4 Ways to Freeze Cream

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4 Ways to Freeze Cream
4 Ways to Freeze Cream

Cream should always be consumed fresh, because it is better; however, there are situations in which it is necessary to freeze it to preserve it for a long time. This is a feasible process and it is also possible to replenish the cream after defrosting it.


All types of cream that contain at least 40% fat can be frozen. Do not do this if the product has a lower amount of fat mass.

Natural Cream:

Leftover cream or the one that is close to expiration (only for whipping cream or the one with a high percentage of fat, greater than 40%)

Sugar Cream

  • 125ml cream (whipping or high-fat cream only)
  • 5 g of sugar

Whipped Cream

Whipped cream (high fat only)


Method 1 of 4: Natural Cream

Freeze Cream Step 1
Freeze Cream Step 1

Step 1. Pour the cream into a rigid container

Put the container in a sealable plastic bag (preferably two) to prevent the odors from the freezer from filtering inside.

Leave at least 1.5 cm of empty space between the surface of the cream and the lid of the container, as it will increase in volume as it freezes

Freeze Cream Step 2
Freeze Cream Step 2

Step 2. Place in the freezer

Method 2 of 4: Sweet Cream

This method is useful for preparing baked goods and desserts; the added sugar helps to preserve the cream slightly better.

Freeze Cream Step 3
Freeze Cream Step 3

Step 1. Pour the cream into a suitable bowl

Freeze Cream Step 4
Freeze Cream Step 4

Step 2. Whip it lightly, just enough to make it firm

Freeze Cream Step 5
Freeze Cream Step 5

Step 3. Incorporate a level teaspoon of sugar

Use one for every 125ml of cream.

Freeze Cream Step 6
Freeze Cream Step 6

Step 4. Transfer the cream to a rigid container

Place the latter in a plastic bag (preferably two) to prevent freezer odors from penetrating.

Leave at least 1.5 cm of empty space between the surface of the cream and the lid of the container, as it will increase in volume as it freezes

Freeze Cream Step 7
Freeze Cream Step 7

Step 5. Place in the freezer

Method 3 of 4: Whipped Cream

This method is useful when you need to add cream directly to cupcakes or similar cakes. It is an alternative to the sugar cream technique described above.

Freeze Cream Step 8
Freeze Cream Step 8

Step 1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone mat

Freeze Cream Step 9
Freeze Cream Step 9

Step 2. Whip the cream

Freeze Cream Step 10
Freeze Cream Step 10

Step 3. Arrange spoonfuls of cream on the pan you prepared earlier

Cover it with a thick sealable bag.

Freeze Cream Step 11
Freeze Cream Step 11

Step 4. Freeze the cream

When the various spoonfuls have become hard, transfer them to an airtight freezer bag or container. To prevent the spoonfuls of cream from breaking, it is best to use a rigid container.

Freeze Cream Step 12
Freeze Cream Step 12

Step 5. Close the container and return it to the freezer

Method 4 of 4: Defrost

Freeze Cream Step 13
Freeze Cream Step 13

Step 1. Natural cream:

leave it overnight in the refrigerator. If the dish you are cooking is already boiling (for example a soup or stew), you can directly add the cream being cooked just as if it were fresh and wait for it to melt. Remember that the cream, once thawed, will remain liquid and you will not be able to whip it.

Freeze Cream Step 14
Freeze Cream Step 14

Step 2. Sweet cream:

if you are using it as a filling or decoration for a cake or dessert, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight. Remember that it will not be possible to whip it, but it should retain its consistency if you have worked it previously and it will be perfect for baked goods and desserts. Also, you can try mixing it with fresh whipped cream to make the filling better.

Freeze Cream Step 15
Freeze Cream Step 15

Step 3. Reconstitute the cream that has separated:

shake the container (with the lid) with the cream, if you have noticed that it has separated into a liquid and a solid part. This operation allows you to reconstitute it, mixing the fatty part with the watery part.

You can also shake the cream in a sealable bag if that's convenient for you

Freeze Cream Step 16
Freeze Cream Step 16

Step 4. Whipped Cream:

wait for the spoonfuls to melt at room temperature (10 minutes will be enough). Use the cream as if it were whipped fresh. The various spoonfuls allow you to use it already in small portions.


  • Frozen cream can be kept for up to two months.
  • Low-fat cream and liquid cream do not keep very well frozen because they become rather watery.
  • Some recommend freezing cream in ice cube trays. Although it may seem like a convenient solution, in this way the cream tends to separate more than when it is frozen in a single mass.


  • Frozen cream is never as good as fresh cream. This method is to be implemented if you want to save cream that is close to expiration or that would otherwise be wasted and in any case it should not be considered a method for storing cream normally.
  • The cream quickly absorbs all the odors it comes into contact with. If you store it incorrectly, it will taste exactly the same as the odors it was exposed to and could be very unpleasant. Use an airtight container.
  • It is recommended to freeze only the pasteurized cream.
