin.
- Before using the cream, remove all traces of makeup; the skin must be perfectly clean.

Step 4. Apply a thick layer of hair removal cream to the sideburns
Distribute it over the entire surface of the sideburns by dabbing gently, but without rubbing or massaging the skin. Treat both sides of your face at the same time and wash your hands well at the end.
The cream may have a pungent, almost sulfuric odor, but this is normal. If you are hypersensitive to odors, choose a fragrance-free product

Step 5. Let the cream take effect
Read the instructions carefully to know the right shutter speed; in most cases, it's 5-10 minutes. Do not exceed the recommended time, otherwise you could end up with a bad burn. Several brands recommend checking after five minutes to see if the hair has not already weakened enough. In this case, the cream can be removed.
A slight tingling is normal, but if your skin starts to burn, take it off immediately and wash your face with cold water and a mild soap

Step 6. Clean the face of the cream
Remove it with a make-up remover pad or with a cloth moistened with hot water; together with the cream, the hair will also come off. To remove all the hair it may be necessary to pass the disk or the cloth several times.
- Make sure you have removed all traces of the cream to prevent it from continuing to work.
- It should take at least a week for the hair to begin to grow back. Meanwhile, your skin will be smooth and free of ingrown hair.
- As a final treatment, it moisturizes the skin. A calming post-depilatory lotion is usually included in the kit.
Method 4 of 4: Professional Treatment

Step 1. Go to a salon that offers professional waxing treatments
If the idea of waxing yourself makes you nervous, you will be more relaxed if you go to a salon or spa, where beauticians who can offer you professional treatment work. Find out about the facility first, to check if the environment is clean and if the employees are certified beauticians.
- Ask friends and family if they don't attend a salon they can recommend. It is ideal for verifying the reliability and professionalism of a structure.
- If you don't know anyone who goes waxing at a beautician, check out Yelp for reviews on salons and beauty salons in your area.

Step 2. Consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for advice on laser hair removal
This technique uses heat to destroy the follicle during the first growth phase. The result is therefore definitive; however, since not all hairs are in the first phase of growth at the same time, it may be necessary to undergo several sessions to remove them all. Generally, 2-8 sessions are required for complete and definitive hair removal.
- This technique only works with people who have skin of a different color than hair, i.e. they have relatively light skin and dark hair. If you have dark skin or light hair, the follicle is unable to absorb heat from the laser.
- Do a thorough research on the facilities that practice this type of hair removal technique, before choosing one. The laser can cause permanent damage if used incorrectly, so consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, as the training they have received is a greater guarantee.
- If the treatment is performed by a nurse or a beautician, check that the center also has a doctor who supervises the work.
- Ask how many appliances are running in the center. More choice gives you a greater chance of receiving the correct care.

Step 3. Find a qualified operator to perform hair removal treatments with electrolysis
It is a technique that involves inserting a tiny probe into the hair bulb, which is destroyed with an electric shock. At this point the hair is removed with tweezers and usually it does not grow back. As with the laser, the hair must be at a certain stage of growth in order to perform the treatment, so it may take more sessions. In some cases, up to 20 sessions are reached.
- Unlike the laser, electrolysis always works, regardless of the color of the skin and hair.
- It is essential to find a reliable and experienced specialist in this technique. Poor work can cause infections, leave scars and skin blemishes.
- When done correctly, however, electrolysis has proven to be a safe and effective method of hair removal.