Guys often agree in judging a girl's beauty, but the same can't always be said for women. Each has their own standards and tastes when it comes to physical appearance. However, there are some traits you can develop to enhance your overall attractiveness. More than anything else, it's important to stay true to your personality and consider all advice based on your character. You will be able to behave more confidently and feel more comfortable by improving some aspects of yourself and not completely reinventing yourself.
Method 1 of 3: Work on the Physical Aspect
Step 1. Get in shape
Many people believe that it is necessary to use weights to get muscular, but this is not the case. You can do a full workout even without a gym membership. Push-ups work your chest and triceps a lot, while crunches strengthen your abs. You can also get out of the house and do cardiovascular activities like cycling, running, and swimming.
- Do abdominal exercises by placing your calves or feet on a chair, with your back on the ground. Put your hands on the back of your neck and bring your head towards the ceiling.
- Exercising makes your body more toned and attractive, as well as giving you more energy and confidence.
Step 2. Dress to impress
Wearing clothes suitable for your age says a lot about your personality. It is proven that a guy who dresses like he is 16 is not as attractive as one who has a more mature look. There's no need to put on a sports jacket, just a simple update of your style. Invest in khakis or quality jeans instead of wearing the old ripped jeans from when you were in high school. Choose tight cuts for both shirts and pants. Try a few different colors and choose the ones that make your attributes stand out the most (hair, skin and eye color).
- Take care of your shoes. Throw them away when they start to break or when their soles are worn out. Have your leather shoes treated twice a year.
- You also need to consider the feel of your clothes. When you come into physical contact with a girl, she will appreciate quality clothing and it is important that you feel comfortable wearing them.
- Wearing eye-catching clothing is a good technique for attracting someone.
- According to scientific studies, women are more attracted to men who wear red. It is the same principle that police officers stop red cars more often; this color affects the eye.
Step 3. Maintain hygiene
Take care of your body and make sure you always smell good. Shower every day, using shampoo and body wash suitable for your body. Find a good-smelling deodorant with a light musk fragrance. Consider adding a few drops of perfume for important dates, but never more than two sprays. Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day, and keep your mouth healthy with dental floss and mouthwash.
Use a cream in the colder months to keep your skin hydrated and smooth to the touch
Step 4. Maintain good posture
This is a very simple tip, which allows you to immediately improve your presence. It's easy to forget this when most jobs force us to sit at a desk in front of a computer. Keeping a straighter posture will make you look taller, stronger, and more confident.
Imagine your upper chest is shaped like a coat hanger

Step 5. Eat right
A healthy diet not only helps you look better, but in many other ways as well. It can increase your energy levels, your confidence, and your general well-being. These factors will bring out other characteristics of you that a woman may find attractive. Start small and make sure you drink enough water every day (about eight glasses).
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice. You can eat them only if accompanied by other foods of higher nutritional value.
Method 2 of 3: Have a Beautiful Personality
Step 1. Cultivate a passion
Women are attracted to men who live with passion. Don't follow the classic routine of eating, working, sleeping and you'll be more attractive. Find a hobby and turn it into a passion. Try playing a musical instrument, dedicated to cooking, writing, running, rock climbing or more.
- When you express genuine passion, women react positively.
- Life is too short not to be passionate about something. Don't be afraid and get involved. You have nothing to lose, unless you are a fan of extreme sports.

Step 2. Talk to women more often
Relax when you chat with a girl. They like straight men, because they can't read minds. If talking to a stranger makes you anxious, approach people without being too open and without exposing yourself to their judgment. Over time, you will find the confidence to have normal conversations with the fairer sex. Try some of these phrases:
- Ask for a small favor, like "Can you keep an eye on my things while I have a coffee?". This stimulates attraction in the person doing you the favor.
- Ask a question. Use the situation you are in to your advantage. Ask a relevant question, such as "Have you seen this band live before?" or "Do you like drinks in this place?". If you feel in the mood, try to be witty.

Step 3. Be respectful and kind
One of the best ways to show how much you are worth to a woman is to let her know that you respect her, just as you do with all female representatives. Too often, men trying to get close to a girl think they are in a macho competition, rather than actually trying to get to know her. Show your respect by listening to what she has to say, by not invading her personal space, by not interrupting her, and by avoiding statements like "Don't do this, it's a man thing."
- Never mock a girl when you try to tease her. Jokes are okay, but avoid any phrases that can be considered offensive.
- Generosity can also be impressive. Nobody likes men so stingy they can't have fun. The same can be said of those who always refuse to give alms.

Step 4. Take risks to have fun
Become a more fun person by acting spontaneously. Those who are willing to go on an adventure are more attractive and interesting. Follow this advice and you will make all women understand how much you are worth.
Acting silly and having fun makes everyone realize that you are confident and not afraid of risks

Step 5. Show intellectual curiosity
Be careful not to sound like a know-it-all or conceited. Most women appreciate men who read from time to time and take an interest in the world around them. Put down the PlayStation controller and pick up a book. Try to get into the habit of reading the newspaper every morning. It will be easier to make conversation if you know current events.
Not all girls find this feature attractive

Step 6. Use a sense of humor
Making a girl laugh helps you a lot to be more attractive, because it's one of the most desirable traits in a man. Don't change your irony to impress a particular person. Your natural humor will attract the types of people who make you feel comfortable.
Laughter produces chemical effects in people. They increase serotonin levels in the brain and make the mind work more efficiently

Step 7. Be confident
This advice doesn't just refer to your physical appearance, but also what you think about yourself. Firmly believe that you will achieve your goals. Change your mindset: If you think you're attractive, you really will be. Thinking positive is the first step, but you also have to "act" in a positive way and your self-esteem will grow even more. Doing so is simple, you just need to talk to others in a positive way and focus your energy on this type of behavior.
- Find ambitions. Women notice determined men.
- Change one of your bad habits. Start small, for example, wake up without postponing the alarm two or three times, or drink 2 liters of water a day. Progressively get to improve yourself more substantially.
- Complete something you've been putting off for a long time. There is no better time than the present. You can also start small, like tidying up your room.
Method 3 of 3: Understanding Which Girls Are Attracted to You

Step 1. Look for signs of flirting
There are some universal signals that are used very often. Here's an example of a classic flirting attempt used by women: A girl smiles at you, then quickly raises her eyebrows as she stares into your eyes. Don't wait for others to start flirting with you; it won't always happen. Look around, try to make eye contact with a girl and smile.
Don't be afraid to be the one to start flirting with someone
Step 2. Look for a woman who is your level
We are usually all attracted to people like us. When we push ourselves beyond those limits, relationships often suffer, from jealousy or lack of interest. Look in the mirror and ask yourself how attractive you are. It is not easy to give an honest answer and many people need help figuring out what their level is. However, the physical aspect is not everything.
- Your attractiveness also depends on your personality (including your sense of humor), your dancing skills, hobbies, friends, family and more.
- There are successful relationships between very different people. Follow this advice wisely and consider that it simply makes things easier for you.
- In general, if you feel a connection with someone, you probably have a chance of success. You are probably quite similar if you create alchemy. Throw yourself!

Step 3. Take all opportunities
There are no places where you shouldn't try to attract other people. You never know when the spark will be born. You have options even if you work late and take the subway at night. Never give up on the opportunity to attract a woman.
- Flirting in unusual places like the subway or a waiting room shows confidence. You never know how things are going to go if you don't throw yourself in.
- Don't go forward too insistently. It's important to seize opportunities as they arise, but do it without making girls uncomfortable.
- When you talk to someone, listen actively. This way your chances of success will be higher and show her that you care. Listen for information, to understand who he is, for fun and to learn.