If you have to pass a drug test but are short on notice, the first thing you should do is figure out what kind of methodology will be used for the analysis, so that you know if the technology involved is able to identify the most common "tricks" for falsifying results (such as putting salt in the urine sample or using artificial urine). The best thing, however, is to prepare your body as soon as possible by stopping taking drugs as soon as you are notified of the need for the exam. When there isn't enough time to cleanse your body of all traces of drugs, there are last-minute techniques you can try to try to trick the system. However, if every trick doesn't work, you should know your rights to get out of the way. Read on to learn how to act.
Part 1 of 4: Preparing for the Test

Step 1. Try to take as much time as possible
Each day between the test and the last time you took drugs increases your chances of passing the test. If you have very little time to prepare, use what little you have wisely and stop taking drugs until you are "clean". Regardless of what type of test you will be subjected to, it is better to stop using any substance early instead of relying on (often ineffective) tricks to manipulate the results.
- If the exam was decided by your employer, there is a good chance it will be communicated to you well in advance. You probably won't know the exact date, but you will at least know the week. Be careful with company policy so you can prepare for the test in order to avoid being caught unprepared.
- If you are being tested because you are on probation, then the exam should follow a strict schedule. Don't be surprised, prepare your body in advance.
- Obviously it is not always possible to organize in time. If you have been stopped by the police and the officers suspect you are under the influence of drugs, you may be examined instantly. While a sudden check is very difficult to overcome, there are still actions you can take to give yourself a chance.

Step 2. Find out what kind of exam you will be taking
There are four types of drug tests: urine, blood, saliva, and hair. Commonly sought are amphetamines (speed, ecstasy, methamphetamine, crank), cannabinoids (marijuana and hashish), cocaine and crack, opiates (heroin, morphine, opium and codeine) and phencyclidine (PCP). Advances in technology have made it nearly impossible to pass tests by manipulating samples, but knowing what you're getting into makes it easier to analyze your specific situation. Here are the details:
- Urinalysis: it is the most common when it comes to controls on the work environment. It is among the simplest to alter because you are granted some privacy during the "production" of the sample (you are not supposed to go unnoticed).
- Blood test: This is the typical test when you are stopped by law enforcement and you suspect you are under the influence of drugs. If you have recently used drugs it is very difficult to overcome, as it determines the amount of drug in your body very accurately. However, if it's been several days since you last took drugs, you are more likely to be negative with a blood test than with a urine test.
- Saliva examination: It is sometimes used instead of a urine or blood test, as it is less invasive. It is a little less sensitive than the blood test.
- Hair test: this is the most difficult test to manipulate. Up to 120 hairs are examined in the laboratory for traces of drugs. Since it takes at least 2 weeks for a section of hair to grow and be useful in the test, the hair exam cannot determine if you have used drugs in the past two weeks. However, traces of substances remain in the hair for up to 90 days and this test is capable of identifying you as a regular consumer.

Step 3. Find out how many substances may be left in your body
The method you choose to pass the test depends in part on the amount of drugs and metabolites in your body. For example, if you are a casual marijuana user, you may test negative if a few days have passed since taking it. However, if you regularly use high doses of cocaine, some barbiturates and other substances, then you may be positive even after 15-30 days.
- If you are a "chronic" marijuana user, the test will likely reveal this. However, if you smoke a few joints occasionally, you have some hope of being able to "clean up" in time and turn out negative.
- Remember that if you go through the hair test, everything you have taken in the previous 90 days (except the last two weeks) will be evident.

Step 4. Know which test to choose if you want to have hope
You won't always be allowed to choose which exam to take, but sometimes you can express a preference. Instead of trying to skew the results, you may want to focus on the methodology that gives you some opportunity to be "clean". Obviously there are no guarantees, but it is worth being informed.
- If you've only been on drugs a couple of times and it's been about a week, have a blood or saliva test, as the drugs only stay in the bloodstream for a few hours or days.
- If you are under the influence of drugs at the time you need to provide a sample, opt for a urine test because it is less sensitive in detecting the levels of substances in your body. The urinalysis can't measure THC levels, so if your problem is marijuana, even if you don't pass the test, there is no exact test to determine when you took it.
- If you first tried drugs the week before the exam and you are given the right to choose, then opt for the hair exam. Anything you have taken in the past two weeks is not visible on this type of test, while it is capable of detecting drugs taken up to three months prior to the exam.
- If you are a regular consumer, avoid the examination of the hair, you can not pass it.
Part 2 of 4: Pass the Urine Test

Step 1. Do not try to mask or dilute the sample
Lab technicians know all the tricks and products available on the market that alter the results. Many household products such as bleach, salt or vinegar profoundly change the pH of the urine and make your attempt obvious. Even dilution with water is easily identifiable, since it alters its color and temperature. An almost transparent sample will be rejected without even being checked, as well as one at too low a temperature.
- Ignore the rumor that drinking bleach purifies urine. Drinking bleach can corrode your mouth, throat and stomach, potentially resulting in your death. It also won't mask your sample.
- Don't be tempted by misleading advertisements claiming that they test negative by adding their chemical to your urine sample. Does not work.

Step 2. Drink lots of water
By increasing your fluid intake you will be able to (somewhat) dilute the sample. This "trick" doesn't work with regular heavy-dose users, but it's worth a try if you've only taken drugs a couple of times.
- There is no drink and no magical ingredient that is able to "cleanse" you more than water can. There is no evidence to support the efficacy of vinegar, vitamin C, niacin or hydraste against drug metabolites.
- The day before the test, take a couple of vitamin B pills to make your urine yellow. If they are too light, the examiner will become suspicious.

Step 3. Empty your bladder as much as possible before the exam
It will help you expel drug metabolites from your body. Make an effort to urinate a lot in the morning before the exam. Drink plenty of water early in the morning and try to empty yourself before producing the sample.
- Promote the elimination of fluids with the use of diuretics. It will stimulate diuresis and help cleanse the system. Diuretics include coffee, tea, and cranberry juice. More potent diuretics, such as furosemide, are only available by prescription.
- Drug metabolites accumulate in the body during sleep, so the first urine stream of the day is the most concentrated. Take a lot of pee before delivering the sample and try to drink plenty of water to dilute it as much as possible.
- If you are not observed, urinate first in the toilet and then in the test tube; the first stream of urine will contain more contaminants.

Step 4. Consider substituting clean urine for your own
This is a much more difficult method than it sounds, so consider it a last resort (plus you could be charged if you get caught). You can buy fake urine or find a clean donor; the sex of the donor should be indifferent, unless hormones are also analyzed. The trick will be to keep the sample at the right temperature for the analysis (between 33 and 36 ° C) and to be able to introduce it into the test room; kits needed for this can be purchased online.
- Synthetic urine can pass several tests, but many countries have started checking uric acid levels. Make sure your sample also contains this ingredient.
- Artificial urine should also smell, otherwise any lab technician would be suspicious.
- It is essential that the sample is stored at the right temperature. If it is too high or low it is clear that the sample has been forged.
- Using a "donor" sample is less safe than synthetic urine as you never know what will be found in another person's pee. You can analyze it in advance by purchasing a kit with revealing maps online. Use the sample within 48 hours, as after this time the urine turns dark and the pH begins to change.
Part 3 of 4: Pass the Blood, Saliva or Hair Test

Step 1. Try to postpone the exam date if it is saliva or blood
If it is possible to move the appointment in any way, know that this is the best way to have some hope. Most of the substances remain in the bloodstream or saliva for up to 3 days. Regardless of which drug you have taken, your chances increase as the days go by.
- If you can't postpone the saliva test, you can still do something to hopefully pass it. If you are asked to rub a tampon on the inside of your cheeks yourself, try to wipe it over your teeth and not between your gum and cheek. Also, instead of holding it between your cheek and gum for 2 minutes as required, place it on your molars. This is probably not such an effective trick, but it's worth a try.
- There is no way to manipulate a blood sample, as you cannot produce it yourself. Blood is drawn and checked immediately.

Step 2. Shave your body and head the night before the hair test
Since the hair or hair sample will be taken from you by an employee (rather than delivered by you), there is nothing you can do to alter it. However, if you don't have hair / hair to cut, you can ask to be subjected to another type of exam, perhaps easier to pass. If the lab workers have never seen you before, shave your body and head completely (especially where the hair is longer) and inform them in a completely natural way that you don't have a chance to give them a sample. Then apply for another type of exam.
- Make sure you have a good excuse to motivate your alopecia. You may say that you have little hair or that you are trying out a new look. Avoid saying you have serious illnesses (like cancer) to explain your baldness, it would create a lot of long-term complications.
- Since hair must be at least 2.5cm long to be a valid sample, you may be asked for a sample from your legs, armpits, and so on. This is a good excuse to get a full wax and claim to be a swimmer.

Step 3. Find a way not to take the test at all
Since blood, hair, and saliva tests are very difficult to manipulate, look for a good excuse to avoid them altogether. Here are some ideas:
- Request a urinalysis. If you think it is easier for you to pass this type of check because your pee is diluted or if you are concerned that a blood test will reveal how upset you are at the time, apply for a urine test. State that you consider it a less invasive method than the others.
- Assert your rights. In some cases the person testing you has no right to do so. Learn about the drug laws in your country and read your employment contract thoroughly. Check if there is a loophole to evade the exam or to postpone it.
Part 4 of 4: Know Your Rights

Step 1. Check your country's laws regarding drug use and drug testing
Each state has its own rules governing how to subject employees and new hires to scrutiny and whether it is possible to do so. In most cases the employer is entitled to do so, but only if he informs employees in advance and relies on a state laboratory. Other requirements are:
- All employees or candidates must be tested with the same procedure.
- During a job interview the candidate must be informed from the outset that the drug test is an integral part of the selection process.
- In most cases, an employer cannot perform random or sweeping tests.
- In most cases, an employer can test an employee if they have a reasonable suspicion that the employee is using drugs (inadequate work, bizarre behavior, etc.).

Step 2. If you have the opportunity, apply for counter analysis
No drug test is 100% safe. Urine tests are the least accurate, but other methods can also be wrong. Use this feature to your advantage if you fail the test; there is nothing prejudicial to asking for a counter-proof, say that you do not agree with the results and that you want to repeat the analyzes.

Step 3. Consider challenging the exam results if you fail
Although an employer who has scrupulously followed the law regarding drug testing has every right to fire you if you test positive (or refuse to take the test), you still have the option to appeal if you believe there have been. irregularities. Review the company drug policy, check your contract and state laws, and see if there are any inconsistencies. In this case there may be a chance that the exam will be declared invalid and you will be given a second chance.
- Check that the laboratory that performed the tests is accredited and authorized by the state.
- Check that your employer has given you legal notice for drug testing.
- Determine whether the entire process has infringed your right to privacy in some way: for example, if you have been asked to urinate in the presence of other people who may be observing.
- Urine analysis is not 100% accurate. No test is foolproof.
- You can always request a counter analysis, which will take longer. After all, time and abstinence are the only ways to pass a drug test.
- Don't take drugs. They have many side effects and are illegal in several countries.