3 Ways to Pass a Psychological Test for a Job

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3 Ways to Pass a Psychological Test for a Job
3 Ways to Pass a Psychological Test for a Job

Many jobs require you to take (and pass) a psychological test before starting work. You will find that this is a common policy for many professions, but the test can still make you anxious. To have a better chance of success, follow the advice in this article.


Method 1 of 3: Test Preparation

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 1
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 1

Step 1. Think about the requirements for the job

The job market becomes increasingly competitive and as a result the hiring process becomes more complex. More and more companies rely on psychological (or personality) assessments to determine if a candidate is suitable for a job. Think carefully about the qualifications needed for the particular job you are taking the test for.

  • For example, if you are looking for a job as a director or manager, the examiner will want to make sure that you have excellent leadership skills and that you are an excellent communicator.
  • If you are applying for a job as a police officer, applicants will need to possess the ability to endure high levels of stress and quick thinking.
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 2
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 2

Step 2. Consider your personal characteristics

Psychological exams are an assessment of your personality. Think about why you are applying for a job. It is probably because you feel qualified and have the right predisposition for that particular career.

  • For example, if you are applying for a job in the sales industry, you know that a portion of your salary will be generated by commissions. Consequently, you need to be highly motivated. Does it seem like a feature you have? Think about your personality before taking the test. This will help you formulate job-appropriate responses.
  • It is important to be yourself when answering questions. However, you should also remember that you are undergoing an evaluation. For example, if you are asked "If you know you will not get caught, would you steal from your company?", You should answer "No". While you might consider stealing, you shouldn't confess it in an interview.
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 3
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 3

Step 3. Learn the needs of the company

During the interviews, you must not only highlight your strengths, but you must make the examiner understand why you will be specifically useful to your future employer. Think about how you can improve the productivity of the company. If you know the needs of society, it will emerge from your personality test.

Before the test, feel free to ask the examiner or HR representative what characteristics are most important to them. This way you can orient your responses to communicate those traits

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 4
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 4

Step 4. Take a practice test

It is impossible to predict the content of the test. However, you can prepare yourself by learning about the format. Keep in mind that almost all psychological exams consist of an in-person interview and a written questionnaire.

  • You can search for practice tests on the internet. Make sure you refer to reputable sites with good psychology credentials.
  • You can also hire a counselor to take an in-person practice test for you. At the end of the interview he will communicate his analysis and give you useful advice.

Method 2 of 3: Taking the Test

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 5
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 5

Step 1. Be prepared

Use your professional common sense. Arrive on time and in perfect order. Make sure you bring everything you need. Plan your day so that you have plenty of time for the test. This will help you avoid problems if the process goes on for a long time.

Make sure you have a light, balanced meal before the test. Being hungry can have a negative impact on your personality, so show up well fed

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 6
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 6

Step 2. Ask questions

You can and should ask questions before and during the test. Try to determine the format of the exam. You can also ask how the results will be used and who will have access to your rating.

As you take the test, be sure to ask for clarification if the answers leave you in doubt. The examiner will be able to give you more information and useful indications

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 7
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 7

Step 3. Don't forget that this is an interview

Remember that not only your answers are evaluated, but your personality in general as well. Testing is part of the hiring process, so make sure you maintain a professional attitude and be confident throughout the interview.

If you feel agitated, think for a few seconds. You can also step out of the room you are in for a moment under the pretext of using the bathroom. This will give you the opportunity to take deep breaths and recover

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 8
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 8

Step 4. Be honest

Don't try to look like someone other than you are. First of all, your dishonesty would show through your answers and no employer would consider that a good sign. Second, you shouldn't give the company false expectations about your character. All false information would come to light when you start working.

Remember that such a test does not have right or wrong answers. You won't get any benefit from dishonesty

Method 3 of 3: Understand the Purpose of the Test

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 9
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 9

Step 1. Think like an employer

Hiring managers don't force you to take a personality test for their own enjoyment. The purpose of these exams is to arrive at the best hiring decision. Employers use the results to determine if you have the right temperament for the job you are applying for.

See the test as an advantage for you, not just for the employer. This is a great way to see if the assignment will allow you to reach your maximum potential

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 10
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 10

Step 2. Consider the validity of the test

Remember that psychology is not an exact science. As a result, the results of a psychological exam are never 100% reliable. Employers use these tests as one of the factors in the hiring process.

You can ask the HR representative how important the test results are in choosing the candidate

Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 11
Pass a Psychological Test for a Job Step 11

Step 3. Prepare for the result

You may get the job or not get hired. However, remember that just because you are not the best person for the job does not mean that you have "failed" the test. Employers look for certain characteristics. If you are not the best candidate, it simply means that you should keep looking for a job.


  • Try to be yourself during psychological tests. Keep calm and be confident. You cannot fail in these exams.
  • Each test is different. Results vary based on the job you are applying for.
  • Life doesn't end when you don't get a job; the world is huge.
