Whether it's a few dark hairs or a real mustache, the hair above the upper lip can be an uncomfortable embarrassment for many girls. If you want to remove them, avoid shaving them and instead choose more lasting methods such as waxing, hair removal cream, electrolysis or even laser removal; eventually, you could also lighten them to minimize their appearance.
Method 1 of 4: with the Hair Removal Cream

Step 1. Choose a hair removal cream if you want a painless solution
It is able to dissolve hair on the surface of the skin; used correctly it does not cause pain, which makes it a perfect method if you want to avoid the pain caused by other solutions such as waxing or epilation.

Step 2. Find a suitable one for facial hair
Since the chemicals in the cream are harsh, choose one that is specifically formulated for delicate facial skin. Go to a cosmetics store and look for a product specially created for the face; if in doubt, ask the clerk for advice.

Step 3. Try the cream
Apply a small amount to a sensitive but safe area of the skin (such as the inner side of the wrist) to make sure you do not experience adverse reactions. Let it sit for the recommended time, which should be about five minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Wait at least another 10 to 15 minutes to make sure your skin doesn't itch or turn red.
Step 4. Spread a thick layer of cream over your upper lip
Put on disposable gloves and squeeze a pea-sized dose of product from the tube over your finger. Start smearing it under your nose by rubbing it in both directions along the entire area above the upper lip; check that it covers the whole area.
- If by mistake you spread it even further, up to the cheeks, remove it immediately with a damp cloth.
- If the product is accompanied by a spatula, you can use it to apply the cream.

Step 5. Leave for 3-6 minutes
Follow the product's instructions carefully, which will probably tell you to leave it on the skin for 3-6 minutes, although it's best to err on the side of things, especially if it's your first application. If you start to feel a tingling sensation, remove it immediately.
Step 6. Rub a small area of skin to see if the hairs come off
You can use a fingernail or a cotton swab and gently rub a small portion of the treated area checking the result; if the hair comes off, you can proceed and remove all the cream, otherwise wait until you reach the maximum application time indicated.
Never leave the product on the skin for longer than recommended, otherwise you can cause irritation and even chemical burns
Step 7. Remove the cream using a damp cloth
Take a damp towel or kitchen paper to remove the product from the skin; you can also walk into the shower and simply rub the cream with your fingers.

Step 8. Rinse your skin thoroughly with soap and water
Create a nice lather on your fingers and rub the soapy water on the mustache area to remove any traces of residual product; afterwards, rub the skin or simply splash some water for a final rinse.
Step 9. When finished, apply a mild cream
If your skin feels dry after the treatment, you can spread a moisturizer or a delicate, fragrance-free lotion several times for the next one or two days.
Step 10. Repeat the procedure every three to five days
The depilatory cream is only a temporary solution and the hair still grows during this period; after three days you can then use the product again, but discontinue use if the skin becomes irritated, itchy or red.
Method 2 of 4: with Waxing

Step 1. Opt for waxing if you want a longer lasting solution
This product removes hair at the root, leaving the skin smooth and without regrowth for two or more weeks; however, it can be a bit painful, so you should consult a beautician to perform the treatment for you if you are concerned that you may not be able to do it on your own.

Step 2. Wait until the hairs are at least 6mm long
Waxing is only effective if it adheres to the hair, so you must wait until it is long enough for this procedure. If you don't want to wait for them to grow to this point, use another method, such as bleaching.

Step 3. Find a suitable wax for the treatment on your face
Go to a cosmetics store or a pharmacy and buy a product for home use; make sure it is specifically designated for facial hair. You can indifferently get spreadable wax or ready-made strips; the latter create less clutter, but are often less effective.

Step 4. Wash your face with an exfoliating cleanser to reduce pain
By cleaning the pores and removing dead cells, waxing can pull the hair out of the hair follicles more easily. Rub your face with an exfoliating product or, alternatively, use a normal cleanser by rubbing it with a towel.
Other solutions to reduce pain include applying anesthetic cream, taking a hot shower before treatment, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine on the day of the procedure

Step 5. Heat the wax in the microwave if necessary
Most of these products need to be heated, while the strips often do not require such a step. Put the wax container in the oven and heat it for the time indicated on the package; strictly follow the instructions described to avoid overheating the wax and consequently burning yourself.
Step 6. Apply a layer of wax all over the mustache area
If you bought the spreadable one, use the applicator present in the kit and carefully distribute it along the entire area above the upper lip, respecting the direction of hair growth. Waxing should cover all of the skin with a thick layer, but be careful to avoid involving the delicate epidermis of the lips and nose.
Step 7. Apply the depilatory strip under your nose
Whether you used spread wax or bought ready-made strips, you need to apply the product along the mustache area. Start on one side and work your way to the center as you roll it out. Hold the strip taut as you smooth it with your fingers over the skin, making sure no air bubbles get trapped.

Step 8. Wait for the recommended time
Follow the package directions for how long to apply the wax. If you take it off too soon, you don't get the desired results; however, if you wait too long, you won't have better hair removal.
Step 9. Tear off the strip with one quick motion
Hold the skin close to the upper lip taut with one hand and grasp the end of the strip with the other. Pull it quickly with a smooth motion in the opposite direction to that of hair growth; do not proceed slowly or in a jerky motion, otherwise it will cause more pain.
Step 10. Rinse your skin thoroughly using soap and water
Create a nice lather on your fingers and gently rub the soapy water on the mustache area. If there is any wax residue left, blot with a damp cloth and carefully rub the skin until it is gone.
Step 11. Apply cortisone cream to reduce redness
Go to the pharmacy and get a specific cream that you can spread on the skin treated with wax. Use it within 24 hours after treatment to relieve redness and irritation; alternatively, you can use a soothing oil, such as azulene.
Method 3 of 4: Lighten the Mustache

Step 1. Lighten them if you don't want them to grow
This is an effective way to hide a mustache that is too short to be waxed off. If you don't want to wait for them to get long enough (6mm) to get rid of them, you can lighten them to make them less visible.
This treatment is more suitable for thin hair and is often ineffective for very frizzy ones

Step 2. Choose a lightening cream for facial hair
Go to a cosmetics store and choose the right product for you. Make sure it is only suitable for facial treatments, otherwise you could irritate the skin; if possible, choose one that is suitable for your skin type (e.g. oily, dry, etc.).
Step 3. Mix the solution according to the directions on the package
It should be combined with an activating cream and powder; follow the instructions and mix the products together immediately before proceeding. Since the leftover mix must be thrown away immediately after use, try to mix only the amount needed for one application.
Step 4. Test the product on a small area of skin
Apply a small dose to a sensitive but safe area (such as the inside of the wrist) to make sure that no adverse reactions develop. Leave it in place for the time shown on the package and rinse it off at the end; wait at least 10 to 15 minutes to check for itching or redness.

Step 5. Wash the skin of the mustache area with a mild cleanser
Before applying the cream, you must make sure you clean the area carefully using soap and water or a normal facial cleanser; avoid exfoliating products, as subsequent application of the whitener may irritate the skin.
Step 6. Smear the lightening solution on the area
The kit should also include an applicator, but if not, use a popsicle stick or wear gloves and smear the product with your finger. Start from the area under the nose and move towards the direction of hair growth. Be very careful not to apply it to your lips or nostrils.
When finished, throw the used tools or gloves in a plastic bag to prevent the whitening solution from staining the garbage pail

Step 7. Wait for the recommended application time
Follow the instructions on the package and do not exceed the recommended duration, otherwise you could irritate or damage the skin; Generally speaking, the lightening cream should be left on the skin for 10 minutes maximum each time.
Step 8. Rinse a small area of skin to check effectiveness
Use a cotton swab or a cotton ball and remove a small amount of cream; rub it off your nose or mouth instead of the other way around and see if the hair has lightened. If you have not obtained satisfactory results, wait another minute, but do not exceed the maximum application time.
Step 9. Remove the residual cream with a cotton ball
Use cotton pads or a paper towel to remove the remaining product; be careful not to transfer it to sensitive areas and throw the wad in a plastic bag when finished.

Step 10. Rinse your skin thoroughly with soap and cold water
Create a nice lather on your fingers and carefully rub cold soapy water on the mustache area to get rid of any residual lightening product. Pat your skin dry with absorbent paper rather than a nice towel that you don't want to ruin, to prevent any traces of cream from staining the fabric.
Step 11. Repeat the treatment when the hair becomes dark again
After several weeks you have to apply the whitening product again when you see that the hair starts to be black again; however, stop the procedure or thin out the sessions if the skin becomes red, itchy or irritated.
Method 4 of 4: with Electrolysis or Laser Removal

Step 1. Choose one of these two treatments if you want a permanent solution
Both electrolysis and laser removal have the characteristic of guaranteeing a definitive result after several sessions. They are undoubtedly a lot more expensive than other procedures, but they save you a lot of time in the long run if you've always used wax or lightened your hair.

Step 2. Choose laser removal if you have dark hair and light skin
During this procedure, a laser is used to target many hair follicles at a time and kill the hair at the root. Since this is a more suitable method for dark hair that stands out on light skin, it is not particularly recommended for people with dark skin tones and light hair.
The color of the skin and hair is less important in the case of electrolysis, which involves inserting a fine needle into the hair follicles and releasing an electric shock that kills the hair root

Step 3. Look for beauty salons and professionals very carefully
Some facilities have better machinery and more qualified specialists (always check they are qualified for the job), as well as reviews from more satisfied customers than others. Do an online search to read reviews, but never choose a center based only on testimonials posted on the company's website.

Step 4. Contact various clinics to ask the technicians a few questions
Call the top two or three best clinics and ask a few questions about their service, equipment, and training. Some things to ask are: how long have they been in the industry, how old is the equipment, if the equipment is approved by the Ministry of Health and if the staff is qualified to perform this task.
Also inquire about the total cost of the treatment, if a skin test is planned and what the side effects may be
Step 5. Ask the professional what results you can expect for your specific hair type
Although laser removal and electrolysis offer permanent results and work wonderfully for some people, there are no guarantees that they will be effective for everyone; furthermore, treatments can be painful and expensive. Ask a couple of professionals what results they can expect in your specific case; if they make promises that seem untrue, consider going elsewhere, where more realistic expectations are offered.
- The best time to get rid of your mustache is before going to sleep; in this way, the skin has all night to soothe the redness, irritation or swelling.
- Do not expose yourself to the sun for 24 hours after hair removal to avoid further irritation in the treated area.
- You can apply an ice pack to the area after the treatment to soothe the discomfort.