Milia are small white spots that can form on the face at any age, often even on that of babies. Milia are not a health threat, they are mostly a cosmetic problem and in most cases they go away on their own. If they embarrass you, you can step in to try to speed up the process and make them disappear faster. Try some home remedies or consult a specialist to get your skin flawless again.
Method 1 of 4: Home Remedies to Eliminate Milia

Step 1. Wash your face regularly to keep the skin clean
The first thing to do to combat milia is to take care of skin hygiene every day. Wash your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser in the morning as soon as you wake up and in the evening before going to sleep. Make sure it is suitable for delicate or sensitive skin.
Massage the cleanser into your skin for 20-30 seconds. Rinse your face thoroughly and pat it dry by gently patting it with a clean, dry towel

Step 2. Exfoliate your skin for deep cleansing
Both in adolescence and in adulthood it is useful to do the scrub to eliminate milia. There are targeted and exfoliating products that moisturize the skin as well as remove dead cells.
- Exfoliants that moisturize the face are indicated for cases where milia are widespread and accompanied by dry skin. In addition to removing dead cells that have accumulated under the surface of the skin, they prevent new ones from accumulating.
- Look for a product that contains vitamin A and is free from oils that weigh down the skin.
- If you have few milia and you don't have dry skin, it is best to choose a targeted exfoliant. Look for a product that contains salicylic acid.
- Apply the product directly to the milia once a day until they are gone. Read the label and follow the specific directions for use.

Step 3. Also use a product that contains retinol every day for brighter skin
Retinol is one of the most useful ingredients for fighting acne and the signs of aging. It has excellent exfoliating properties that allow you to keep the skin soft and clean. Purchase retinol cream and apply it directly to the area affected by milia.
- After washing your face, allow half an hour to pass before applying the retinol cream.
- Use a pea-sized amount and apply it every other night directly to the area affected by the milia.
- Do not apply retinol cream on the upper eyelids as there is a risk that it will irritate or damage the eyes.

Step 4. Try a homemade chemical peel
It is one of the most effective treatments for eliminating milia because it allows you to exfoliate the skin in depth. A chemical peel performed by the dermatologist is quite expensive, but you can save money by doing it yourself at home. You can choose from many products that are proven to be effective and easy to use.
- Choose a product that contains lactic acid or glycolic acid.
- Follow the instructions on the package carefully. The method of use varies according to the type of product.

Step 5. Purify the pores with a facial steam bath
Even in the most expensive spas, steam is used to open pores and deeply cleanse the skin. Heat the water in a saucepan and, when it is about to boil, transfer it to a basin. Lean your face over the water, being careful not to get too close to avoid burning yourself. Cover your head and shoulders with a towel to trap the steam around your face and stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.
Alternatively, you can run hot water in the shower and stay in the bathroom for 5-10 minutes with the door and windows closed and the ventilation fan turned off to get the room filled with steam

Step 6. Make an egg mask three times a week
Eggs contain retinol and you can take advantage of it for skin care. Preparing an egg beauty mask is very simple: just mix an egg white with half a teaspoon of almond oil, a tablespoon of yogurt (natural) and a tablespoon of raw honey in a bowl. Once you have a creamy paste, apply it on the face where the milia are present.
- Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water. Finally, pat the skin dry by gently patting it with a clean towel.
- Prepare and apply the mask three times a week for the best possible result.
Method 2 of 4: Eliminate the Milia with the Help of the Doctor

Step 1. See a dermatologist if home remedies don't work for you
If despite your best efforts, the situation does not improve, make an appointment with a specialist. It is best to write down some information before meeting with the dermatologist to help him make a correct diagnosis. For example, he will need to know how long the milia have appeared and how often they form.
- You can ask your friends or family to recommend the name of a dermatologist, or you can search online and seek advice from other patients.
- Remember that milia are a very common blemish and can affect anyone. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you want to eliminate them because they embarrass you.

Step 2. Request a chemical peel
The dermatologist has the skills to use more aggressive and effective chemicals than you can use alone at home. Talk to him about your expectations so he can decide whether to have a light or more intense peel. Either way, you won't feel pain.
- While not a painful treatment, the skin may become inflamed and remain red and irritated for a few days.
- Follow your dermatologist's directions for skin care after peeling.

Step 3. Request advanced dermatological treatment
There are methods to extract milia safely. The dermatologist will extract dead skin cells trapped beneath the surface of the skin using their hands or a special tool. It is generally a painless treatment, but you may feel slight pressure in the most difficult places. Alternatively, you can go to a beauty center to get a professional facial cleansing.
- The dermatologist may also resort to laser ablation of the skin to extract trapped epithelial cells. A weak laser beam will heat the material that has occluded the pores until it evaporates or sublimates.
- Follow the dermatologist's instructions carefully after the treatment. You may have to stop using the retinol cream for 1-2 days and have to go without makeup for the rest of the day.
- If you don't want to undergo an extraction or ablation treatment, don't feel obligated to do it. Remember that milia are only a cosmetic problem and do not harm your health.
Method 3 of 4: Eliminate Milia with Supplements under Physician Supervision

Step 1. Take a vitamin B3 (or niacin) supplement
Vitamin B3 is an important nutrient, according to experts it serves to support different parts of the body. Potential beneficial effects include the ability to keep skin healthy and to heal milia.
- Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any type of supplement.
- Know that there is no scientific evidence showing that milia disappear faster thanks to the use of vitamin B3.
- If your doctor agrees, you can start taking a vitamin B3 supplement under his supervision. Generally the recommended dose does not exceed 100 mg daily. In any case, never exceed 1,500 mg per day as vitamin B3 in large doses can cause liver damage.
- Ask your doctor or pharmacist for help in choosing a supplement that is free from additives or dangerous substances.

Step 2. Consider taking a biotin supplement
Biotin is also known as vitamin H, acts as a coenzyme and is a water-soluble vitamin of group B. In most cases, biotin taken through food is sufficient to keep the body healthy, but if you suspect it is have a deficiency, you can consider taking a supplement.
- Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any type of supplement.
- It appears that biotin can help keep skin healthy and consequently make milia disappear faster.
- Know that these are exclusively alleged benefits because to date there is no scientific evidence that demonstrates its real effectiveness.
- Adults should take no more than 25-35mcg of biotin per day.

Step 3. Increase your consumption of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
In this case there is no need to resort to a supplement since it is a coenzyme contained in many foods and that in certain circumstances the body can also produce itself. CoQ10 is contained in meat and fish and the body also produces it naturally when you exercise. According to the theory, this vitamin helps to keep various organs, systems and tissues healthy, including the skin.
- Note that there is still no scientific evidence showing that coenzyme Q10 is effective against milia. However, since it is generally considered safe, you can ask your doctor if it is worth a try in your case.
- Coenzyme Q10 acts as an emulsifier, so it removes oils from the body. Thanks to the fact that the body is able to expel oils more easily, it is possible that it is also able to eliminate dead cells that clog the pores and cause the formation of milia.
Method 4 of 4: Preventing Milia

Step 1. Reduce exposure to sunlight
The sun can aggravate skin blemishes. Particularly in the case of secondary milia, that is, resulting from burns or burns, uncontrolled exposure to sunlight can cause a sunburn and the spread of milia or a delay in healing. For this reason you should protect your face from the sun if you want milia to disappear faster.
- Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight. Wear a hat that casts shade on your face when outdoors.
- Use a face-specific, oil-free sunscreen. Choose a cream with a light texture that does not clog your pores, otherwise you will struggle to free them of dead skin cells by scrubbing.
- Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of no less than 15. A light sunscreen will offer you the necessary protection without risking clogging your pores.

Step 2. Avoid creams and cosmetics with a rich, oily texture
Many people try to hide milia using makeup, but doing so risks extending their lifespan. In addition to occluding pores, creams and cosmetics can attract more impurities to the face, making it more difficult to get rid of milia.
Cosmetics and creams that have a rich, oily texture stick to the skin and clog the pores. To eliminate milia you need to remove dead skin cells that accumulate inside them, but it becomes impossible if there are cosmetics to plug them

Step 3. Take care of skin hygiene every day
There is no foolproof method to prevent milia, but you can definitely make sure they appear less frequently. Take care of your facial skin every day: wash your face morning and evening, apply a moisturizer and drink plenty of water. If finances allow it, visit your beautician from time to time to get your face cleansed.
- Ask your dermatologist or beautician which products are best for your skin type.
- Remember that each person's skin has different characteristics and needs, so experiment with different solutions until you find the most effective remedy for you.