Many people have a desire to start eating healthier and following a nutrient-rich diet. If your diet is characterized by high amounts of processed foods and high in fat or sugar, you risk contracting various chronic diseases. As if this weren't enough, a nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet benefits the immune system and health in general, while decreasing the risk of suffering from obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is recommended that you make small changes over the course of a few weeks rather than making many drastic changes in one go. In this way you will be able to maintain the new habits over time and reap the benefits that only a healthy diet can offer.
Part 1 of 3: Plan a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Set yourself a goal
Starting to eat healthy is a macro objective. However, to make it realistic and feasible, you need to specifically define the results you want to get from a healthy diet.
- You may find it helpful to think about your current diet first. Why don't you think it's healthy? Do you need to eat more vegetables? Do you need to drink more water? Should you eat fewer snacks?
- Write a list of the items you want to change, add or remove from your current diet. Use these ideas to form multiple micro goals to help you get through the ultimate goal, which is to eat healthier.
- The best way to achieve any goal is to start with one or two minimal changes. Trying to correct an entire diet in a few days is unlikely to achieve good results. Choose a small goal each week and focus on it. This way you will have much more success in the long run.

Step 2. Keep a food diary
Once you have worked out a set of goals and determined how you intend to achieve them, you may want to start writing a journal. It is a useful tool for tracking progress and evaluating it.
- Write all your goals in your journal. You can review them as you see fit or change them as you continue to make changes to your diet.
- Also keep track of everything you eat and drink in your diary. This will help you clearly define deficiencies in your diet or identify any excesses. Be sure to write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacking (even if it's a small bite). If you are accurate, the diary will be a valuable resource.
- Each week write about the change you want to work on. Example: "This week I will drink eight glasses of water a day". At the end of the week, re-read the diary to see if you have achieved the goal you set for yourself.
- There are numerous applications available for smartphones that help control the calories ingested, the type of physical activity performed and even the amount of water consumed.

Step 3. Plan your meals
Meal planning is a great tool for anyone planning on following a new diet. A plan is a guide to your weekly goals for main meals and snacks.
- A plan can help you stay organized and follow a weekly schedule. It allows you to know exactly what to eat every day. This way you will be able to go to the supermarket with a detailed shopping list and buy only the products you intend to use to prepare the meals of the week. You can also plan ahead in anticipation of the busiest days. For example, if you know you have a busy schedule on Thursdays and work late, make more food on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, you will be able to reheat leftovers very easily, without wasting time.
- Once the plan has been worked out, write a relevant shopping list next to it. This way you won't waste time at the supermarket and make sure you have all the ingredients you need to prepare every single meal.
- Don't skip meals. If this currently happens to you, be sure to schedule a healthy meal or snack at least every four hours. Skipping meals usually leads to binge eating, negatively affecting weight.

Step 4. Prepare meals in your spare time
If you are busy and have little time to prepare a meal from scratch, applying the advance preparation method is the key to a healthy diet.
- Advance preparation helps you get the bulk of the work done in your spare moments. During the week, at dinner time you won't have to cook from scratch or waste time because everything will be ready, or almost.
- Do the advance preparation once or twice a week when you have a few hours to spare. Once you've gone through the plan and grocery list, get in the kitchen to lighten your weekly workload.
- Preparing meals in advance ensures flexibility. It is possible to fully prepare all the dinners of the week, so that you only have to reheat the food just before serving it. Alternatively, you can simply marinate the meat, wash or cut the vegetables, quickly cooking the food the very night you intend to eat it.
- Also consider buying foods that require less preparation. For example, instead of buying a head of lettuce, you can opt for a bag of pre-washed and cut lettuce. You can buy frozen vegetables that simply need to be reheated and served or lean grilled meat like chicken breast, which is high in protein.
- Meal preparation can be an excuse to chat and catch up with the rest of the family. Ask your partner or children to help you cook - in the meantime, you could talk about your day.
Part 2 of 3: Integrating Nutrient-Rich Foods

Step 1. Follow a balanced diet
While there are a variety of eating styles and plans, maintaining a well-balanced diet allows you to fill up on nutrients.
- There is no universal balanced diet. Portions should be calculated based on various factors, such as age, gender and physical activity.
- In addition, a well-balanced diet requires you to eat foods belonging to each individual food group on a daily basis. Although many diets suggest giving up gluten, carbohydrates or milk and derivatives, in reality all food groups are beneficial to everyone. Only avoid groups that include foods you are allergic to.
- Also make sure you are integrating a wide range of foods into your diet. For example, don't always choose an apple for a snack. Alternate between apples, bananas and berries to follow a varied diet.

Step 2. Prefer lean proteins over fatty ones
Protein is an essential nutrient in any healthful diet. However, it is recommended that you prefer lean protein sources.
- Proteins are essential for various functions of the body, including giving energy to the body, supporting the development of lean muscle mass, forming the basis of various enzymes and hormones, providing structure and support to cells.
- Lean protein sources contain less fat and calories than fat ones. Many fatty proteins (mainly from animal sources) are higher in saturated fat. Prefer lean protein sources to decrease your overall consumption of this type of lipid.
- To meet your daily requirement, include one or two servings of protein with each meal. One serving weighs around 85-115g or roughly the size of the palm of your hand.
- Here are some sources of lean protein: chicken, eggs, skim milk and derivatives, pork, fish and seafood, legumes, nuts and low-fat beef.

Step 3. Aim to eat five or nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day
Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. These foods are rich in essential nutrients that benefit the body.
- Both fruits and vegetables are low-calorie but rich in nutrients. Some of the best sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are considered.
- It is usually recommended to consume five or nine servings of fruit and vegetables per day. To achieve this, measure approximately 1 cup of vegetables, 2 cups of leafy greens, and ½ cup of fruit.
- If you're not in the habit of eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, switching to five or nine servings a day can be difficult. There are some pretty simple ways to integrate them. For example, try adding sautéed vegetables to eggs, pour yogurt or cottage cheese over fruit, include lettuce, tomatoes and onions in sandwiches, or season pasta with steamed vegetables.

Step 4. Prefer whole grains to refined ones
Choosing 100% whole grains helps you get more nutrients and follow a healthy diet. Whole grains have many more properties than refined grains.
- 100% whole grains have the three parts of the grain: germ, bran and endosperm. Not only do they go through less processing, they also contain far more nutrients, such as fiber, protein and minerals.
- Refined grains are much more processed than whole grains. Since they are usually stripped of the bran and germ, they contain less fiber and protein. Avoid products made with white flour, such as pasta, rice, candy, bread, and crackers.
- Add a few servings of whole grains every day. Measure around 30g serving to make sure you ingest an adequate amount.
- Try whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, millet, spelled, or whole grain baked goods.

Step 5. Choose healthy fat sources
While you need to keep your fat intake under control, there are some particularly healthy types of lipids that are good for your body.
- If you plan on introducing more sources of healthy fats, be sure to use them instead of the harmful ones. Do not add additional amounts of lipids (healthy or not) to a diet that already contains harmful fats.
- Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats are good for the body. It has been shown that they benefit the cardiovascular system and improve cholesterol values.
- Here are the best sources of healthy fats: avocados, olive oil, olives, nuts, butters made from nuts, canola oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, and fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel). However, since they are also high in calories, they should be consumed in moderation.
- Many experts recommend eating fatty fish at least twice a week. You also need to consume another source of good fats per day.

Step 6. Drink adequate amounts of fluids
Although water does not belong to any food group and is not a nutrient, it is essential to follow a healthy diet and stay fit.
- Drinking an adequate amount of water every day helps maintain a good level of hydration in the body. It is very important to prevent constipation, to regulate body temperature and blood pressure.
- It is usually recommended to consume at least eight 250ml glasses of water per day (two liters). Nonetheless, many professionals now recommend drinking up to 13 glasses of water per day (three liters).
- In addition to still water, you can try flavored water, decaffeinated coffee and sugar-free decaffeinated tea. These drinks are free of calories and caffeine, so they are great for properly hydrating the body.
Part 3 of 3: Limit Harmful Foods

Step 1. Follow the rule called "80/20"
As much as you want to follow a healthy diet, "running low" is not a problem. Following the "80/20" rule helps maintain a healthy diet by consuming less healthy foods in moderation.
- While it is important to have a nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet, it is unrealistic to think that you can eat clean every single day for the rest of your life. It is pleasant to eat out and indulge in treats from time to time.
- Treat yourself to a delicious dish, a drink or a larger portion on an occasional basis. However, this eating behavior is considered normal and healthy. However, it only tries to "go wrong" 20% of the time. In most cases, which is 80% of the time, you should choose healthy foods.

Step 2. Limit foods containing added sugars that go through a lengthy process
Certain food groups should be limited and consumed in moderation. It is essential to reduce added sugars as much as possible, as they have no nutritional value.
- Added sugars are integrated during the processing of certain foods. They contain no nutrients, just empty calories. In addition, many studies have shown that a diet high in added sugar can cause obesity.
- Added sugars are found in a wide range of foods. Try to limit items like pastries, cookies, cakes, ice cream, candy, and breakfast cereals.
- Limit sugary drinks too - they're full of added sugar and calories. Since they don't give you any sense of satiety, many people think they don't make you fat. However, consuming them risks consuming more calories in liquid form.
- The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than six teaspoons of added sugar per day, while men consume nine.

Step 3. Limit sources of harmful fats
In addition to added sugars, you should also cut down on certain food groups that contain high amounts of lipids. You especially need to avoid foods with high concentrations of saturated and trans fats.
- While saturated fats have been thought to be dangerous and harmful for years, there has been controversy over it. However, it must be remembered that saturated fats continue to be fats, so they are high in calories and, if eaten in large quantities, can still cause weight gain and various side effects.
- You shouldn't avoid all saturated fats, but consume them in moderation, especially foods such as whole milk and derivatives, fatty cuts of beef or pork, cold cuts and other processed meats.
- Trans fats have a direct correlation with various side effects, including increased bad cholesterol and lowered good cholesterol, increased risk of heart disease or stroke, increased risk of diabetes. Try to avoid them as much as possible.
- Trans fats are found in various foods, including sweets, cookies, cakes, margarine, fast food, stir-fries, and baked goods.
- There is no maximum consumption limit. If possible, they should almost always be avoided.

Step 4. Limit your alcohol consumption
If you decide to drink, do it in moderation. Consuming a small amount of alcohol generally does not involve health risks, at least in most cases.
- If you consume more alcohol (more than three drinks a day), you risk various health problems, such as high blood pressure, liver disease, heart disease, stroke and depression.
- Contrary to food, limits have been set on alcohol consumption. For it to be moderate, women should not drink more than one drink a day, while men should drink two.
- If you consume alcohol, try to avoid drinks made with sugary drinks or fruit juices, which contain more calories and added sugar.
- One drink is equivalent to 350ml of beer, 150ml of wine and 45ml of liqueur.
- Before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, always talk to a doctor, who will be able to tell you if the path you intend to take is safe and appropriate for your needs.
- Remember to make slow changes over an extended period of time. This will make it easier for you to adopt and maintain good habits.
- Try getting help by creating a self-help group. Invite friends and family to join in and support your new lifestyle.