How to Talk to a Girl on the Phone: 6 Steps

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How to Talk to a Girl on the Phone: 6 Steps
How to Talk to a Girl on the Phone: 6 Steps

This guide will tell you how to talk to a girl on the phone and keep her interested in the conversation, whether you like this breed or just a friend.


Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 1
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 1

Step 1. Make sure you have a reason to call her

Girls get annoyed if you call them and waste their time without a reason.

Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 2
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 2

Step 2. Be nice to her

Say hello to her, and if you're just trying to make conversation, ask her how her day went.

Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 3
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 3

Step 3. Know what you mean

Most conversations never go as planned, so don't write down a long list of questions to ask them. For example, if you want to ask her to go to the cinema, you should know where to meet, what time, which movie you will see: just a trace of the conversation.

Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 4
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 4

Step 4. Stay calm

Some girls may find a guy who gets nervous and agitated cute, but others may find it annoying and see it as a waste of time. Then take 3 deep breaths, dial the number and speak slowly and calmly.

Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 5
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 5

Step 5. Listen

Give the girl a chance to talk. Speak back, but only when she has finished her speech; however, if he is telling you about his day, and the talk has been going on for a while, you should show interest by saying something like "really?" or "yes" or a little laugh. This will let her know that you are still listening, and that you have not lost interest in her speech.

Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 6
Talk to a Girl over the Phone Step 6

Step 6. Ask her questions

Ask her for her favorite music, and tell her about yours. Asking multiple questions is fine, but not at the same time or all in a row - you may be too pushy or too intrusive.


  • Listen to what he has to tell you.
  • Be fun. Try to find something funny to tell her. You can also "make fun of her", but know that there is always a limit!
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Don't ask too many questions, but not too few.
