Sewing thread can be made from any type of material that is longer than it is wide. It can also be made of rope, sewing cotton, or staple fabric, although it would not be very practical to wear. It is important to know the properties of the yarn you are planning to buy. Decide if you want the final product to be washable, if you want it to keep you warm during the winter, or if you want it to be stylish enough to wear with a formal long skirt. There is nothing that cannot be worn and sewn, from casual to elegant dresses, from skirts to trousers. Choosing the right type of yarn and the right weight is essential.

Step 1. Remember that there are different shapes and sizes of yarn
You can find both balls and skeins of yarn, depending on the material.

Step 2. Remember that yarns are composed of fibers derived from different materials
- Animal-based fibers, such as lamb's wool, are a very popular choice as they have good insulating properties, are very absorbent, shape well and are very durable. Several scarves and socks are made from lamb's wool. In addition, woolen garments can be fixed. As for the downsides, remember that wool yarn needs to be hand washed and hung out to dry.
- Plant-based fibers, such as linen and cotton, are soft, strong and very breathable. They are perfect for summer and children's clothes. They can also be hand washed.
- Synthetic or acrylic fibers, such as polyester or nylon, are inexpensive, easy to wash, and are the ideal choice for baby clothes and fashion items. They can be machine washed and dried, although they cannot be fixed like animal-based fibers.

Step 3. Remember that the various types of yarn are available in all colors of the rainbow and that you can choose to your liking which is the most suitable for the garment you want to make
The yarn can also be used undyed, or it can be colored with natural or artificial colors. Most yarns have a uniform shade, but there are also several variegated yarns:
- Melange or tweed: yarn with dots of fibers in different colors.
- Shade: variegated yarn with light and dark shades of the same shade.
- Multicolour: variegated yarn with two or more distinct shades.
- Stripes: a yarn dyed with different color lengths that will automatically create stripes in the final garment.
- Blended: yarn composed of yarns of different colors intertwined, sometimes in linked shades.

Step 4. Remember that yarns are sold in different thicknesses, also called "weights"
Here are some of the more common weights:
- Lace: Great for shawls or doilies.
- Superfine / Baby.
- Fine / Sport.
- Lightweight: A good weight for baby socks and clothes.
- Medium / Aran: The most common weight, a great choice for a beginner. Its weight is twice that of light yarn and is great for making scarves and hats.
- Chunky: This yarn can be sewn quickly with large needles, making it ideal for making heavy sweaters.

Step 5. Remember that on the label of the purchased yarn you will find the washing instructions
Follow them to maintain the quality of the yarn, allowing it to last for a very long period of time.

Step 6. Write down the color tone or keep the label of the purchased yarn
If you're going to start a long project with that yarn and need to buy more, you need to make sure you're buying exactly the same shade.
- Use plain yarn for your first project so you can clearly see the seams. Wait until you've got some experience before using a more complex yarn.
- Yarns that are sold in skeins must be unraveled before they can be used. The easiest way is to have someone sit in front of you and have them hold their arms apart, wrapping the yarn around them and thus forming a ball in your hands. Alternatively, you can wrap the skein around the back of a chair, thus creating a ball of yarn. There are also special tools that can be purchased, but with these tips you can get the hang of it at no additional cost.
- When sewing something for another person, make sure they are not allergic to the chosen yarn. Allergies to wool are quite common.
- Avoid yarns that are too hairy or decorative if you are still a beginner. They might look cool and fun, but it's a lot easier to go wrong with this type of yarn.