How to Calculate the Cost of a Recipe: 15 Steps

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How to Calculate the Cost of a Recipe: 15 Steps
How to Calculate the Cost of a Recipe: 15 Steps

If you want to start a restaurant business or develop a family budget, you need to know how much your meals cost. But with so many ingredients in the recipes, it's hard to figure out the true cost of each preparation. This article will help you calculate the cost per serving of a recipe in 10 simple steps.


Method 1 of 2: with a spreadsheet

Cost a Recipe Step 1
Cost a Recipe Step 1

Step 1. Get the recipe and all food receipts

Cost a Recipe Step 2
Cost a Recipe Step 2

Step 2. Draw a column

List the ingredients you need for the recipe in this vertical column, use a sheet of paper or a spreadsheet on your computer.

You better develop a spreadsheet on your computer if you plan on evaluating the costs of many recipes. You can also save it as a template and use it for later calculations

Cost a Recipe Step 3
Cost a Recipe Step 3

Step 3. Create three more columns

Put them to the right of the first one you have called "Ingredients". The others will be named "Quantity", "Ingredient Cost" and "Cost per Recipe".

Cost a Recipe Step 4
Cost a Recipe Step 4

Step 4. Use the recipe instructions to find out the amount of each ingredient in your first column

For example, if you need to use 4 eggs for preparation, write the number 4 in the "Quantity" column.

Cost a Recipe Step 5
Cost a Recipe Step 5

Step 5. Break down the cost of the product according to the quantities used

Usually not all the purchased ingredient is used, so you have to divide the price according to the doses provided in the recipe to get an accurate calculation.

  • Restaurants use the concept of purchase cost (CA) to indicate the price of a certain amount of ingredient purchased, such as a package of eggs or milk.
  • Restaurants use the concept of cost per dose (CD) to determine the cost of an ingredient based on the dose used.
  • For example, if you buy 12 eggs for 3 euros, then the purchase cost is 3 euros. If you divide this value by the 12 eggs, you will know that the cost per dose of an egg is 25 cents. If you plan to use 4 eggs in your recipe, then the ingredient accounts for 1 euro in the total cost of the preparation.
Cost a Recipe Step 6
Cost a Recipe Step 6

Step 6. Write the CD under the column labeled "Ingredient Cost"

If you wanted to use the example above you would have to write 25 cents.

Cost a Recipe Step 7
Cost a Recipe Step 7

Step 7. Multiply the quantity by the cost of the ingredient in each row and write the result in the "Cost per Recipe" column

Cost a Recipe Step 8
Cost a Recipe Step 8

Step 8. Fill in the cost per recipe column for all ingredients

Cost a Recipe Step 9
Cost a Recipe Step 9

Step 9. Add together all the values in the “Cost per Recipe” column and you will find how much that particular preparation costs you

Write the number at the bottom of the column right after the ingredients.

Cost a Recipe Step 10
Cost a Recipe Step 10

Step 10. You can calculate the cost per serving by dividing the cost of the entire preparation by the number of servings

This is sometimes called "Cost per Portion". Done!

Method 2 of 2: with an Online Calculator

This section is simply a collection of websites and apps that might be useful; you will then have to follow further more precise instructions based on what you choose.

Cost a Recipe Step 11
Cost a Recipe Step 11

Step 1. Create an account on a website or app that does everything we discussed in the previous section for you

For example, you could use Cookkeepbook (free) or Recipe Cost Calculator. If neither is right for you, search for similar apps that suit you best.

Cost a Recipe Step 12
Cost a Recipe Step 12

Step 2. Add the ingredients in the appropriate form indicated by the website or app you have chosen

Cost a Recipe Step 13
Cost a Recipe Step 13

Step 3. Set up conversions

For example, the amount of weight that corresponds to 1 tablespoon.

Cost a Recipe Step 14
Cost a Recipe Step 14

Step 4. Add the purchase price

Cost a Recipe Step 15
Cost a Recipe Step 15

Step 5. Add the recipe and you will see the price appear


  • You will need to estimate the cost of some ingredients for which you don't have a receipt. This is the case with products like salt and pepper which only add a penny or two to your total.
  • In some cases, the concept of purchase cost and cost per dose is equivalent. For example, if you are using all the basil purchased in your preparation it will not be necessary to divide it by the doses.
