Knowing how to converse is essential if you want a relationship to be successful. Even in our era of texting and social media, 87% of teens still talk on the phone with their suitor. If you show some participation during a telephone conversation, you can show your interlocutor that you are really interested in her and make her feel desired. Whether it's calling your girlfriend or a girl you've recently met, use these tips to make her lose her mind when you're chatting on the phone.
Part 1 of 4: Choose Time and Place to Call

Step 1. Organize yourself according to his schedule
Pick a time to chat with her or text her, or call her when you think she's free. Don't make her uncomfortable or put her in a position to choose between you and friends or family. Call her when she has finished watching a movie at the cinema, after her class at the gym, her shift at the bar or dinner with the family.
Write her a message a few hours before you intend to speak to her: Hi, are you free to chat tonight? or Can I call you at 19:00? Be flexible and plan to call her at an appropriate time.
If she is busy:
Don'ts: Don't be mad.
Things to do: suggest another time: How about tomorrow night? or Good luck for the exam! Can we talk this weekend?

Step 2. Call her from a quiet, private place
Girls are more open and sincere if they know that no one can eavesdrop on their conversations. Do not call when you are around with other people and do not activate the speakerphone without their permission.

Step 3. Give her your full attention
He will give you his time and you should do the same. Most teens find that doing a thousand things at the same time takes attention away from conversations. Let her know that talking to her is the most important thing in the world. Don't reply to text messages, don't chat online, don't watch TV, and don't talk to other people while on the phone with your girlfriend.
Part 2 of 4: Swap Four Chat

Step 1. Greet her cheerfully
Emotions are contagious. If you seem sociable and eager to talk to her, she will likely react the same way. When you answer the phone, say hello to start the conversation and tell her you want to hear it. Use words appropriate to your type of relationship:
- Bye! How's my girlfriend?
- Hi honey! How was your day?
- All day I have been waiting for nothing but the moment to hear your voice! What have you done?.

Step 2. Leave her a sweet voice message
If she doesn't answer and the answering machine goes off, leave her a short, nice message. She will appreciate the fact that you were thinking about her and will be glad to hear your voice.
- If you've been engaged for a while, you can tell her: I just called you to tell you I love you!
- If you've been dating recently, leave her a less demanding voice message: I just wanted to know how you are! I miss you!
- Let her know the best time to call you back, so as to avoid the danger of not being there with the times: After training I will be home at 7:00 pm. Maybe talk to you later?

Step 3. Start the conversation naturally
Man is a social animal and, by virtue of this characteristic, he is inclined to talk to those he does not know. As you chat and get to know each other, you can build a certain understanding. Even a superficial exchange has its importance in newly established relationships. Stick to simple topics that make her comfortable:
- Tell her about an episode that happened during the day
- Ask her a few questions about her favorite team
- Talk about some event related to your school vision
Discuss a TV show or movie you've both seen
If the conversation gets boring:
Do not do: abrupt termination or termination of the call.
Things to do: Ask her questions that lead to an interesting topic to talk about.

Step 4. Give her some compliments
Let her know that you enjoy talking to her and being in her company. Tell her something that encourages her to open up to you:
- I love your way of telling things!
- What fun!
- I'm dying to hear what happened next!
It's so nice to talk to you.
Don'ts: Repeat the same generic compliments on every conversation.
Things to do: Tell her something like "I love your enthusiasm when you talk about _."
Part 3 of 4: Keeping the Conversation Alive

Step 1. Make the conversation follow a natural course
If there is alchemy between you, the chat will lead to a deeper conversation. Don't miss the chance to move from a superficial joke to a more personal topic. Take advantage of the opportunities that allow you to get to know yourself better:
- I also take guitar lessons! Why did you choose the guitar among all the other instruments in the world?
- Will you get your driver's license in three months? Where would you like to go once you can drive?
- School holidays are only in two weeks! Where will you go on vacation?

Step 2. Be emotionally open
That way she'll be as sincere and spontaneous as you are. Most people don't express what they really feel out of fear of rejection, not because they have no interest. If you tell her how important she is to you, she will feel more confident and respond the same way.
- Every time I see you, the world lights up.
- You are the most beautiful girl in town.
- I have the impression that you understand me better than anyone else.

Step 3. Ask her open-ended questions
Ask questions so that she feels free to tell a story, provide background, and express what she feels. Don't chill the conversation with questions she may only answer with a yes or no.
Don'ts: Introduce the questions with I bet you… probably… surely you have… and so on.
Things to do: start the sentences with What …, How … and Why …

Step 4. Listen to it carefully
Conversations run on two tracks and so listening is as important as talking. Don't interrupt her and don't speak at the same time as her. Pay attention to what she says and wait until she has finished expressing her thoughts before asking her a question. Encourage her to open up more.
- What happened next?
- How did you feel?
- Why are you so crazy about smoothies?

Step 5. Avoid topics that turn off the conversation
It's okay to be honest with your girlfriend, but not to the point of offending or making her uncomfortable. Evaluate his enthusiasm throughout the conversation. If you feel like she's passionate about a topic, dig deeper. If she calms down or is uncertain and often says I don't know, Maybe or I think, it takes the conversation to more pleasant ground.
- Identify sensitive topics as you deepen your knowledge and stay away from them. Make your conversations pleasant. Reviving bad memories (divorce of parents, ex-boyfriend, deceased grandmother) is not a shortcut to increasing intimacy between you. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything, but don't make her sad on purpose.
If you are too aggressive, you risk scaring her. Don't give her the impression of being nagging or in need of attention. Do not make too direct comments about his body or considerations that he would not appreciate.
Don'ts: Fear of opening up about your emotions and experiences.
Things to do: Pay attention to his comfort level and adjust the topics as he goes into subsequent conversations.

Step 6. Make some plans for your future
Making plans together, whether it's for a night or a lifetime, brings members of a couple closer together. Discuss where you would like to live and travel, if you can, your favorite dogs or what your home should be like. Have fun and use your imagination. Give light and exciting speeches - there is no need to work out a roadmap to shape your life on. Tell her you can't wait to experience your adventures together.
Don'ts: Start talking about marriage or living together if these topics have not been addressed in person.
Things to do: Talk about your future together in a playful way.
Part 4 of 4: Saying goodbye

Step 1. End the conversation before you lose your charge
It's always best to say goodbye, even if you still have something to say. This way you will look forward to the next conversation. Suggest what you can talk about next time.

Step 2. Tell her you enjoyed talking to her
Let her know that she is special and that you appreciate talking to her. She'll be more likely to call you if she knows you like to hear her voice.
- Can't wait to chat with you again! Call me at any time.
- I'll think about your sweet voice all night.
- Do not disappear!
- I'll send you a message tomorrow morning!

Step 3. Try to make her smile when you say goodbye
Just before hanging up, tell her something sweet to make her happy. Make a joke that only the two of you understand, tease her a little with a nickname she likes, or compliment her on her blushing way.
- Hi baby.
- Sweet dreams, beautiful girl!
- Smack! Goodnight kiss!
- Don't try to impress her at all costs. Don't sound arrogant or insecure.
- Don't talk about other girls to make her jealous. It will discover your game.
- Talk on the phone in a confident, calm and sensual voice.
- Make sure you have several minutes on the phone before calling her. Communication is best not interrupted at an important moment in the conversation or making her think you have suddenly attacked.
- Make sure your speeches aren't boring. You are not talking to your grandmother.
- Don't lose your temper and don't try to strike a fight on the phone. He will escape if you make a drama.
- Respect his family and his culture.