Are you sick and your doctor has asked you to take a stool sample, but you don't know how? Keep reading!

Step 1. Obtain the container for the collection of feces from the pharmacy
It is usually a white jar with an airtight seal. In some countries it is possible to find a device that can be applied directly on the toilet. Find out if it's also available in yours.

You must never forget this step. Be sure to read the instructions, otherwise you risk messing up and ruining the sample.
Step 3. When you get home, or in the bathroom of the doctor's office, put the device on the toilet (if you have found it) and sit down

Step 4. Do your business

Step 5. Open the container
There should be a small scoop attached to the cap. Use it to retrieve a small piece of stool and place it in the container until the stool or liquid (there may be a colored liquid already in the jar) reaches the red line. Try taking some stool sample from different areas.

Step 6. MAKE SURE you have followed all the directions on the package insert provided with the kit

Step 7. Turn the contents of the device (if you have used it) over into the toilet
Wash away the debris and throw the device and any other waste in a garbage bag. Tie the bag with a knot and put it somewhere where you can't smell it.

Step 8. If any of the containers are to be stored in the refrigerator, put them in a brown bag or other bag that is not transparent, and put them in the refrigerator
Make sure no one can see your feces as that would be very bad.