Thanks to Beyoncé, J. Lo, Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj, a curvy butt is no longer a worry. These women demonstrate what some ethnic groups and many men have always known: a big butt is sexy and feminine, and it makes many lose their minds. Your man will be sorry to see you go, but he will certainly enjoy the view.
Part 1 of 4: Exercises
Step 1. Do squats
Any personal trainer or fitness expert will tell you that the squat is the quintessential exercise if you want toned glutes. You can do it with the barbell or dumbbells, the choice is up to you.
To do squats with a barbell:
- Start by placing the barbell on the bar, approximately 8 to 13 cm below the shoulders. Lift it up and step forward (don't use your neck). The feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the knees and toes pointing outward. Make sure your knees line up vertically with your toes so you don't extend them more than necessary.
- Squeeze your buttocks and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Using your glutes, lift yourself back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps with a heavier bar or 3 sets of 15 with a lighter one.
Do dumbbell squats:
- Grab a dumbbell by the hand. The feet should be slightly more apart than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, making sure they line up vertically with your toes and don't go over them. The toes and knees should point out slightly.
- Squeeze your glutes and lower yourself. The knees must bend, without going beyond the tips of the toes. Don't sag. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Try to use your glutes more than your thighs as you lift yourself up and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Get a Huge Butt Step 1 Step 2. Do cardio
Doing aerobic exercise and increasing your heart rate is the absolute fastest way to burn fat. Your backside doesn't just have to be big, it's vital that it's tall and firm too. Try these movements on the various machines in the gym or at the park:
- At the park. Walk sideways. Moving your legs in this way works your glutes from a different angle.
- Tapis Roulant. When running, make sure your heels touch the surface before your toes. If you walk, increase the incline.
- Elliptical. Bring your hips back, pushing your butt out slightly. When you extend one leg, first push the heel.
- StairMaster. Lean forward slightly and take wider steps, as if you are trying to climb two steps at a time. Also, don't lean on the bar, so your glutes will be forced to work so you don't lose stability.
- Exercise bike. Get on a recumbent bike and focus as you pedal vigorously.
Step 3. Do deadlifts
Add weights to the bar, being careful not to overdo it until you have learned how to do the exercise correctly. In a standing position, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and place them under the bar. The toes should be directly under the bar. Turn your toes and knees slightly outward to find stability.
- Do a squat and grab the bar. The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width.
- Lower your hips further, so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure your back is straight and look forward, towards a fixed point, to align your body correctly.
- Lift the barbell off the floor, simultaneously moving your hips and shoulders upward; keep your back straight.
- Slowly lower the bar back and return to the starting position. Use your glutes and push your butt outward as you lower yourself down, as if you were about to sit on a chair.
- Do 3 sets of 12 reps. Gradually increase the weight or reps.
Step 4. Do front lunges and reverse lunges
Standing, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms relaxed at your sides.
To perform a front lunge, step forward with your right foot. Bend your right knee until your thigh and calf create a 90 degree angle. Don't let the knee go beyond your toes. Get up with pressure on the front foot and recover the starting position. As you lift, squeeze your glutes, thighs, and calves to return to the starting position in a slow, controlled way.
You can complete all lunges with the right side and then switch to the left, or do them alternating. Do 3 sets of 12 reps per leg
- To perform a reverse lunge, step back with your left leg. Lower your hips until your left calf is parallel to the floor and your right knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. Get up with pressure on your right foot. Keep your back aligned with your hips, and use your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves to get up. Return your left foot to the starting position. Extend your right foot behind you and repeat on this side. Do 3 sets of 12 reps per leg.
Step 5. Do a leg lift exercise to work the gluteus maximus
Start by getting on all fours. It is best to do this on a soft surface, such as a yoga mat.
- Keeping your leg bent at a 90 ° angle, lift the outside of your right knee upward so that the inside is parallel to the floor.
- Hold the position for 5 seconds, then lower the knee back to recover the starting position. Do the same with your left leg.
- Do 3 sets of 15 reps on each side, then increase the amount of reps or the amount of time you hold the raised leg to make the exercise more difficult.
Step 6. Add kickbacks
In a standing position, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms outward to find balance.
- Lift your right foot up behind you as much as you can while keeping your balance. You should feel your right glute contract.
- Hold the position for 5 seconds before returning the foot to the starting position. Repeat the same exercise on the left side.
- Increase the challenge over time: hold the position longer or do more repetitions.
Step 7. Execute the fire hydrant with kicks
Start by getting down on all fours, preferably on a yoga mat or comfortable surface. Keeping the knee bent 90 degrees, open one leg outward so that the knee is parallel to the floor.
- Hold the position for a couple of seconds, then return the leg to the starting position;
- Do two sets of 15-20 reps on each side;
- Make the exercise more difficult by holding your leg up longer and doing more repetitions.
Step 8. Try skater lunges
This type of exercise works on your glutes, as well as engaging various muscles in your legs. Begin in a standing position with your legs slightly apart. Jump with your left leg, bringing it diagonally behind your right and then lunge, bringing your knee almost touching the floor. Return to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement with your right leg, hopping it behind the left one. Do three sets of 15-20 reps on each side;
- At first you may not be able to complete the three sets. Do as many as possible, gradually striving to complete three.
- If you want to increase the intensity, hold a weight in each hand as you perform the exercise.
Get a Huge Butt Step 9 Step 9. Rest for at least one day between workouts
Muscles need time to recover and prevent them from shrinking, which would defeat your mission of having a nice butt.
Muscles need time to literally repair the tears and tears that occur after a grueling exercise. You may think that exercising non-stop gives you faster results, but this is not good for your muscles
Part 2 of 4: Power
Get a Huge Butt Step 10 Step 1. Don't give in to the mantra "Eat more protein
The classic gym you always meet when you work out probably eats protein bars, shakes and protein powders, but according to some research, the effectiveness of this diet is just a myth. In fact, overdoing it can be harmful to the body..
The only way to build muscle mass is to exercise. The body needs a modest amount of protein to function well. Excess does not make you stronger.
- The US Department of Health and Human Services states that two 170g servings per day are enough for women.
- For male adolescents and active men, three servings of 200 g per day are sufficient.
Get a Huge Butt Step 11 Step 2. Change the type of carbohydrates you ingest
Avoid refined and white sugars. Instead, opt for brown rice and legumes. These carbohydrates can slim down the central area of the body, and the B-side will therefore appear larger.
Processed and refined carbohydrates generally should be avoided by anyone who wants to sculpt the body. Preferring whole grains, oats, legumes and nuts allows you to get the carbohydrates that are good for you
Get a Huge Butt Step 12 Step 3. Increase your daily calorie intake based on your body type
If you tend to store fat in your hips and butt area, consuming more calories will allow you to make this part of your body more shapely, so your B-side will look bigger. If you tend to store them elsewhere, for example at the waistline, you will end up gaining weight in the wrong place.
If you store fat in your arms, stomach and legs, cutting calories and losing weight will help make your B-side look more curvy. Since it is difficult to lose weight in a targeted manner, a restrictive diet may be required
Part 3 of 4: Choosing the Right Clothing
Get a Huge Butt Step 13 Step 1. Choose the right pants
Go for more or less flared ones, or combine tight capri pants with a pair of high heels. A good choice can work wonders. While in the dressing room, observe yourself from every angle and try walking in these pants before you buy them.
- Choose the adherent ones. Pants that are too wide will hide the shapes, so it will be impossible to see the curves. Skinny jeans of course are ideal, but any skinny cut in the butt area is fine.
- Consider the arrangement of the pockets and the color. Small, tall pockets or patterned ones are perfect for creating an illusion of a bigger butt. Stay away from jeans with large pockets or jeans that don't have any at all.
- Both high-waisted and low-waisted pants will work in your favor. The former tighten at the waist, thus making side B seem larger in relation to it, while the latter start from the widest point of the hips, drawing attention to the area.
Get a Huge Butt Step 14 Step 2. Put on padded pants
Try jeans designed specifically to lift your butt, or use leggings, stockings, shorts or briefs that have the same purpose: they promise to lift the B-side without noticing.
Try waistbands or support tights that make your stomach flatter. They encircle the fat that is on the central area of the body, pushing it towards the areas where it should be and giving you a more curvy, hourglass physique
Get a Huge Butt Step 15 Step 3. Show off your silhouette
Tighten your waist or wear clothes that flatter your hourglass body. Play it safe with any piece of clothing that caresses the shapes and emphasizes the waist. Avoid shirts and dresses that tighten right under the bra or around the hips.
Put a dark belt on the shirt or dress by tightening it in the waist area; you will slim down the body and attract attention to the shapes
Get a Huge Butt Step 16 Step 4. Wear bodycon miniskirts and high heels
Heeled shoes naturally tilt the pelvis forward, giving the illusion that the legs are longer and the butt larger. In addition, they flex the calves, ensuring a toned look.
If high heels make you uncomfortable, it's best to start with spool heels. Nobody will notice your B-side (fantastic as it is) if you walk awkwardly
Part 4 of 4: Treatments
Get a Huge Butt Step 17 Step 1. Book a massage
A rather intense lymphatic massage to restore shape to the B-side combined with an algae-based wrap will eliminate cellulite and water retention, making your butt look fantastic. You can also request a lipomassage, which uses a special tool (rollers) to make the skin more compact.
Remember that this will not have a direct effect on the size of the B-side. It will make the skin brighter and give a temporary illusion of firmness, but the butt won't magically get bigger. I wish it was like that
Get a Huge Butt Step 18 Step 2. Apply a toning cream
You will find several on the market, and they promise to increase the B-side, making it even taller and firmer. Keep in mind that they don't work miracles though.
Again, what can actually change your butt is a combination of exercise and weight loss / gain. Some say that creams work, but know that only hard work will allow you to get valid results
Get a Huge Butt Step 19 Step 3. Evaluate the cosmetic surgery solution
If your B-side is hopelessly flat or bony, talk to a plastic surgeon about possible treatments. Here are some examples:
- Body Jet System: the surgeon performs a liposuction by taking fat from the hips, belly and thighs and injecting it into the buttocks under local anesthesia.
Silicone implants. The surgeon will place them under the buttocks. Just remember that it can be painful, and surgery carries risks of infection.
They are extreme, expensive and permanent solutions. Think carefully before an invasive surgery and let the body remain in contact with foreign substances
- If you are a teenager, remember that you are still growing, and your body has not fully developed. He still has many years to do it, especially the B-side. Don't be put off by the physique you have now. It is important to think about health first and be proud of your uniqueness.
- Try a monthly squat challenge; search for squat challange on google. This little test will motivate you more.
- Surgical procedures should be the last resort. Try to reach your goal with diet and fitness before taking drastic measures.
- Don't get discouraged. Always think positive and motivated.
- Understand that your genetics are different from other people's and not all of them have the same body. Do not aspire to models that are impossible to achieve and do not expect your results to be identical to those of another, be realistic.