Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) is one of those plants with countless uses. It can be used in salads, soups, meat dishes, cheeses… the list is truly endless. Growing chives is a great idea, but you also need to know when to harvest it. Proceed to Step 1 to learn more about its collection.
Method 1 of 2: Knowing When and What to Collect

Step 1. Choose the right part of the plant
Look for long, green, hollow leaves. They are very similar to grass but are actually leaves and are the parts of the plant to use in your recipes.
Chive flowers are also edible but don't have the same taste as the stem. They are usually used to garnish salads or soups

Step 2. When to start harvesting chives
You can start harvesting when the leaves are large enough to cut and use.

Step 3. Grow many plants at the same time
With just one plant, you may find yourself running out of fresh chives after harvesting them all at once, without giving them time to grow back. With so many chive plants, you can pick the leaves "to climb", starting with the first, to have a steady harvest.
Method 2 of 2: Collect the Chives

Step 1. Collect the leaves in bunches
Use sharp, clean scissors to cut the leaves. Don't cut too close to the bulb or you may reduce the chances of the grass growing back. Leave about 1.5cm of the leaf intact from the ground edge.
Cut from the outside of the bunch. For this operation the best tool are sharp scissors to avoid tearing the leaves

Step 2. Use or store chives
If you decide to keep it, you can shred it and keep it in the fridge for 1 week in an airtight plastic bag. It is also possible to freeze it in cubes or freeze it.
Another great storage method is to make chive vinegar

Step 3. Use chives in a recipe
You can use chives in a salad or to dress baked potatoes. The possibilities are endless with chives!
- If you are using the flowers for a salad, harvest them as soon as they open.
- Chives usually reach a height of 20 cm.
- It is recommended to divide the chive plants every 2 years. When you replant them, place 8 to 10 bulbs in the ground together.
- Keep a potted plant in the fall to get your winter dose of chives.