This article explains how to create an ISO image starting from a set of files and using a Linux system. To do this, you need to use the "Terminal" window.
Method 1 of 2: Create an ISO Image of a Group of Files

Step 1. Group the files to be converted into an ISO image in the "home" directory of your user account
Move all files that are to be included in the ISO image into the folder home.

Step 2. Open a "Terminal" window
Click on the button Menu, then click on the item Terminal to start the corresponding app. The "Terminal" window represents the command line of the Linux operating system which is very similar to the "Command Prompt" of Windows or the "Terminal" window of a Mac.
- The appearance of the interface of a Linux system varies by distribution, so the "Terminal" app may be stored in a sub-folder of the section Menu.
- In some cases, the "Terminal" window icon will be visible directly on the desktop or toolbar, docked at the top or bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Enter the "change directory" command
Type the following code cd / home / [username] / replacing the parameter "[username]" with your system account name, then press the Enter key. This will change the current working folder and become the directory home of your user account.
For example, if your account name is "dude", you will need to type and execute this command: cd / home / dude /

Step 4. Enter the command to create the ISO file
Type the following code mkisofs -o [filename].iso / home / [username] / [folder], making sure to replace the "[filename]" parameter with the name you want to assign to the ISO image and the "[folder] parameter "with the name of the directory where the files to be used are stored.
- For example, to create the ISO file named "android" from the file named "test", you would type the following command mkisofs -o android.iso / home / [username] / test.
- Remember that in Linux the names of files and directories are case-sensitive, so make sure you enter them correctly, respecting the upper and lower case letters.
- To create a file with a multi-word name, you will need to use the "underscore" character. For example, the name "test android" will become "test_android".

Step 5. Press the Enter key
The command entered will be executed, thus creating an ISO file consisting of the files stored in the indicated folder. The ISO file will be stored in the "home" folder of your user account.
You may need to enter your account password before starting the ISO file creation process. Type in and hit the Enter key
Method 2 of 2: Create an ISO File from CD
Step 1. Insert the source CD into your computer's optical drive
Remember that it is not possible to create an ISO file from protected optical media (for example, a music CD or a commercial DVD of a movie).

Step 2. Open a "Terminal" window
Click on the button Menu, then click on the item Terminal to start the corresponding app. The "Terminal" window represents the command line of the Linux operating system which is very similar to the "Command Prompt" of Windows or the "Terminal" window of a Mac.
- The appearance of the interface of a Linux system varies by distribution, so the "Terminal" app may be stored in a sub-folder of the section Menu.
- In some cases, the "Terminal" window icon will be visible directly on the desktop or toolbar, docked at the top or bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Enter the "change directory" command
Type the following code cd / home / [username] / replacing the parameter "[username]" with your system account name, then press the Enter key. This will change the current working folder and become the directory home of your user account.
For example, if your account name is "dude", you would type and execute this command: cd / home / dude /

Step 4. Enter the command to create the ISO file
Enter the following code
dd if = / dev / cdrom of = / home / [username] / [ISO_filename].iso
making sure to replace the path "/ dev / cdrom" with the path of your computer's CD drive and the parameter "[ISO_filename]" with the name you want to give to the ISO file that will be generated.
For example, you will need to type the command
of = / home / [username] /test.iso
- to create the ISO file named "test" inside the "home" folder of your user account.
- If your computer has several optical drives (CD, DVD, burner), each drive will be numbered starting from 0 onwards (for example, the first CD player will have a name similar to "cd0", the second will be named " cd1 "and so on).

Step 5. Press the Enter key
If the CD drive path is correct, the operating system will create an ISO file using the contents of the optical media present in the CD-ROM / DVD drive and store it in the "home" folder of your user account.