Perhaps you work at a company that routinely tests employees for drugs, or perhaps you are required to do so as a condition of a legal agreement. This type of test can be conducted on a urine, hair, blood or saliva sample and a negative result is to your personal and professional benefit. The best way to pass a drug test is to know how long drugs remain in the body and stop taking them for as long as necessary.
Method 1 of 4: Urine Test

Step 1. The urine test is the most common drug test
If the company you work for asks you to take a test, chances are it's this kind of exam. In rare cases, the employer may also request that of blood, saliva or hair. Urine testing can be done confidentially (in a bathroom cabin at the lab) or even in front of the lab technician himself.

Step 2. Provide a list of your medications
It is very rare that false positives are obtained from tests performed in qualified and professional laboratories. However, some prescription, over-the-counter, or even herbal remedies can be mistaken for psychotropic drugs. For example, some decongestants can give a positive result for amphetamines. To prevent the test from being positive, provide your employer with a list of all the medications you are taking, as well as all the documentation that is required of you.

Step 3. Know which drugs are tested through the standard test
Urinalysis is able to detect the presence of different substances in the body. The choice of which specific drugs to look for depends on various factors: your personal or legal history, the requirements of your job, legal protocols or the risk of accidents at work are all aspects that can affect the owner's decision to analyze certain substances. instead of others. However, the most popular test is the one that analyzes 5 substances and most of these tests look for the following:
- Marijuana.
- Cocaine.
- Opiates.
- Phencyclidine (PCP).
- Amphetamines.

Step 4. Know what other substances can be analyzed
While this is the most popular test, some employers or legal staff may decide to test the employee for other types of drugs. Tests for some or all of the following might be added:
- Alcohol.
- MDMA (ecstasy).
- Barbiturates.
- Dextropropoxyphene.
- Benzodiazepines.

Step 5. Find out about how long drugs are in the body
The urine test does not detect if you are "clean" at the exact moment you provide the sample. Instead, it can examine whether you have been using drugs in the past few days or even weeks. Regular drug users often have a higher concentration of psychotropic substances in their bodies than those who use them occasionally. For this reason, people who use it frequently get positive results even after a few days or weeks of abstinence. There are other factors that can affect the concentration of drugs in the body, such as metabolism, the quality and quantity of drugs taken, hydration levels, and general health. However, the test can usually detect drugs taken within the times specified below.
- Amphetamines: 2 days.
- Barbiturates: 2-20 days.
- Benzodiazepines: 3 days (therapeutic dose); 4-6 weeks (regular consumer).
- Cocaine: 4 days.
- Ecstasy: 2 days.
- Heroin: 2 days.
- Marijuana: 2-7 days (single dose); 1-2 months or more (usual consumption).
- Methamphetamine: 2 days.
- Morphine: 2 days.
- Phencyclidine: 8-14 days (single dose); 30 days (chronic consumer).

Step 6. Stop using drugs for the time it takes to dispose of them
The only safe way to pass the drug test is to not use it, especially if the retention period of some substance has not yet passed. In some cases it is possible to know in advance when the exam is due; in others, however, you may not be warned. In this second hypothesis, you have to evaluate what are the chances of having to undergo a test in the near future. For example, stop taking drugs if:
- You are looking for a job.
- You are on probation at work or are on probation.
- Perform tasks that require random testing.

Step 7. Avoid tampering with or masking the urine sample
This is a method that was used to prevent the instrumentation from detecting certain results. There are free-market chemicals that contain nitrates, which were once used to mask THC (the active ingredient in the marijuana plant); however, nowadays these substances are detected during testing. All of these products are easily identifiable and their presence in your sample would indicate the exam as "failed".

Step 8. Assess the risks of sample dilution
Dilution consists in reducing the concentration of the drug or its metabolites in the sample to be analyzed by adding other types of fluids. Keep in mind, however, that testing laboratories carry out routine tests to see if there has been a dilution of the substance.
- One method of diluting the sample involves adding liquids to the urine. However, the laboratory also analyzes the temperature of the sample, so the "trick" would be revealed without difficulty.
- Another dilution technique is to drink a large amount of water to produce less concentrated urine. Keep in mind, however, that drinking too much water can be dangerous to the body (you can die from water poisoning) and risky, because the lighter color of the urine could arouse suspicion and the sample could be classified as potentially unreliable. In this case, you may need to produce a second sample within hours, which is insufficient time to clear the traces of the drug..

Step 9. Provide "clean" urine as a sample
Although excessive dilution can frustrate the test, it is still possible to reduce the concentration of THC a little, keeping the body well hydrated. If you haven't used marijuana for several days, this method will allow you to get better results. In order to provide a good urine sample, you can:
- Drink 3-4 glasses of water on the morning of the test.
- Urinate at least twice before providing the sample. The first pee in the morning may have a higher concentration of active ingredient. Give your body time to excrete these chemicals and never use your first urine of the day as a drug test sample.
- Drink coffee or a caffeinated soda. It is a slightly diuretic substance, so it helps the body to excrete liquids faster.

Step 10. Take some aspirin
Science does not provide reliable data, but studies have shown that aspirin helps mask certain chemicals that are usually detected by tests. Take 4 a few hours before the exam if you are concerned about the outcome. It may not be effective, but most people can take them safely without having any harmful side effects.
However, aspirin can be dangerous for those on anticoagulant therapy. Make sure you read all the directions and warnings on the leaflet before taking the drug

Step 11. Be aware of the risks associated with sample replacement
This involves replacing your urine with another person's or a synthetic sample. On the web you can find many companies that sell urine replacement devices, as well as others that sell synthetic urine.
- Be aware that faking the urine test can be a crime. In some countries it is illegal to replace your own urine with someone else's. It can be considered an act of fraud and you could suffer consequences in the workplace or even in legal terms. Consider very carefully whether it is worth the risk up to this point.
- Synthetic urine is available in two basic formulations: the liquid form is similar to the product used to calibrate laboratory equipment; that in concentrated powder, sold in vials, is made liquid by adding a few drops of warm water. Both types are stored in an administration device equipped with a thermometer.
- The most difficult thing with the replacement method is to ensure that the urine remains at the same body temperature (32-36.5 ° C).
- Some laboratories are able to detect synthetic urine. If you want to protect yourself from a legal point of view, you should not use this method during government tests, such as in the military, civil service and especially if you are on probation.
- Premixed liquid synthetic urine has a couple of drawbacks, as it does not create small bubbles on the surface and has no odor, unlike synthetic powdered urine. Many laboratories and collection points will reject your sample if they suspect it is synthetic and ask you to urinate under their supervision.
- Replacing urine with another person's is just as risky, because you don't necessarily pass the test. Furthermore, over time the urine takes on a darker color and bacteria could proliferate inside it, contaminating the sample. If the alteration becomes visible, laboratory personnel may become suspicious.

Step 12. Do not use drugs after passing the test
In some cases, your employer or custodian may ask you to perform another one. Don't celebrate passing it by taking drugs - you could test positive on the next exam. Be patient and make sure the results are credible before taking any other steps.
Method 2 of 4: Hair Test

Step 1. Learn how the hair exam works
When drug metabolites enter the blood, they spread through all blood vessels, including those in the head. Traces of the chemical seep through the hair, revealing their presence during this type of test.
- It is a test capable of identifying whether the subject has taken drugs several months before and is more accurate than that of urine or blood to identify a habitual or long-term use.
- The test involves cutting 50-80 strands of hair from the back of the head, near the crown. Keep in mind that although this test is often referred to as the 'hair follicle' test, the skin is not actually torn.
- Hair must be at least 3.5cm long to be able to perform the test. If they are not long enough (for example, if the subject has a military cut), then it is possible to take hair from the face, chest or arms.

Step 2. Know that the hair test is less sensitive in detecting sporadic drug use, for example if it has been taken only once
However, it is very effective in recognizing chronic or regular users. If you have used certain drugs occasionally or to a lesser extent, the test will probably not give positive results. If you've smoked a single joint in the past 3 months, you can feel confident enough to pass the test. However, if you have spent some time smoking every day for a week, there is a much better chance that the test will be positive.

Step 3. Be aware that drugs take 5-7 days to reach hair
While this test is most effective for drugs you have used in the past, if you have used it very recently it is unlikely that they will be detected by the test. It takes several days to a week for the metabolites to appear in the hair.
For this reason, some employers and agencies ask for both hair testing (for long-term drug use) and urine testing (for recent consumption)

Step 4. Know which drugs are searched for in the standard hair test
This is the most common test and, like urine, focuses on finding the following drugs:
- Marijuana.
- Cocaine.
- Opiates.
- Amphetamines (including ecstasy and methamphetamine).
- Phencyclidine.

Step 5. Learn about other drugs that may be tested
Some employers or law firms may decide to undergo further tests to check for the presence of other substances in addition to those commonly tested. These could include the active ingredients of prescription drugs in addition to psychotropic ones:
- Benzodiazepines.
- Methadone.
- Barbiturates.
- Dextropropoxyphene.
- Oxycodone.
- Pethidine.
- Tramadol.

Step 6. Stop taking drugs 90 days before the test
Usually the part of the hair that is examined is 3.5 cm long and is the one closest to the scalp, in the crown area. This portion of hair is sufficient to check whether any drugs have been taken in the past 90 days. The only sure way to pass the test is to have no chemicals in the body during this time.

Step 7. Be aware that it is very difficult to alter this test
Many of the techniques that can be used to "mislead" the outcome of the urinalysis in this case are not possible. For example, the hair sample is often taken directly by lab technicians, as there is no privacy requirement (unlike the urine sample). There are no chemicals that can mask the result or dilution methods that can lower the level of toxins present in the hair. Furthermore, a temporary cessation of drug use is not sufficient to pass this test. The high success rate is the reason that makes it one of the most used exams by employers and legal entities.
Especially people with dark hair have greater difficulty in altering the data for the test. For this reason it is often claimed that this is a discriminatory and racist test

Step 8. Shave your hair and body hair
If you don't want to go through the hair test, you need to make sure that your hair and body hair are not long enough to be analyzed. You will likely need to shave or wax all over your body, as any hair can be used to perform the drug test.
Since this is a sure way to avoid the risk of a positive hair test result, your employer may get suspicious and may even decide not to hire you

Step 9. Be cautious in choosing some special shampoos and rinses
On the market you can find some types of shampoos that are advertised as products that can pass the drug test. However, none of these effects have been scientifically proven and any evidence is only anecdotal and even dubious.
- A potential home remedy that some people find effective is to wet their hair with a solution of white vinegar, salicylic acid, and laundry detergent and then temporarily dye it. There is no evidence to prove its success, but it is relatively inexpensive and, as long as the chemical does not come into contact with the eyes, it has minimal side effects.
- Some studies have found that cosmetic hair treatments make it more difficult to detect traces of cocaine.
Method 3 of 4: Saliva Test

Step 1. Read up on the test
This drug test based on saliva and oral fluids can usually detect drug use in the past few hours or days. It is spreading a lot because it is quite inexpensive, non-invasive and practical. It is able to detect any drug present in the blood.

Step 2. Know the timing of detection
This test is able to detect traces of the drug immediately after consumption and for the next 4 days. However, many casual users may pass the test after 26-33 hours have elapsed. For this reason, many people believe that the test is more suitable as a diagnosis for a possible inability to work rather than for detecting some kind of drug addiction. Sectors where even temporary inability to perform their duties is a serious problem (such as transport companies) may prefer this type of test for this very reason. General drug detection times are as follows:
- Marijuana and hashish (THC): 1 hour after intake up to 24 hours later, depending on consumption.
- Cocaine (including crack): from the moment of consumption until 2-3 days later.
- Opiates: from the moment of consumption up to 2-3 days later.
- Methamphetamines and ecstasy: from the moment of taking up to 2-3 days later.
- Benzodiazepines; from the moment of intake up to 2-3 days later.

Step 3. Avoid consuming drugs 2-4 days before taking the exam
Most saliva tests are done directly in a laboratory, so it is difficult to replace or alter the sample. Unlike the urine test, it is not intended to provide the sample with respect for privacy, which means that the person is kept under an eye during the collection. The only safe way to pass the test is to avoid taking drugs during the detection period, which is 1-4 days earlier.

Step 4. "Wash" your mouth with food, drink or mouthwash
Studies have shown that eating, drinking, brushing teeth, or using mouthwash can have a momentary effect on saliva and slightly alter the test result. However, these effects disappear after about half an hour. For this reason, many companies that choose this type of exam ask not to drink or eat half an hour before the test. You may be under observation in the laboratory at this stage. If you are not checked, you can always hope to pass the test by rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash. However, be aware that you may be forced to repeat the test if the first sample is found to be contaminated in any way.
Method 4 of 4: Know the Most Common Drug Testing Circumstances

Step 1. You may be observed during a drug test
In many situations there may be candidate monitoring. If you have a commercial driver's license and provide a sample that is outside the acceptable temperature range or appears to be altered, you will be prompted to provide another sample for observation immediately. Some employers may ask you to provide the sample in front of a professional (doctor, nurse, etc.) to those who have a previous history of drugs or alcohol abuse. Of course, you can always refuse to provide it directly in front of other people, but be aware that there could be repercussions, including losing your job.

Step 2. Find out about local laws
In Italy, the sale of synthetic urine or adulterating substances to be added to the sample is prohibited. Be aware of this if you are considering opting for this solution.

Step 3. Know when you may be undergoing these tests
Employers currently can legally require their employees to perform a urinalysis or saliva test to decide whether to confirm the job or apply a safety suspension. In some circumstances the legislation sets limits for when and how these tests can be performed; in addition, some companies have established by internal regulation that it is not possible to subject employees to random or "surprise" examinations. However, there are some circumstances in which you are more likely to have the test, including:
- During the recruitment phase. You don't have to attach blood tests to your resume when applying for a job. However, the potential employer can include passing a drug test as one of the conditions necessary to confirm the hiring.
- If you are a pregnant woman. It is sometimes a required, or at least recommended, test during pregnancy to assess possible risks to the fetus. In the United States, for example, this type of examination is performed as a normal routine for prenatal testing. However, the Supreme Court ruled that this is an unconstitutional practice, without the woman's prior consent. Also in the United States, women who go to hospital for childbirth are subjected to blood tests and, if they are positive, they could also be accused of negligent injury.
- If you have to work on heavy vehicles or machinery. In some work environments where life can be endangered due to an employee's momentary incapacity - such as in the construction industry or while driving heavy vehicles - drug testing is often required as a routine procedure.
- If you exhibit suspicious behavior. If you cause an accident in the workplace, have difficulty speaking, or behave in an unusual or strange way, your supervisor may ask you to take a drug test as a prerequisite for keeping your job.

Step 4. Know when drug testing is not allowed
The legislation changes from state to state and is often modified. You can get more information by contacting the trade unions or some labor lawyer, because there are some workers' rights you need to know. Not always, in fact, the employer can force you to undergo tests.
- For example, it is illegal to ask the subject to take the test before formally offering him employment. In addition, for some tasks there is no obligation to test.
- A possible addict cannot be discriminated against because of his or her past drug experience. However, if the employer believes that the person may be at risk of relapse or fears of endangering the safety and health of workers, they can refuse to hire the person, or ask that they enroll in a recovery program by temporarily suspending them. from work for health reasons.

Step 5. Learn about popular misconceptions about drug testing
There are many urban legends about this type of exams, just as there are an endless series of products that are marketed with the false promise of passing it, but there is no evidence to support these claims. The most common false rumors are:
- Passive smoking. In tests, the maximum levels for some substances are set in such a way that it is almost impossible to obtain a positive result due to occasional exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Poppy seeds. Since 1998, the current cutoff level has been raised from 300 ng / mL to 2000 ng / mL to avoid false positives. You would have to eat an amount equal to an entire loaf to test positive for just one day.
- Bleach. If you add it to your urine sample to counteract drug metabolite levels, be aware that doing so alters the pH of the sample itself, which will then be considered tampered with and your attempt will be in vain. Don't even think about drinking bleach, as it can blind you or kill you.
- Aspirin. Some popular beliefs claim that it creates false negatives for THC. This is true only under certain circumstances and only for certain types of drugs, but it does not guarantee that you will pass the test.
- Dyeing and bleaching hair does not eliminate metabolites during the hair test. However, blond people have a better chance of passing the test.
- The absolute best way to pass the test is to avoid any form of drug use. If it is not possible for you to abstain completely, do not take them for a period ranging from 1 week to 3 months before the exam. This should be enough to get a negative result.
- Be aware of the circumstances in which testing is most likely required. If you have to work with heavy machinery or vehicles at work, you have a better chance of having to do it more often. If you are looking for a job, be aware that many employers require applicants to pass a drug test upon acceptance of the job. Many people on probation or parole have to undergo routine testing.
- If you are taking medical marijuana in a state where it is permitted, contact a union or a lawyer. The legal implications for this are still under development.
- Be very cautious when ordering miracle products on the internet. Most of these have not been clinically tested and can be very expensive too. While a lot of anecdotal evidence claims they are effective, there is actually no guarantee that they will actually work.
- Do not drink too much water to alter the result of the urine test. Drink adequate amounts to keep yourself well hydrated, but don't poison yourself by drinking excessively; it is a dangerous practice and probably the test would be considered null because it is too diluted, so you should run another one, thus defeating all your attempts.
- Trying to fake a drug test has business and legal consequences, and is considered fraud in some countries.
- Do not take any poisonous substances (such as bleach) to try to fake the test. It would not work and would be very dangerous for your health.