A drug test is sometimes a filter that can prevent otherwise healthy and healthy people from being successful in life. It can prevent a qualified candidate from getting a job or complicate existing legal issues. If you know you need to have a hair follicle exam, don't panic. With this information at your fingertips, you have the ability to avoid the dreaded "positive" outcome.
Part 1 of 4: Determining the Odds

Step 1. Know when to take the drug test
The legislation in this regard varies according to the country of competence. Quite often job applicants are tested as a natural part of the selection process, especially for those low-skilled jobs or entry levels. In the United States, for example, federal agencies that require drug testing adhere to procedures set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Private employers generally have more freedom in choosing test procedures. However, the laws vary from state to state.
- Also in the United States, companies hiring commercial agents who have to travel extensively are required to have a drug testing program in place.
- Some employers may ask to be tested even after you are hired. Even a random test may fall under the terms of the employment contract or you may have to undergo yourself in the event of an accident at work. Make sure you understand the company's policy on drug testing before accepting a job offer.
- Research your local laws if you are unsure whether certain businesses or jobs require this test.

Step 2. Know which major drugs are tested most frequently
In the United States, employers who follow SAMHSA guidelines generally test for five specific drug classes. And more precisely:
- Amphetamines (methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy-MDMA).
- Cocaine (powder and "crack" forms).
- THC (marijuana, hashish, edible cannabis products).
- Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine).
- Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust).
- Alcohol testing is also occasionally done in addition to the drugs mentioned above.

Step 3. Know which drugs employers may decide to test for
Private companies are not required to perform the basic SAMHSA test. Many choose a more extensive test that allows them to detect additional other drugs. The most common are:
- Barbiturates (phenobarbital, butalbital, secobarbital, tranquilizers).
- Benzodiazepines (Valium, Librium, Xanax).
- Metaqualone (Quaalude).
- Methadone (a drug used to treat heroin addiction).
- Propoxyphene (Darvon).

Step 4. Know which drugs are not tested in tests
The following substances are detectable in a hair test, but are only rarely tested:
- Hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote).
- Inhalants.
- Anabolic steroids.
- Hydrocodone (oxycodone, Vicodin).

Step 5. Understand how a hair test works
The active ingredients present in a drug circulate in the body. These substances, or others that are produced when the body processes drugs (called metabolites), can accumulate in the hair follicles. As hair grows, the follicles deposit these chemicals in the hair itself. The hair test aims to look for these chemicals from a small sample.

Step 6. Understand how hair is analyzed
A small sample is taken (usually 1-3 clumps of about 50 hairs each). Preferably they are taken from the back of the head so as not to spoil the hairstyle.
The standard detection time frame for the hair test is 90 days.
Since hair grows on average about 3.8cm in 90 days, hair of this length is suitable for cutting for testing. Longer hair will give a longer detection window. For example, 15 cm long hair can potentially detect drug use in the last year. However, the 90-day window is the most common, so usually long strands of hair are trimmed to 3.8cm before being analyzed.
- Depending on the type of drug and the specific analysis process, the hair test is not always able to detect whether drug use has been stopped. For example, opiates bind tightly to the base of the hair, while cocaine can transfer along the shaft. In this case, some tests are able to detect the approximate date of opioid use based on the position in the hair shaft, while this is impossible for cocaine.
- If you have no hair on your head (you are bald or have a shaved head), hair may have been picked up from other parts of your body.
Since psychotropic substances can take up to a week to settle on the hair, the hair test may not detect recent wear.
For this reason, some employers also ask to carry out a urinalysis, which is able to better detect any consumption in the last few days. Find out what verification you will be subjected to.

Step 7. Stop any drug use immediately
As soon as you know that you will need to undergo a drug test, stop using it immediately. If possible, stop it even before you start looking for work. The hair test is able to detect the consumption of certain drugs, such as cannabis, up to 90 days after the last intake. For this reason, it is advisable to stop for three months before proposing to the job market.

Step 8. If you are in urgent need, try a home remedy
If you have been on drugs in the past 90 days and need to have your hair tested by the end of the week, you can consider using a product that you can easily find on the market or follow a homemade method to increase your chances of passing the test. These methods have not given positive scientific findings.
They are supported only by single stories, of which no success has occurred.
Part 2 of 4: Home Remedy with Vinegar Rinse

Step 1. At home before the test, start soaking your hair with white vinegar
It will probably be annoying, but it's worth it! Massage the vinegar into your hair slowly, for at least 10 minutes for maximum saturation.

Step 2. Let the vinegar sit for 15-20 minutes
Do not rinse. This time allows the vinegar to penetrate deeply into the hair and scalp.

Step 3. Next, wet your hair with a salicylic acid-based acne treatment
Take a product that has a concentration of 2% of salicylic acid. Again, pour it slowly and give it time to soak into your hair. Leave the vinegar and acne treatment on for about 30 minutes.

Step 4. Massage a capful of liquid cleanser into your hair
Do not rinse the vinegar and salicylic acid already present.

Step 5. Add a little water to 1 scoop of powdered laundry detergent to make a paste
Rub it into your scalp and hair. Let the mixture sit for about 20-30 minutes.
If you can, try to focus these products more in the back of the head. Samples are very often taken in this area

Step 6. Rinse all substances in the hair
Do not wash them and do not use a conditioner.

Step 7. Dye your hair with a normal coloring kit that you find on the market
Rinse thoroughly. Apply the conditioner that is usually found in the dye kit.

Step 8. Repeat the process if necessary
The instructions for this remedy vary, some recommend repeating once a day for the four or five days leading up to the test, while others recommend only one treatment.
Part 3 of 4: Business Solutions

Step 1. Search for a hair treatment product on the market
With a quick search online you should find a variety of shampoos and hair treatments that claim to counter drug testing. These can be expensive, so look for one that is quality, well-reviewed, and reasonably priced.
Beware of fake reviews and testimonials. It's easy for unscrupulous businesses to pay for positive reviews or even fake them outright

Step 2. Search for your product
Don't rely on the testimonials you read on the site selling the product; rather, look for messages and other sincere discussions in online forums. Often, if a product is not effective, you can find even animated complaints or debates.
Choose a product with a "money back guarantee". It seems obvious, but it's worth remembering. Since these are often products that can be very expensive, you should protect your investment, especially if you later lose your job

Step 3. Use the purchased product as directed in the instructions
Since they are products that are not scientifically verified, remember that you have no guarantee of success.
Part 4 of 4: Evading the Test Result

Step 1. Get a lawyer
It is very unlikely that you will be hired if you test positive in the recruitment process. However, if you have performed it after an accident or as part of an exam program, you will probably be subject to criminal penalties. A lawyer can help you dispute the test results and advise you on how to proceed.

Step 2. Consider "playing the card" of the race
There may be racial stereotypes that associate increased drug use with certain populations. If you are a racial minority, you may have a chance, however small, of demonstrating discrimination during the drug testing process. For example, if you have been tested and another in a situation similar to yours has not, you could claim discrimination.
Thick, frizzy hair can sometimes give false positives. Even if scientific studies haven't been able to prove this, you can fool an employer who doesn't know

Step 3. Ask for a second test
Try to challenge the results in any way possible, in an attempt to get a second chance. One way to do this is to argue that the positive test is the result of consuming other non-narcotic substances that gave a false positive. Some of these substances are:
- Poppy seeds. Since opiates are derived from the poppy plant, muffins or bagels with poppy seeds can give false positives.
- Psychostimulants and drugs for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). These usually belong to the amphetamine family.
- Certain cold / flu medications. Over-the-counter flu medicines may contain pseudoephedrine, an amphetamine used in the manufacture of methamphetamines, as the active ingredient.

Step 4. Accept the treatment options
Sometimes, instead of firing an employee who fails the drug test, employers ask the worker to undergo a treatment program or invite him to seek help on his own for recovery. Putting an employee into treatment can sometimes be much less expensive for a company than a substantial severance pay. In this case, do not refuse treatment, even if you are a responsible consumer; you could probably lose your pension or benefits by being fired.
- The term "hair follicle drug test" is perhaps a bit of a misnomer. The follicle is not removed or analyzed, only the part of the hair above the skin. Don't worry, nobody pulls your hair out.
- The best way to pass any drug test is, of course, to avoid taking them.
- If you try the vinegar rinse method, beware of any allergies you may have to any of the ingredients.
- Applying cleansers and acne medications to the scalp can dry out the skin. Pay attention: if you come to the test with a visibly irritated scalp, the person in charge can guess that you are trying to evade the test.
- It is worth repeating that home remedies do not guarantee success.