How to Shorten Pants without Hand Sewing

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How to Shorten Pants without Hand Sewing
How to Shorten Pants without Hand Sewing

Shortening pants is a necessary job, but it often takes a lot of effort and time. Doing this without hand sewing may seem complicated, but it is actually very simple. Once done the first time, it will be easy, fast and cheap.


Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 1
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 1

Step 1. If the pants have an unfinished hem, you are already well on your way

Otherwise, turn them over, undo the hem at the edges and flatten the folds with an iron.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 2
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 2

Step 2. Turn them right side again

Take another pair of pants of your size from the closet and measure the length of the outer leg, including the belt.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 3
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 3

Step 3. Once you have measured the length, make a chalk mark on the new pants

Make a mark with chalk on the trousers at the right height and continue it all around the bottom.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 4
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 4

Step 4. Leave a few inches more than the mark line and cut off the rest

If the fabric tends to fray, roll up or unravel, it may be best to machine a row of zigzag stitches around the bottom end. Cutting the fabric with finishing scissors can help to prevent it from fraying further.

Step 5. Take the wonderweb canvas, a melting glue and machine stitch (inside) the bottom of the pants

If you don't have a sewing machine, put pins around the wonderweb canvas every 5-10cm.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 6
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 6

Step 6. Extend the pant leg on the table

You should see the chalk mark around the bottom plus the extra inches you have left. Bend the leg inward so that the chalk mark remains on the edge. Make sure everything is smooth and flat on the inside and watch out for pins if you have used them.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 7
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 7

Step 7. Use an iron and a damp fabric to press the bottom of the pants with a large amount of steam, melting the glue

Remove the pins if you have used them, then press lightly with the iron again to remove any small marks and you are done.

Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 8
Shorten Pants Without Hand Sewing Step 8

Step 8. Do the same on the other leg


  • Any piece of canvas inadvertently left inside or anywhere else can easily be removed with a drop of ethyl alcohol.
  • If there are two of you, one can try on the pants while the other marks or pins the new length.
  • If possible, take your measurements wearing the same shoes or type of shoes that will go with the pants.
  • If you are measuring pants to shorten on a person, make sure the wearer stands straight, not looking down at whoever is pinning them.
  • The bottom may tend to loosen if the pants are dry cleaned many times. If this happens, simply add some more wonderweb canvas where they have come undone and steam press again.
  • Pay attention to the pins.
  • It is better to be able to use a sewing machine, but beyond that there is no particular skill required. A tailor's shop can ask for 20 € for the same simple operation.


  • Unless your legs are already different in length, be careful to leave them the same length.
  • Read the instructions on the label and make sure the fabric can withstand the heat needed for the operation. For some delicate or synthetic fabrics, it may be best to do it by hand.
  • Be careful when using pins! They are the main reason machine sewing is so much better.
  • The iron and the steam are hot enough, keep your hands and children at a suitable distance.